Line charts in general

The element

When drawing a line graph, you typically use a path instead of a line. A line is a straight line that goes from one point to another point, while a path is a line that can change direction.

path elements

When you’re drawing a line by hand, you draw it on a graph by knowing some x values and some y values. path elements don’t take an x and a y, though, they take something called d, which is drawing instructions.

<path d="M4,5L4,5 6,5 3,4" stroke="black"></path>


In order to convert our coordinates into something that can go into d, we use d3.line().

var line = d3.line()
	.x(function(d) {
		return xPositionScale(d.month);
	.y(function(d) {
		return yPositionScale(d.sales);

We then feed that to d along with our data to draw a line.

If we have a series of values and want to graph it as one line, our code probably looks like this:

// add a single line, attach our data to it
// feed the line generator to d
	.attr("d", line);

If we have **multiple lines** we want to draw, we probably first group our data using nest and then do bind/enter/append to draw multiple lines.

// group the data by city name
var nested = d3.nest()
	.value(function(d) { d.cityname })

// add a new line for each city
// and draw a line according to that city's data
	.attr("d", function(d) {
		return line(d.values);

Area charts

Sometimes you fill in the area below the line with color. That’s an area chart!

paths are also used for shapes, not just lines - to make the path filled in, we’ll just need to set a fill instead of a stroke.

d3.area(), Part 1

d3.area() works just like d3.line (see above), but instead of giving it an x and a y you give it an x, y0 and y1. The space between the y0 and y1 is what gets filled in.

var area = d3.area()
	.x(function(d) {
		return xPositionScale(d.month);
	.y1(function(d) {
		return yPositionScale(d.sales);

In the example above, I’m simply coloring in everything between 0 and the number of sales. y0 doesn’t need a function because the lower point of my coloring is going to be 0 every month.

d3.area(), Part 2

Sometimes you want your area to have a changing bottom, instead of the bottom of the area always being your x axis. Think about a graphic where you’d have a band for high and low temperatures, with a median temperature running through the middle.

In that case you have different y0 and y1 values, so you give them both a function.

var area = d3.area()
	.x(function(d) {
		return xPositionScale(d.month);
	.y0(function(d) {
		return yPositionScale(d.low)
	.y1(function(d) {
		return yPositionScale(d.high);

d3.area(), Part 3

If you swapped x and y to make your graphic vertical, instead of x/y0/y1, you could set x0,x1,y.