Sometimes when reading in text from Japanese (or other) PDFs, the character encoding can’t display every character.
落\n\n札\n\n落 札 者 等 の 公 示\n\n次のとおり落札者等について公示します。\n\n平成 31
年1月4日\n\n[掲載順序]\n\n①品目分類番号 ②調達件名及び数量 \ue7d3調達方法 \ue7d4契約方式
\ue7d5落札決定日(随意契約の場合\nは契約日) \ue7d6落札者(随意契約の場合は契約者)の氏名及び住所
\ue7d7落札価格(随意契約の場合\nは契約価格) \ue7d8入札公告日又は公示日 \ue7d9随意契約の場合はその理由
\ue7da指名業者名(指名競争\n入札の場合) \ue7bc落札方式 \ue7bd予定価格\n\n〇支出負担行為担当官 内閣府大臣官房会計担当参事官 横内
憲二 (東京都千代田区永田町1\ue61c\n\n6\ue61c1)\n\n◎調達機関番号 007
If you look at the PDF file, the text is an encoding called UniJIS-UCS2-H
. I
haven’t heard of it, but it’s something related to “ISO 10646-1:1993, UCS-2
encoding” according to Adobe. Maybe it has something to do with Shift-JIS, but
decoding the characters doesn’t ever seem to work.
So let’s learn to fix it.
Converting PDFs to text
This is Kenji’s code! I just borrowed it.
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter
from pdfminer.pdfparser import PDFParser
from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage
from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter
from pdfminer.layout import LAParams
def convert_pdf_to_txt(path): # 引数にはPDFファイルパスを指定
rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
retstr = StringIO()
codec = 'utf-8'
laparams = LAParams()
laparams.detect_vertical = True # Trueにすることで綺麗にテキストを抽出できる
device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, codec=codec, laparams=laparams)
fp = open(path, 'rb')
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
maxpages = 0
caching = True
fstr = ''
for page in PDFPage.get_pages(fp, pagenos, maxpages=maxpages,caching=caching, check_extractable=True):
str = retstr.getvalue()
fstr += str
return fstr
A function to replace ‘bad’ characters with the ‘good’ version
This function will replace bad characters with the good version. For example,
the character
cannot be displayed correctly, but it’s really ①
! The bad
looks the same, but it’s actually ②
The bad characters
look exactly the same, but they are secretly
different because they have different codes:
character | code | bad display |
① |
\ue7d1 |
② |
\ue7d2 |
If we know the codes, we can fix this problem. In the function below, I replace two of the bad characters with good versions.
def fix_characters(text):
replacements = {
'\ue7d1': '①',
'\ue7d2': '②',
for key, value in replacements.items():
text = text.replace(key, value)
return text
Let’s test it out.
bad_text = "Go to the store\nBuy bread and milk"
good_text = fix_characters(bad_text)
'①Go to the store\n②Buy bread and milk'
Okay, cool, works well!
Finding out the codes
But if every character looks the same, how do we know what code it is? It isn’t easy, but it’s possible!
First, we convert a PDF to text like we would normally. We’ll also replace known bad characters with their good versions. Maybe some of the characters left are bad, right?
