This list was generated from the Dreamcast version of Typing of the Dead. More details here.

All Typing of the Dead Lists: phrases, words, groups, 3+ characters, 3-letter words, 2-letter words, full list

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I say
A few
A rash
A shot
Go on
A dose
See ya
Hi Bob
Go mad
I lied
In awe
B and T
Bug me
Cut in
Not me
Ta ta
Far out
Fed up
Get out
Go away
Jet lag
Day off
Ear wax
Go nuts
Got you
Hot pot
Shut up
That day
The end
You bet
The End
Ah ha!
Dote on
Far cry
I got it
New age
Pay day
Say yeah
Seal up
So long
The Boss
TV stars
Yo ho
Big Ben
Bye now
Cat nap
Eat meat
Get lost
Go go
Hard day
I say no
Ice axe
Low salt
Old fox
On edge
Shred it
Take out
The rear
Too late
X day
You win
Ape man
Bad debt
Be a man
Eel pie
I dunno
In luck
Last shot
Leak out
No cred
No sweat
Nyet Dah
Raw meat
Rip off
Say when
Set fire
Sha boom
Show off
Stay put
That easy
Tune up
Uh huh
Al dente
Ark look
B horror
Bad taste
Bear rug
Bow legs
Cat food
Con man
Cut here
Dog dirt
Fox trot
Give up
Go dutch
Gold bar
Good day
Hot iron
Idle way
Lock up
No seeds
No no
Nut case
Rose bud
Sea lion
Show biz
Tax free
Time out
Truss up
Wise guy
Ad lib
All of us
Bad habit
Bad luck
B Ware
Dear Ann
Di dar
Dry skin
Fish dish
Fox eyes
Good bye
Good kid
Hot babes
Now walk
Oil free
Old maid
Pop off
Red face
Red ogre
Stray cat
Wild kid
Wolf boy
Worn out
A for ABC
Act smart
Ad hoc
Be seated
By force
Crew cut
Cry wolf
Dry sushi
Ear we go
Flat feet
Flat tire
Free man
Go mimis
It stinks
Love bug
Mail box
Mean kid
New wave
Pay back
Shoe sore
Slept in
Spare me
Stray dog
The cause
U turn
Ali Baba
Back talk
Bare legs
Brace up
Buzz cut
Buzz off
Chest wig
Drop off
Freak out
Fast buck
Head band
Hot pants
I am a cat
I am foul
I owe you
Laika dog
Long bath
Nasal wig
Nose hair
Old sugar
Pea soup
Radio ham
Rice bin
Rip city
Thai rice
Toad face
Warm soda
Wee hours
Yes or no
At random
Aye aye
Baby face
Bare back
Bare skin
Bear trap
Chill out
Ciao babe
City dirt
Crash test
Dodgy MP
Drag bunt
Dumb show
Evil ways
Gold leaf
Honey jar
Hula hoop
I hate you
In my way
Leg up
Life belt
Long ears
Mona Lisa
My lemon
Nice shot
Nuoc mam
Rock hard
Search me
Sweet pea
Take five
Toe to toe
Total loss
True face
Turn left
Very Zen
Waist high
Whiz kids
Wide load
With love
With sighs
You stink
Au revoir
Baby tooth
Bad breath
Barrel me
Beach bum
Bushy bush
Cold feet
Cool tool
Cover up
Cut it out
Dead grass
Fatty meat
Fatty tuna
Free meal
Free ride
Good news
Grit teeth
Half pint
High noon
Home time
Honk honk
I think so
I'm dead
In laws
Lady Luck
Lap alarm
Lose a rib
Lose heart
Love nest
Low rider
Maxed out
Men float
Mixed up
No bottom
Oh, dear
On toe!
Real find
Rug burns
Smart arse
Snake pit
So what?
Sour milk
Swan dive
Tatami mat
Test us!
Tin plate
Turn back
War wound
Why me?
