This will look much nicer if you put it into Atom, save it as a .py file, and disable soft wrap (View > Toggle Soft Wrap).

# Homework 3
# Python 2 will give a "Non-ASCII character" error
# Either use workon/mkvirtualenv to create an
# environment or use the python3 command

# Here is a programmer!

programmer = {
  'name': 'Christine',
  'fish': 100,
  'languages': ['C++', 'Ruby', 'Java', 'Python' ]

# 1. What kind of data structure (a.k.a. type) is programmer? Print it.


# 2. What keys does programmer have? Print it.


# 3. Print the programmer's name.


# 4. If the programmer has more than 30 fish, print "The programmer owns a lot of fish." If the programmer has 0 fish, say "the programmer has no fish." If the programmer has between 1 and 30 fish, print "the programmer has a few fish."

if programmer['fish'] > 30:
  print("The programmer owns a lot of fish")
if programmer['fish'] == 0:
  print("The programmer has no fish")
if programmer['fish'] >= 1 and programmer['fish'] < 30:
  print("The programmer has a few fish")

# NOTE: You could also do this with elif, depending on how you parse the sentence.

# 5. Print the sentence, "{programmer's name} knows {number of languages} languages")

number_of_languages = len(programmer['languages'])
print(programmer['name'], "knows", number_of_languages, "languages")

# 6. Use a loop to print each language the programmer knows

for language in programmer['languages']:

# Here is a bunch of workers!

company = {
  'name': 'ACME Product Production Program',
  'coders': [
    { 'name': 'Lady Macbeth', 'languages': ['C++', 'Ruby', 'Java', 'Python' ] },
    { 'name': 'Lothario', 'languages': ['C++'] },
    { 'name': 'Ophelia', 'languages': [ 'Ruby', 'Erlang', 'Python' ] },
    { 'name': 'Mercutio', 'languages': ['ASM', 'Python' ] }
  'managers': [
    { 'name': 'Alpha' },
    { 'name': 'Beta' },
    { 'name': 'Gamma' },
    { 'name': 'Delta' }

# 7. What type is the company variable? What are its keys?


# 8. What data structure (a.k.a. type) is the 'coders' part of company?


# 9. How many coders does the company have?


# 10. Print the name of each manager.

for manager in company['managers']:

# 11. Print the number of languages each coder knows.

for coder in company['coders']:
  number_of_languages = len(coder['languages'])