from io import StringIO
text = convert_pdf_to_txt("20190104c000010134.pdf")
text = fix_characters(text)
# Let's see the first 1000 characters
'落\n\n札\n\n落 札 者 等 の 公 示\n\n次のとおり落札者等について公示します。\n\n平成 31 年1月4日\n\n[掲載順序]\n\n①品目分類番号 ②調達件名及び数量 \ue7d3調達方法 \ue7d4契約方式 \ue7d5落札決定日(随意契約の場合\nは契約日) \ue7d6落札者(随意契約の場合は契約者)の氏名及び住所 \ue7d7落札価格(随意契約の場合\nは契約価格) \ue7d8入札公告日又は公示日 \ue7d9随意契約の場合はその理由 \ue7da指名業者名(指名競争\n入札の場合) \ue7bc落札方式 \ue7bd予定価格\n\n〇支出負担行為担当官 内閣府大臣官房会計担当参事官 横内 憲二 (東京都千代田区永田町1\ue61c\n\n6\ue61c1)\n\n◎調達機関番号 007 ◎所在地番号 13\n\n①73 ②平成30年度国際広報キャンペーンテーマに係る広報の実施業務 広報テーマ:「我が国の\n平成30年度の戦略的メッセージの理解促進・浸透」(海外TV媒体・イベントを活用した発信事業)\n一式 \ue7d3購入等 \ue7d4随意 \ue7d530.11.30 \ue7d6㈱電通(東京都港区東新橋1\ue61c8\ue61c1) \ue7d792\uea75614\uea75320\n円 \ue7d9b「排他的権利の保護」\n①73 ②平成30年度国際広報キャンペーンテーマに係る広報の実施業務 広報テーマ:「我が国の\n平成30年度の戦略的メッセージの理解促進・浸透」(国内英字媒体・オウンドメディアを活用した\n発信事業)一式 \ue7d3購入等 \ue7d4随意 \ue7d530.11.30 \ue7d6㈱電通(東京都港区東新橋1\ue61c8\ue61c1) \ue7d7\n8\n\uea75\n223\uea75271円 \ue7d9b「排他的権利の保護」\n\n〇支出負担行為担当官 内閣府経済社会総合研究所次長 市川 正樹 (東京都千代田区永田町1\ue61c\n\n6\ue61c1)\n\n◎調達機関番号 007 ◎所在地番号 13\n\n①71、27 ②内閣府経済社会総合研究所システム運用管理業務 一式 \ue7d3購入等 \ue7d4一般 \ue7d5\n30. 9. 7 \ue7d6富士通株式会社(東京都港区東新橋1\ue61c5\ue61c2) \ue7d7188\uea75179\uea75200円 \ue7d830. 6. 4 \ue7bc\n総合評価\n①72 ②民間企業投資・除却調査の実査業務 一式 \ue7d3購入等 \ue7d4一般 \ue7d530. 9.19 \ue7d6株式会社\nサーベイリサーチセンター(東京都荒川区西日暮里2\ue61c40\ue61c10) \ue7d741\uea75526\uea75000円 \ue7d830. 7.24\n\ue7bc最低価格\n①72 ②企業行動に関するアンケート調査(平成30年度)業務 一式 \ue7d3購入等 \ue7d4一般 \ue7d5\n30. 9.28 \ue7d6株式会社サーベイリサーチセンター(東京都荒川区'
Now we make a dataframe of every single character on the page, and also its code.
import pandas as pd
# I want to see up to 500 rows
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 500)
# Convert into a list of unique characters
# '田町1-6-1)' becomes ['田', '町', '1', '-', '6']
uniques = list(set(text))
# Make a dataframe of every character on the page
# List the 'code point' - the number that represents the character
# For example, 私 is 31169 -
# The code point can be in decimal (0-9) or hex (0-9 + a-f)
codepoints = pd.DataFrame({
'character': uniques,
'decimal_code': [ord(char) for char in uniques],
'hex_code': [hex(ord(char)).replace("0x", "\\u") for char in uniques]
character | decimal_code | hex_code | |
0 | 本 | 26412 | \u672c |
1 | 会 | 20250 | \u4f1a |
2 | 成 | 25104 | \u6210 |
3 | 総 | 32207 | \u7dcf |
4 | | 59349 | \ue7d5 |
5 | ッ | 12483 | \u30c3 |
6 | 也 | 20063 | \u4e5f |
7 | ブ | 12502 | \u30d6 |
8 | 埼 | 22524 | \u57fc |
9 | 高 | 39640 | \u9ad8 |
10 | 閣 | 38307 | \u95a3 |