Xero hour
Yak attack
Yoo hoo
You swine
Beef steak
Brush past
Crash cart
Dime shop
Drop dead
Eye candy
Fairy tale
First lady
Foul play
Full play
Good twist
Hair whorl
Honest Abe
Hot potato
Hum a tune
Hung over
Lanky man
Large arse
Loan shark
Long face
Mamma mia
Naked ape
Nasty eyes
New nurse
Nice rear
Pot belly
Rice cake
Rich soup
Say cheese
Small talk
Time to go
Time trip
Time warp
Tin peach
Tit for tat
To die for
Too strict
Tooth mark
Water flea
What a drag
You waster
Game over
Asian diva
Babies bib
Beach babe
Bet on red
Big talker
Black pig
Cold rice
Cold sweat
Cool down
Ding dong
Drape ape
Dried fish
Dumb luck
False face
Fatal love
Film noir
Full moon
Hair weave
Hairy back
Hairy crab
Hand towel
Hard world
Head to toe
High hopes
In and out
In arrears
It's time
Jail break
Let me off
Mr. Bear
Nasal clay
Ocean man
One to ten
Pink tofu
Split hair
Sports bra
Sweet life
Take a hike
Tip off
Tough geek
Tough time
Travel kit
Turtle leg
TV dinner
Whale ride
Whole hole
Wide berth
You weasel
Get out!
Alpha wave
Arm in arm
Bare front
Big Apple
Big seller
Bony hands
Dead angle
Doo wop
Downy hair
Dream team
Drying up
Egg head
Exhaust gas
Fat chance
Feels good
First love
Flower way
Geek girls
Hairy lips
Hard tussle
Hey you!
Hit or miss
How cheeky
Human nest
I love you
I pity you
It's love
Joys are us
Just a trim
Kissy lips
Left field
Legal drug
Life saver
Life sucks
Motor cop
Night work
Nil nil
Oolong tea
Past glory
Play house
Pub owner
Put a veil
Rear entry
Rich witch
Road kings
Rock trout
Say what?
Sea urchin
Shrill cry
Shut up!
Side entry
Sink it!
Sleep hair
Small face
Smashed up
Snow slide
Soap drama
Sour worms
Spare tire
Stand firm
Sturdy man
Test dummy
Too brainy
Torn jeans
Va voom
Water down
Why not?
Wild thing
Without gas
Work ethic
Beer belly
Body wraps
Broad grin
Brown bear
Bury alive
Cheeky boy
Dead lucky
Dirt cheap
Do the swim
Dog eat dog
Dolce vita
Dutch treat
Ear candle
Easy money
Errand boy
Father dear
Flash cards
Foot fetish
Front Four
Goose down
Hand wipes
Hey, baby
I saw Paris
In the sack
Instant hit
It hurts!
It's Ishii
Just be you
Kiss an eel
Lift skirts
Loan sharks
Middle age
Munch fest
Nettle rash
Night sweat
Off to jail
Oh no oh no
Oh, my
Oil spills
Pale pink
Peach tree
Play hooky
Potato man
Power nap
Rental pet
Salmon roe
Sega Saturn
Slept well
Smart move
Squat down
Stubby hair
Suits tribe
Super cars
Talent show
Trade in
Tree stump
Uncle Stan
Urban life
With a twist
With spoon
Y fronts
Anti Giants
Aussie beef
Bahama Mama
Be cool!
Best by test
Bikini wax
Blue veins
Body pores
Broken off
Brood over
Burnt rice
Butt out!
Damp towel
Disco king
Do the twist
Don't cry
Ear ring
Elbow room
Face plant
Family man
Fatal bonds
Flash flood
Food nuker
Front tooth
Garter belt
Geisha girl
Good spank
Grass burns
G forces
Hair damage
Hair piece
Hand of dog
Hand shandy
Happy hour
Hello there
Hula hula
I love thee
In a pinch
Inner self
Is it me?
Judo Japan
Keep it up
Kill joy
Know all
Laugh track
Luxury wig
Made in USA
Magic wand
Muscle job
No brainer
No offense
Noble face
Nose rub
Nueva York
Out of time
Pent up
Pretty one
Prison cat
Rain dance
Reagan hair
Red carpet
River bank
Rough monk
Round face
Shall we?
Skinny dog
Stay at home
Stuff it!
Ta daa!
Taepo Dong
Tattoes toes
Time's up
Uncle slam
Watch it!
Wax museum
What a wimp
Woozy deer
You lost me
Air kissing
Airsick bag
Back up!
