Foundations, Lede 2016
These notes are for Foundations of Computing, a Summer 2016 course for the Lede Program at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
- Introduction to Git
- Homework Homework Solution
pandas introduction
- Something from class 7
- Homework Homework - Animals
- Homework Homework - Billionaires
- Jupyter Introduction to Pandas
pandas review and merging datasets
- Jupyter More Pandas - Review and Joining
- Functions & Cron Jobs
- Homework Earthquake Homework
- Jupyter Functions
servers and cron jobs
pandas columns and functions
- Jupyter Classwork (Civil List)
- Jupyter Fixing Column Names in pandas
- Jupyter Apply a function to every row in a pandas dataframe
- Jupyter Shotgun Debugging
- Jupyter Rubber Duck Debugging
- Jupyter Print Debugging
- Jupyter Print Debugging (debug function)
- Jupyter Debugging with pdb
- Jupyter Automatic Debugging with pdb
- Jupyter Try - Debugging by not debugging
- Jupyter Debugging Classwork
stats and time
- Jupyter Descriptive Statistics
- Jupyter Time with Pandas (classwork)
- Jupyter Processing time with Pandas (more words)
- Jupyter Time anddata with Python (classwork)
- Jupyter time series homework
text processing
- Jupyter TF-IDF
- Jupyter Naive Bayes
- Jupyter Kmeans