11 | サ | 12469 | \u30b5 |
12 | テ | 12486 | \u30c6 |
13 | 横 | 27178 | \u6a2a |
14 | 府 | 24220 | \u5e9c |
15 | ケ | 12465 | \u30b1 |
16 | 番 | 30058 | \u756a |
17 | 告 | 21578 | \u544a |
18 | ・ | 12539 | \u30fb |
19 | ま | 12414 | \u307e |
20 | 解 | 35299 | \u89e3 |
21 | 8 | 65304 | \uff18 |
22 | 長 | 38263 | \u9577 |
23 | 円 | 20870 | \u5186 |
24 | ア | 12450 | \u30a2 |
25 | す | 12377 | \u3059 |
26 | 株 | 26666 | \u682a |
27 | 学 | 23398 | \u5b66 |
28 | 察 | 23519 | \u5bdf |
29 | 税 | 31246 | \u7a0e |
30 | ジ | 12472 | \u30b8 |
31 | 隆 | 38534 | \u9686 |
32 | 設 | 35373 | \u8a2d |
33 | カ | 12459 | \u30ab |
34 | 用 | 29992 | \u7528 |
35 | 葉 | 33865 | \u8449 |
36 | | 59351 | \ue7d7 |
37 | シ | 12471 | \u30b7 |
38 | : | 58 | \u3a |
39 | 担 | 25285 | \u62c5 |
40 | 造 | 36896 | \u9020 |
41 | 宮 | 23470 | \u5bae |
42 | 進 | 36914 | \u9032 |
43 | 警 | 35686 | \u8b66 |
44 | 司 | 21496 | \u53f8 |
45 | 」 | 12301 | \u300d |
46 | 霞 | 38686 | \u971e |
47 | り | 12426 | \u308a |
48 | ベ | 12505 | \u30d9 |
49 | 除 | 38500 | \u9664 |
50 | 木 | 26408 | \u6728 |
51 | ) | 65289 | \uff09 |
52 | 研 | 30740 | \u7814 |
53 | 口 | 21475 | \u53e3 |
54 | 光 | 20809 | \u5149 |
55 | 約 | 32004 | \u7d04 |
56 | ( | 65288 | \uff08 |
57 | ) | 41 | \u29 |
58 | 数 | 25968 | \u6570 |
59 | 定 | 23450 | \u5b9a |
60 | レ | 12524 | \u30ec |
61 | 我 | 25105 | \u6211 |
62 | 1 | 49 | \u31 |
63 | 二 | 20108 | \u4e8c |
64 | ㈱ | 12849 | \u3231 |
65 | 屋 | 23627 | \u5c4b |
66 | 載 | 36617 | \u8f09 |
67 | チ | 12481 | \u30c1 |
68 | | 59354 | \ue7da |
69 | 田 | 30000 | \u7530 |
70 | 枝 | 26525 | \u679d |
71 | 「 | 12300 | \u300c |
72 | グ | 12464 | \u30b0 |
73 | 12 | \uc | |
74 | 憲 | 25010 | \u61b2 |
75 | 低 | 20302 | \u4f4e |
76 | 等 | 31561 | \u7b49 |
77 | た | 12383 | \u305f |
78 | 皇 | 30343 | \u7687 |
79 | 契 | 22865 | \u5951 |
80 | く | 12367 | \u304f |
81 | 省 | 30465 | \u7701 |
82 | 決 | 27770 | \u6c7a |
83 | 次 | 27425 | \u6b21 |
84 | 32 | \u20 | |
85 | 正 | 27491 | \u6b63 |
86 | 1 | 65297 | \uff11 |
87 | ガ | 12460 | \u30ac |
88 | 式 | 24335 | \u5f0f |
89 | 落 | 33853 | \u843d |
90 | い | 12356 | \u3044 |
91 | 運 | 36939 | \u904b |
92 | 広 | 24195 | \u5e83 |
93 | 委 | 22996 | \u59d4 |
94 | 的 | 30340 | \u7684 |
95 | そ | 12381 | \u305d |
96 | を | 12434 | \u3092 |
97 | 3 | 65299 | \uff13 |
98 | 際 | 38555 | \u969b |
99 | 船 | 33337 | \u8239 |
100 | 箕 | 31637 | \u7b95 |
101 | ィ | 12451 | \u30a3 |
102 | | 59324 | \ue7bc |
103 | 博 | 21338 | \u535a |
104 | 係 | 20418 | \u4fc2 |
105 | タ | 12479 | \u30bf |
106 | 入 | 20837 | \u5165 |
