Binding and using data: data/enter/append/attr

You’re going to use this pretty much Every. Single. Time. you make a visualization.

svg.selectAll(".dinosaur-rect") // select everything with a class of 'dinosaur-rect'
	.data(dinosaurs) // attach datapoints to them
	.enter() // find all of the datapoints WITHOUT rectangles
	.append("rect") // add a rectangles for each of those data points
	.attr("class", "dinosaur-rect") // categorize/name them as dinosaur rectangles
	.attr("x", 10) // give them all the same x attribute
	.attr("width", function(d) {
		// give them each a different width based on their height
		return widthScale(d.height);

You’d also be changing the y and the height (but this is more of an idea than an actual working example).

Creating elements NOT attached to data

To create a miscellaneous element not attached to data (very useful for legends!) you just do an .append to push the appropriate element onto the page.

	.attr("x", width / 2)
	.attr("y", 10)
	.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
	.attr("font-size", 70)
	.text("THIS IS A TITLE")