# Search results from Spotify for an artist named "Kendrick"

artist_search_result = {'artists': {'offset': 0, 'next': '', 'limit': 20, 'href': '', 'previous': None, 'items': [{'images': [{'height': 1000, 'url': '', 'width': 1000}, {'height': 640, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 200, 'url': '', 'width': 200}, {'height': 64, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': ['alternative hip hop'], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 84, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 2454724}, 'name': 'Kendrick Lamar', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:2YZyLoL8N0Wb9xBt1NhZWg', 'id': '2YZyLoL8N0Wb9xBt1NhZWg'}, {'images': [{'height': 640, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': '', 'width': 300}, {'height': 64, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 57, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 84080}, 'name': 'Anna Kendrick', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:6xfqnpe2HnLVUaYXs2F8YS', 'id': '6xfqnpe2HnLVUaYXs2F8YS'}, {'images': [], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 45, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 1764}, 'name': 'Tech N9ne feat. Kendrick Lamar, ¡Mayday!, Kendall Morgan', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:1iApxRdcW8Uok4htrDrvdY', 'id': '1iApxRdcW8Uok4htrDrvdY'}, {'images': [{'height': 640, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': '', 'width': 300}, {'height': 64, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 41, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 7}, 'name': 'Edgar Kendricks', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:1cjrBtunBfOLbXQ0OK1yEY', 'id': '1cjrBtunBfOLbXQ0OK1yEY'}, {'images': [{'height': 1280, 'url': '', 'width': 676}, {'height': 1212, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 379, 'url': '', 'width': 200}, {'height': 121, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': ['motown'], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 39, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 5310}, 'name': 'Eddie Kendricks', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:2Uuon75BhnuuxdKLYn4wHn', 'id': '2Uuon75BhnuuxdKLYn4wHn'}, {'images': [{'height': 640, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': '', 'width': 300}, {'height': 64, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 29, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 81}, 'name': 'Kendrick', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:2cKOuZYoNGwJ91GSVhUV9g', 'id': '2cKOuZYoNGwJ91GSVhUV9g'}, {'images': [{'height': 635, 'url': '', 'width': 950}, {'height': 428, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 134, 'url': '', 'width': 200}, {'height': 43, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 36, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 1031}, 'name': 'Kendrick Scott', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:3xidVCWg60r8Wdm6g9VCux', 'id': '3xidVCWg60r8Wdm6g9VCux'}, {'images': [], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 24, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 1}, 'name': 'Kendrick Small', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:7Bin9s9lePTNx57vB5rHW8', 'id': '7Bin9s9lePTNx57vB5rHW8'}, {'images': [{'height': 290, 'url': '', 'width': 1000}, {'height': 186, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 58, 'url': '', 'width': 200}, {'height': 19, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 30, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 3222}, 'name': 'Graham Kendrick', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:1srLlKy0yVmQorLl9PhXbS', 'id': '1srLlKy0yVmQorLl9PhXbS'}, {'images': [{'height': 640, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': '', 'width': 300}, {'height': 64, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 23, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 69}, 'name': 'Temps & Eddie Kendricks', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:5DOCFpRL15EQCkZDU3RcP8', 'id': '5DOCFpRL15EQCkZDU3RcP8'}, {'images': [{'height': 667, 'url': '', 'width': 1000}, {'height': 427, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 133, 'url': '', 'width': 200}, {'height': 43, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 19, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 1471}, 'name': 'Kendrick Scott Oracle', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:0IyuDlCVbMa3TAoVaDKEeL', 'id': '0IyuDlCVbMa3TAoVaDKEeL'}, {'images': [], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 10, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 93}, 'name': 'Solange feat. Kendrick Lamar', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:6FnUiliI9F1f2V9THnXxpu', 'id': '6FnUiliI9F1f2V9THnXxpu'}, {'images': [{'height': 640, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': '', 'width': 300}, {'height': 64, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 9, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 32}, 'name': 'The Kendricks', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:7by6up72jjsUGwmmMitGr1', 'id': '7by6up72jjsUGwmmMitGr1'}, {'images': [], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 11, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 39}, 'name': 'Richard Kendrick', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:1WscexgNxCyVt7Bx5pmsUg', 'id': '1WscexgNxCyVt7Bx5pmsUg'}, {'images': [{'height': 640, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': '', 'width': 300}, {'height': 64, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 10, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 58}, 'name': 'Darnell Kendricks', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:4UnJ85AumWoUuGnOpLEnl7', 'id': '4UnJ85AumWoUuGnOpLEnl7'}, {'images': [], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 7, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 54}, 'name': 'Eddie Kendrick', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:7kj1cdDalpyc3rURdJx8b9', 'id': '7kj1cdDalpyc3rURdJx8b9'}, {'images': [], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 9, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 14}, 'name': 'Alex Kendrick', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:2cUIfFEsQgmPlYt75T2Lvy', 'id': '2cUIfFEsQgmPlYt75T2Lvy'}, {'images': [], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 5, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 451}, 'name': 'Kendrick Lamar & Jay Rock', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:3M8jTGG0AItu4XYotTlC6M', 'id': '3M8jTGG0AItu4XYotTlC6M'}, {'images': [{'height': 600, 'url': '', 'width': 411}, {'height': 292, 'url': '', 'width': 200}, {'height': 93, 'url': '', 'width': 64}], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 5, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 66}, 'name': 'Charlotte Kendrick', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:46uaPpO9BqSSlLvSXFwyJs', 'id': '46uaPpO9BqSSlLvSXFwyJs'}, {'images': [], 'genres': [], 'href': '', 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'popularity': 5, 'type': 'artist', 'followers': {'href': None, 'total': 1}, 'name': 'Will Kendrick', 'uri': 'spotify:artist:63rMSwRscrbMp9u0MhfDzK', 'id': '63rMSwRscrbMp9u0MhfDzK'}], 'total': 160}}