107 | 氏 | 27663 | \u6c0f |
108 | 媒 | 23186 | \u5a92 |
109 | 居 | 23621 | \u5c45 |
110 | 第 | 31532 | \u7b2c |
111 | 〇 | 12295 | \u3007 |
112 | 済 | 28168 | \u6e08 |
113 | 。 | 12290 | \u3002 |
114 | 浸 | 28024 | \u6d78 |
115 | 方 | 26041 | \u65b9 |
116 | 及 | 21450 | \u53ca |
117 | 価 | 20385 | \u4fa1 |
118 | 為 | 28858 | \u70ba |
119 | 藤 | 34276 | \u85e4 |
120 | つ | 12388 | \u3064 |
121 | エ | 12456 | \u30a8 |
122 | ピ | 12500 | \u30d4 |
123 | | 60021 | \uea75 |
124 | ② | 9313 | \u2461 |
125 | 央 | 22830 | \u592e |
126 | 申 | 30003 | \u7533 |
127 | 量 | 37327 | \u91cf |
128 | ミ | 12511 | \u30df |
129 | . | 46 | \u2e |
130 | ク | 12463 | \u30af |
131 | ラ | 12521 | \u30e9 |
132 | で | 12391 | \u3067 |
133 | 富 | 23500 | \u5bcc |
134 | 玉 | 29577 | \u7389 |
135 | 家 | 23478 | \u5bb6 |
136 | 北 | 21271 | \u5317 |
137 | 春 | 26149 | \u6625 |
138 | 民 | 27665 | \u6c11 |
139 | 促 | 20419 | \u4fc3 |
140 | 達 | 36948 | \u9054 |
141 | 微 | 24494 | \u5fae |
142 | 電 | 38651 | \u96fb |
143 | 場 | 22580 | \u5834 |
144 | が | 12364 | \u304c |
145 | 月 | 26376 | \u6708 |
146 | 保 | 20445 | \u4fdd |
147 | 西 | 35199 | \u897f |
148 | 銀 | 37504 | \u9280 |
149 | G | 65319 | \uff27 |
150 | 企 | 20225 | \u4f01 |
151 | 代 | 20195 | \u4ee3 |
152 | 主 | 20027 | \u4e3b |
153 | び | 12403 | \u3073 |
154 | 町 | 30010 | \u753a |
155 | | 58908 | \ue61c |
156 | | 59347 | \ue7d3 |
157 | 外 | 22806 | \u5916 |
158 | か | 12363 | \u304b |
159 | 4 | 52 | \u34 |
160 | 鈴 | 37428 | \u9234 |
161 | 科 | 31185 | \u79d1 |
162 | 借 | 20511 | \u501f |
163 | 度 | 24230 | \u5ea6 |
164 | 前 | 21069 | \u524d |
165 | 動 | 21205 | \u52d5 |
166 | 茶 | 33590 | \u8336 |
167 | ば | 12400 | \u3070 |
168 | 管 | 31649 | \u7ba1 |
169 | 地 | 22320 | \u5730 |
170 | コ | 12467 | \u30b3 |
171 | 営 | 21942 | \u55b6 |
172 | て | 12390 | \u3066 |
173 | デ | 12487 | \u30c7 |
174 | 内 | 20869 | \u5185 |
175 | 鶴 | 40372 | \u9db4 |
176 | | 59325 | \ue7bd |
177 | 、 | 12289 | \u3001 |
178 | 品 | 21697 | \u54c1 |
179 | 争 | 20105 | \u4e89 |
180 | 行 | 34892 | \u884c |
181 | | 59533 | \ue88d |
182 | 意 | 24847 | \u610f |
183 | は | 12399 | \u306f |
184 | | 59531 | \ue88b |
185 | ャ | 12515 | \u30e3 |
186 | 曜 | 26332 | \u66dc |
187 | 権 | 27177 | \u6a29 |
188 | 指 | 25351 | \u6307 |
189 | 相 | 30456 | \u76f8 |
190 | ヌ | 12492 | \u30cc |
191 | 里 | 37324 | \u91cc |
192 | 使 | 20351 | \u4f7f |
193 | 3 | 51 | \u33 |
194 | 購 | 36092 | \u8cfc |
195 | 柏 | 26575 | \u67cf |
196 | | 59348 | \ue7d4 |
197 | し | 12375 | \u3057 |
198 | 京 | 20140 | \u4eac |
199 | 座 | 24231 | \u5ea7 |