Beefy hands
Bionic boy
Bobbed hair
Call us now
Chew the fat
Dark secret
Dead beat
Dirty socks
Double date
Edible ants
El Salvador
Evil woman
Fallen hair
Feel dizzy
Flash a card
Forgive me
Fringed hat
Get the sack
Girl chaser
Go get 'em
Green teeth
Guinea pig
Gunge love
Hackey sack
Heel shmeel
Hollow legs
Humble pie
Job de jour
Jumbo sushi
Leg cramps
Lucky duck
Main valve
Meat market
Mere fancy
Miami rice
Mood music
My old lady
Naughty kid
Nice trick
No kidding
Now what?
On tip toes
Ooo wee ooo
Out of sight
Past passed
Pond smelt
Real McCoy
Red tractor
Rock Music
Rubber guts
Safe as fire
Say fromage
Scarlet red
Scary looks
Scrap iron
Shady grove
Sick of you
Slap happy
Smash hash
Sweet as sin
Take off!
Tear jerker
Thorny path
Trash novel
Use my lure
Wet blanket
White tights
Wicked man
.com kids
3 numbers
Abra kadabra
About to die
AM listener
Answer back
A Okay!
Art nouveau
Average Joe
Badger State
Brush off
Button nose
Camel walks
Carpe diem
Coin purse
Cyber thief
Dead parrot
Do the bump
Doggie ward
Dumb cluck
Evil power
Faint smile
Flip flops
Flying pig
Food's foo
Funny bone
Get them all
Glossy lips
Gray mullet
Greasy sweat
Green youth
Grunge fest
Hang around
He or she?
Health freak
His Hairness
Hole in one
Humans rule
Jump hoops
Kid's meal
Kiss maniac
Look out!
Loyalty test
Mailbox art
Mom's sigh
Motor mouth
Mouth agape
Now I get it
Off the hook
Onion ring
Our hero!
Party crush
Party girls
Pile on!
Poor whales
Power play
Press agent
Pygmy size
Rather poor
Rice blight
Rice scoop
Salary thief
Sea of bills
Seedy smell
Serious fun
Shoe odor
Small bones
Small world
Smart guy
Soldier boy
Sour grapes
Stay up late
Sticky buns
Sure to fail
Take this!
That's life
Tie in a row
Truth or lie
UFO Catcher
Very spicy
West German
Yucky muck
Your hubbie
Act your age
Adzuki bean
Ankle chain
Bird magnet
Black sheep
Brain drain
Buck struck
Busy as a bee
Buy me a car
Cold answer
Cold pizza
Cool jacket
Coyote State
Cry at night
Crying fits
Dawn to dusk
Desk jockey
Die in vain
Dog tired
Drag racing
Edible frog
Fancy goods
Field of hay
Geisha waltz
Giant panda
Ground meat
Gutter balls
Hands up!
He did it!
Here you are
Herring roe
How pitiful
I hate mimes
I am a woman
Indian tuna
Is that it?
Gaga goo goo
Less is more
Little Italy
Lost his head
Mother Earth
Nice outfit
No means no
No peeking
Oh! My!
Oh, yes!
Over ear!
Panna cotta
Passer by
Pay me back
Pear shaped
Pretty face
Public bath
Pump it up
Punch line
Rabbit hutch
Rage of fans
Ransom note
Rib tickler
Road movies
Rock bottom
Sea anemone
She's taken
Shrewd guess
Slap my lap
Sleepy eyes
Smiley loan
Soft skin
Station yard
Sunny spots
The Runaways
This for par
Thumb's up
Tinned tins
Toe the line
Tons of tuna
Toxic twins
Trendy spot
Trough shell
Two faced
Unisex loos
Valley girl
Violent bar
Way to go!
Weird smile
You shoot me
Young punk
At full blast
Babe in arms
Baby powder
Bamboo shoot
Banana peel
Be quiet!
Big bad lamb
Big bad wolf
Blue Monday
Bye bye baby
Cheeky bozo
Chin him!
Choo choo
Cruel world
Donkey ride
Double chin
Double tooth
Eat me alive
Edible shoes
Fierce look
Foot long
For dummies
Frilly tutus
Frozen legs
Full nelson
Get out of it
Go around
Good timing
Goose bumps
Grab its tail
Grudge love
Handbag lady
Hard as nails
Heavy grease
How do ye?