# 12. What is the data type of the search result? Print it.


# 13. What are all of the keys that the search result has?


# 14. Take a look at 'artists' - what keys does it have?


# 15. Using len() with something-or-other would show me how many results I CURRENTLY have, but I want to know the TOTAL number of results Spotify has for my search result. From looking at the names of the keys under 'artists', how many total results are there?


# 16. How popular is Kendrick Lamar vs. Anna Kendrick? Use a for loop to list the names and popularity of every artist.

artists = artist_search_result['artists']['items']
for artist in artists:
  print(artist['name'], artist['popularity'])
# Kendrick Lamar is more popular than Anna Kendrick

# Search results from Spotify for a playlist including the term "90s"

playlist_search_result = {'playlists': {'offset': 0, 'next': '', 'limit': 20, 'href': '', 'previous': None, 'items': [{'public': None, 'snapshot_id': 'X2zFSzFviruyjSFdaByIuiT9se/LKmkQFWbqY+NzH+TQ1Sj4rH0Q/0WxQlKrNvKw', 'id': '5TcHWbnN6SIhvPY1MXMDrb', 'tracks': {'href': '', 'total': 937}, 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'type': 'playlist', 'owner': {'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'type': 'user', 'uri': 'spotify:user:sam85uk', 'href': '', 'id': 'sam85uk'}, 'collaborative': False, 'images': [{'height': 640, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': '', 'width': 300}, {'height': 60, 'url': '', 'width': 60}], 'uri': 'spotify:user:sam85uk:playlist:5TcHWbnN6SIhvPY1MXMDrb', 'name': '90s', 'href': ''}, {'public': None, 'snapshot_id': 'vs/L+N+xSmk4giRCCNAsNK4hljW++tS/RHSq0HJbYqWCXo65jGmGpT9ssHu5GgEh', 'id': '6OugflVBHYjm6HIjCObsz4', 'tracks': {'href': '', 'total': 924}, 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'type': 'playlist', 'owner': {'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'type': 'user', 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'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'type': 'playlist', 'owner': {'external_urls': {'spotify': ''}, 'type': 'user', 'uri': 'spotify:user:12143691853', 'href': '', 'id': '12143691853'}, 'collaborative': False, 'images': [{'height': 640, 'url': '', 'width': 640}, {'height': 300, 'url': '', 'width': 300}, {'height': 60, 'url': '', 'width': 60}], 'uri': 'spotify:user:12143691853:playlist:5t30PswiZDYfZAIrTwGr2V', 'name': 'lovesongs 80s to 90s', 'href': ''}], 'total': 2538}}

# 17. What is the data type of the search result? Print it.


# 18. What are all of the keys that the search result has?


# 19. Take a look at 'playlists' - what keys does it have?


# 20. Save the list of playlists into a variable called 'playlists'

playlists =  playlist_search_result['playlists']['items']

# 21. Print the title of every playlist

for playlist in playlists:

# 22. Loop through every playlist, printing its keys

for playlist in playlists:

# 23. What is the data type of a playlist's 'tracks'?

for playlist in playlists:

# 24. Print the name and number of tracks for every playlist

print("------ Name and number of tracks for each playlist")

for playlist in playlists:
  print(playlist['name'], playlist['tracks']['total'])

# 25. We like curation! Loop through the playlists again, but only display those with fewer than 200 tracks.

print("------ Only those withe fewer than 200 tracks")

for playlist in playlists:
  if playlist['tracks']['total'] < 200:
    print(playlist['name'], playlist['tracks']['total'])