200 | 平 | 24179 | \u5e73 |
201 | 事 | 20107 | \u4e8b |
202 | 者 | 32773 | \u8005 |
203 | ◎ | 9678 | \u25ce |
204 | 5 | 53 | \u35 |
205 | T | 65332 | \uff34 |
206 | 庁 | 24193 | \u5e81 |
207 | 備 | 20633 | \u5099 |
208 | d | 100 | \u64 |
209 | 阪 | 38442 | \u962a |
210 | 若 | 33509 | \u82e5 |
211 | 山 | 23665 | \u5c71 |
212 | 人 | 20154 | \u4eba |
213 | 件 | 20214 | \u4ef6 |
214 | 都 | 37117 | \u90fd |
215 | 政 | 25919 | \u653f |
216 | 実 | 23455 | \u5b9f |
217 | ソ | 12477 | \u30bd |
218 | 掲 | 25522 | \u63b2 |
219 | 日 | 26085 | \u65e5 |
220 | 曽 | 26365 | \u66fd |
221 | 丁 | 19969 | \u4e01 |
222 | 法 | 27861 | \u6cd5 |
223 | 却 | 21364 | \u5374 |
224 | 間 | 38291 | \u9593 |
225 | 利 | 21033 | \u5229 |
226 | 部 | 37096 | \u90e8 |
227 | 放 | 25918 | \u653e |
228 | 託 | 35351 | \u8a17 |
229 | 所 | 25152 | \u6240 |
230 | V | 65334 | \uff36 |
231 | 質 | 36074 | \u8cea |
232 | / | 65295 | \uff0f |
233 | フ | 12501 | \u30d5 |
234 | 信 | 20449 | \u4fe1 |
235 | \n | 10 | \ua |
236 | 樹 | 27193 | \u6a39 |
237 | 上 | 19978 | \u4e0a |
238 | ン | 12531 | \u30f3 |
239 | 住 | 20303 | \u4f4f |
240 | 合 | 21512 | \u5408 |
241 | 体 | 20307 | \u4f53 |
242 | 活 | 27963 | \u6d3b |
243 | ほ | 12411 | \u307b |
244 | お | 12362 | \u304a |
245 | ペ | 12506 | \u30da |
246 | 城 | 22478 | \u57ce |
247 | 市 | 24066 | \u5e02 |
248 | ュ | 12517 | \u30e5 |
249 | 社 | 31038 | \u793e |
250 | 示 | 31034 | \u793a |
251 | i | 105 | \u69 |
252 | ( | 40 | \u28 |
253 | 資 | 36039 | \u8cc7 |
254 | b | 65346 | \uff42 |
255 | 報 | 22577 | \u5831 |
256 | 面 | 38754 | \u9762 |
257 | マ | 12510 | \u30de |
258 | 般 | 33324 | \u822c |
259 | 0 | 48 | \u30 |
260 | 年 | 24180 | \u5e74 |
261 | 港 | 28207 | \u6e2f |
262 | 札 | 26413 | \u672d |
263 | 出 | 20986 | \u51fa |
264 | 液 | 28082 | \u6db2 |
265 | ウ | 12454 | \u30a6 |
266 | 公 | 20844 | \u516c |
267 | 官 | 23448 | \u5b98 |
268 | メ | 12513 | \u30e1 |
269 | 薬 | 34220 | \u85ac |
270 | 関 | 38306 | \u95a2 |
271 | 格 | 26684 | \u683c |
272 | ① | 9312 | \u2460 |
273 | 負 | 36000 | \u8ca0 |
274 | 透 | 36879 | \u900f |
275 | 務 | 21209 | \u52d9 |
276 | 由 | 30001 | \u7531 |
277 | | 59352 | \ue7d8 |
278 | 国 | 22269 | \u56fd |
279 | 析 | 26512 | \u6790 |
280 | 房 | 25151 | \u623f |
281 | 発 | 30330 | \u767a |
282 | 化 | 21270 | \u5316 |
283 | 一 | 19968 | \u4e00 |
284 | 経 | 32076 | \u7d4c |
285 | 橋 | 27211 | \u6a4b |
286 | 確 | 30906 | \u78ba |
287 | 護 | 35703 | \u8b77 |
288 | 査 | 26619 | \u67fb |
289 | 競 | 31478 | \u7af6 |
290 | 評 | 35413 | \u8a55 |
291 | 類 | 39006 | \u985e |
292 | 永 | 27704 | \u6c38 |
293 | 5 | 65301 | \uff15 |