Hurried away
Itsy bitsy
Joys of life
Don't do it
Kidney bean
Kinky flyer
Little Rhody
Living dead
Living hell
Long tongue
Lovely chef
Monroe walk
Mouth piano
Mucho macho
On all fours
On the rocks
Open sesame
Out of focus
Paw reading
Pigeon toes
Prank calls
Rope or gun
Same mistake
Sepia color
Sesame sauce
Sisters grim
Smooth touch
Soap actress
Soul brother
Split a bill
Sudden death
Taste of aloe
Ten to go!
The deceased
Thick voice
This is it!
Three for me
Throat candy
Tomahawk Jam
Trojan horse
Uh oh congoh
Under wraps
Virtual date
Water sports
Weather girl
What ails you
White blouse
Wrist list
Yellow teeth
Young blood
50 bucks
A bar of soap
ABC Alphabet
As of tonight
Bead of sweat
Bearded lady
Broken heart
Cheer up!
Comic touch
Do not enter
E flat minor
Ear guitar
Elbow grease
Figure eight
Fore and fro
Free tickets
Give him air
Gizzard shad
Good for you
Hasta la vista
Head games
Hi de hi
Hi de ho
Honey bunny
Hoosier State
I knew it!
I saw London
Iron maiden
It's not gas
Ka pow!
Killer whale
Large piece
Little madam
Love affairs
Love getaway
Mesh of a net
Mice hockey
Mom for sale
Money honey
Money maker
Naked turtle
National PC
Nearly right
New Age dude
No yes maybe
Not very bad
On the cheap
Or else death
Out of the hat
Parting shot
Play possum
Raccoon dog
Rubbish heap
Runny honey
Sea rippled
Shangri LA
Shred that!
Sink or swim
Six for gold
Skin cancer
Sneak a peek
Snobbish guy
Snot bubbles
Speak up!
Sports buffs
Step outside
Stereo sound
That's it!
The third eye
Truth or dare
Twinkle toes
Utter leaner
Washboard abs
Weak bladder
What a figure
When to quit
White lovers
Wish me luck
Woman diver
Woman ninja
Wooden gong
World peace
You chicken
A pale shadow
A ray of hope
As seen on TV
Athlete drama
Baby boomers
Barely alive
Bayside view
Booby prize
Bulls eye!
Call in sick
Can of worms
Catch of fish
Chic fashion
Chin of peas
Coming soon
Core readers
Dark gray sky
Dead ringers
Death diving
Dirty undies
Disco queen
Don Quixote
Do si do
Double blade
Dried up air
Drop the gun
Early rising
Egg foo yung
Femme fatale
Flabby belly
Free refills
Girl stuff
Go to Canossa
Grouch match
Hand pressed
Hand to mouth
Hare brain
Heap of faith
Highly toxic
Hippie taste
Ho, ho, ho
Hoarse voice
Horse like
How do you do
In a dilemma
Inline skate
Karate master
Kiss and tell
Kissy waiters
Lap dancing
Lemon breath
Lobster tails
Lydian scale
Mucho money
Mumbo jumbo
My poor dada
Nether world
Not ripe yet
Pampas grass
Plant a tooth
Puppy love
Raising game
Read my lips
Red with rage
Regular size
Road worrier
Roly poly
Royal family
Self defense
She dissed me
She's so coy
Sobriety test
Soul for sale
Spoiled brat
Sudden brake
Sun shower
The heat is on
The pharmacy
Throw it back
Time is ripe
Tough cookie
Unruly horse
Use your head
Vegas or Bust
Virtual life
Walk of shame
Walk on down
Walking debt
Warped mind
We're open
Will of iron
Whirred peas
You choke me
Zip it!
A Rh Negative
All square
At the buzzer
Beam of light
Bone breaker
Brain douche
Cakes and ale
Call the tune
Catch this!
Cat's toilet
Cheap tricks
Clean shaven
Color me Red
Couch potato
Cross eyed
Dimple butts
Dog leg right
Don't worry
Don't sneer
Eye aye!
Fake an alibi
Family court
Family traits
Fans and foes
French fries
Funny money
Gimme gimme
Go figure!
