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Importing requests fails with no attribute mutablemapping or ensure_text

With Python 3.10.11 or requests 2.10.0, this error was coming up in Jupyter notebooks.

The problem

When you try to run import requests, Jupyter notebook gives you one of the following errors:

  • AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping'
  • AttributeError: module 'six' has no attribute 'ensure_text'

The solution

While I don't know why this problem happens, I do know the solution! This problem takes two steps to fix.

First, we will upgrade the requests and six packages.

python -m pip install --upgrade requests six

Second, if you're using Jupyter (or Jupyterlab or even VS Code notebooks), you'll need to restart your kernel.

In Jupyter, you would go to the Kernel menu up top, then click Restart. Test the fix by running import requests again.