294 | 予 | 20104 | \u4e88 |
295 | ー | 12540 | \u30fc |
296 | 英 | 33521 | \u82f1 |
297 | 究 | 31350 | \u7a76 |
298 | 神 | 31070 | \u795e |
299 | 型 | 22411 | \u578b |
300 | 排 | 25490 | \u6392 |
301 | : | 65306 | \uff1a |
302 | 江 | 27743 | \u6c5f |
303 | 7 | 55 | \u37 |
304 | 2 | 50 | \u32 |
305 | プ | 12503 | \u30d7 |
306 | | 59350 | \ue7d6 |
307 | ビ | 12499 | \u30d3 |
308 | 随 | 38543 | \u968f |
309 | 坊 | 22346 | \u574a |
310 | 王 | 29579 | \u738b |
311 | 戦 | 25126 | \u6226 |
312 | 課 | 35506 | \u8ab2 |
313 | 中 | 20013 | \u4e2d |
314 | ト | 12488 | \u30c8 |
315 | 大 | 22823 | \u5927 |
316 | の | 12398 | \u306e |
317 | 最 | 26368 | \u6700 |
318 | 金 | 37329 | \u91d1 |
319 | 9 | 65305 | \uff19 |
320 | | 59534 | \ue88e |
321 | 序 | 24207 | \u5e8f |
322 | c | 99 | \u63 |
323 | & | 65286 | \uff06 |
324 | 調 | 35519 | \u8abf |
325 | る | 12427 | \u308b |
326 | 号 | 21495 | \u53f7 |
327 | 他 | 20182 | \u4ed6 |
328 | 6 | 65302 | \uff16 |
329 | [ | 65339 | \uff3b |
330 | 理 | 29702 | \u7406 |
331 | 施 | 26045 | \u65bd |
332 | 6 | 54 | \u36 |
333 | セ | 12475 | \u30bb |
334 | パ | 12497 | \u30d1 |
335 | 荒 | 33618 | \u8352 |
336 | 手 | 25163 | \u624b |
337 | 略 | 30053 | \u7565 |
338 | げ | 12370 | \u3052 |
339 | 順 | 38918 | \u9806 |
340 | 字 | 23383 | \u5b57 |
341 | ム | 12512 | \u30e0 |
342 | 呂 | 21570 | \u5442 |
343 | 9 | 57 | \u39 |
344 | 送 | 36865 | \u9001 |
345 | ナ | 12490 | \u30ca |
346 | 4 | 65300 | \uff14 |
347 | ] | 65341 | \uff3d |
348 | 顕 | 38997 | \u9855 |
349 | ロ | 12525 | \u30ed |
350 | 談 | 35527 | \u8ac7 |
351 | オ | 12458 | \u30aa |
352 | 東 | 26481 | \u6771 |
353 | 通 | 36890 | \u901a |
354 | 名 | 21517 | \u540d |
355 | 士 | 22763 | \u58eb |
356 | 暮 | 26286 | \u66ae |
357 | 哲 | 21746 | \u54f2 |
358 | 分 | 20998 | \u5206 |
359 | ス | 12473 | \u30b9 |
360 | 又 | 21448 | \u53c8 |
361 | 千 | 21315 | \u5343 |
362 | イ | 12452 | \u30a4 |
363 | 局 | 23616 | \u5c40 |
364 | | 59353 | \ue7d9 |
365 | 川 | 24029 | \u5ddd |
366 | 機 | 27231 | \u6a5f |
367 | 目 | 30446 | \u76ee |
368 | 8 | 56 | \u38 |
369 | 岩 | 23721 | \u5ca9 |
370 | に | 12395 | \u306b |
371 | 業 | 26989 | \u696d |
372 | ド | 12489 | \u30c9 |
373 | 投 | 25237 | \u6295 |
374 | 新 | 26032 | \u65b0 |
375 | 計 | 35336 | \u8a08 |
376 | 支 | 25903 | \u652f |
377 | ル | 12523 | \u30eb |
378 | キ | 12461 | \u30ad |
379 | と | 12392 | \u3068 |
380 | 2 | 65298 | \uff12 |
381 | 気 | 27671 | \u6c17 |
382 | 参 | 21442 | \u53c2 |
383 | 県 | 30476 | \u770c |
384 | 恭 | 24685 | \u606d |
385 | 在 | 22312 | \u5728 |
386 | 区 | 21306 | \u533a |
387 | け | 12369 | \u3051 |
388 | 海 | 28023 | \u6d77 |
389 | 当 | 24403 | \u5f53 |
390 | 臣 | 33251 | \u81e3 |
391 | リ | 12522 | \u30ea |
You might recognize the hex_code
column from our replacement function from
def fix_characters(text):
replacements = {
'\ue7d1': '①',
'\ue7d2': '②',
for key, value in replacements.items():
text = text.replace(key, value)
return text
When we do our replacing, we look for the hex code to replace with the good version.
Finding the bad ones
Okay, we have all of our characters and all of their codes, but how do we find the bad ones? I only see a couple in there!
I think only the codes above 50,000 are bad, so let’s only look at only those.
codepoints[codepoints.decimal_code > 50000]
character | decimal_code | hex_code | |
4 | | 59349 | \ue7d5 |
21 | 8 | 65304 | \uff18 |
36 | | 59351 | \ue7d7 |
51 | ) | 65289 | \uff09 |
56 | ( | 65288 | \uff08 |
68 | | 59354 | \ue7da |
86 | 1 | 65297 | \uff11 |
97 | 3 | 65299 | \uff13 |
102 | | 59324 | \ue7bc |
123 | | 60021 | \uea75 |
149 | G | 65319 | \uff27 |
155 | | 58908 | \ue61c |
156 | | 59347 | \ue7d3 |
176 | | 59325 | \ue7bd |
181 | | 59533 | \ue88d |
184 | | 59531 | \ue88b |
196 | | 59348 | \ue7d4 |
205 | T | 65332 | \uff34 |
230 | V | 65334 | \uff36 |
232 | / | 65295 | \uff0f |
254 | b | 65346 | \uff42 |
277 | | 59352 | \ue7d8 |
293 | 5 | 65301 | \uff15 |
301 | : | 65306 | \uff1a |
306 | | 59350 | \ue7d6 |
319 | 9 | 65305 | \uff19 |
320 | | 59534 | \ue88e |
323 | & | 65286 | \uff06 |
328 | 6 | 65302 | \uff16 |
329 | [ | 65339 | \uff3b |
346 | 4 | 65300 | \uff14 |
347 | ] | 65341 | \uff3d |
364 | | 59353 | \ue7d9 |
380 | 2 | 65298 | \uff12 |
Okay, so now we have a list of some codes that are bad. We just need to learn to convert them to ‘good’ characters.
Finding what the ‘good’ version of the character is
Okay, number 364 is bad, the second-to-last one on the list. It’s printed as
, with decimal code 59353
and hex code \ue7d9
Let’s open our PDF and search for
- we can’t type the character, so we will
cut and paste it.
When we search, it does not display correctly in the search box, but ⑨
Now we will edit the fix_characters
method to let it know that \ue7d9
def fix_characters(text):
replacements = {
'\ue7d1': '①',
'\ue7d2': '②',
'\ue7d9': '⑨'
for key, value in replacements.items():
text = text.replace(key, value)
return text
We will repeat this for every missing character. It won’t be fun, but eventually we will have a function that can fix all of our bad characters!