Golan Heights
He's a pest
How charming
I'm coming
Jump the gun
Life's short
Mammals rule
Marbled beef
Mean stinker
My foxy wife
Nurse's oath
Oink, oink
Over the hill
Pajama party
Party animal
Pass the buck
Pell mell
Phony shaman
Pop discs
Prickly heat
Salt sandwich
Sandwich man
Sang froid
Satellite DNA
Save more!
Seal of blood
Shaky English
Show me yours
Silver ingot
Sound asleep
Spoilt child
Sweat at night
Tennis elbow
That's me!
Ukulele tune
Vanilla bean
Vasco da Gama
What a bummer
Why ask me?
Widow killer
Yellow zebra
Yo, brother
Young leaves
You're sick
You're toast
A cup of Java
Alaska fair
Animal magic
Animal rights
Asian slugger
Baby stroller
Bald as an egg
Beware of dog
Bitty witty
Boom agitator
Bound to fail
Brain sample
Cat food chef
C'est la vie
Challenge me
Danger level
Decayed tooth
Deee Fense
Doting father
Driftwood art
Ear bender
E you later
Feel my pain
Fireside chat
First scandal
Fond parents
Forced smile
Forearm smash
Give me a job
Haute couture
Heavy makeup
Hell's bells
High fidelity
Home wrecker
I told you!
Illicit love
I'm free!
Jellied soup
Joe schmoe
Joy of Eating
Ka boom!
Killer drink
Killing time
King of debts
Lick my lips
Lo and behold
Lost paradise
Lucky whiner
Make me sweet
Melon seller
Merely fired
Million eyes
Moocha mamma
Much obliged
Name selling
Net cruising
Nifty nodule
No more room
Obsolete idea
Octopus trap
Ok, you win
One last plea
Part timer
Peeping Tom
Pinworm test
Raging scene
Rhythm method
Rude service
Rust proof
Samurai chefs
Severe attack
Shampoo lice
Shoot the bull
Silver glove
Smoke screen
Smooth as silk
Sneezing fit
Square dance
Stand straight
Suit yourself
The Roommates
Thick makeup
Trail of tears
Trainee monk
Triple rings
We die anyway
Well done!
Which hair?
White giraffe
Who is this?
Winter sleep
Wooing pause
Yes, ma'am
You thickhead
7 year hitch
90% off
A bag of bones
Adhesive tape
Adorable fool
Anguished ace
Ankle fetish
April sadness
Ay caramba!
Barring none
Baton twirler
Bleed to death
Blow me a kiss
Blunt refusal
Bored to death
Combo Fajitas
Crape myrtle
Curry noodle
Dead language
Debut recital
Dizzy spells
Do I smell?
Dog paddle
Double header
Drown in cash
Dusky mallard
Eat fish alive
Fancy one?
Feel nauseous
Fishing freak
Five alive
Fizzling out
Future trends
Garden grotto
Genetic line
Grunge gunge
Harvest dance
Hiking is fun
Home cooking
Honey, look
Human sandbag
I saw martians
I'll be back
In a deadlock
It's us again
Kidvid ghetto
Killed a rock
Loading zone
Lose by a nose
Mad scientist
Members only
Mole cricket
Mother Ganges
Nuclear waste
Palpable lie
Peas in a pod
Pit dwelling
Plum spirits
Pommel horse
Put up job
Queen Mother
Recycle cans
Remote place
Ringing tone
Rotten cheese
Saint Bernard
Sesame flavor
Shaven ravers
She loves cash
Shoulder pads
Siberian tour
Skin troubles
Slip my mind
Soybean paste
Steal your way
Struck out!
Take my woman
Talented chef
Tasteless taste
That's my boy
Toil and moil
Touch of cold
Untold affair
Unwanted hair
Week kneed
Which hole?
Winning team
Wooing dance
Yarble barble
An itchy pain
Anchor punch
Anyone but me
Be cool Billy
Cabbage Patch
CG rendering
Corporate fat
Cost cutter
Crazy as a fox
Cropped head
Crotch less
Dawn of Japan
Dessert spoon
Devil's hand
Die hard roach
DNA testing
Dog food cook
Don't panic
Eat my dust!
Egoistic whim
Enormous hair
Extra large
Extremely shy
Field of play
Finger print
Full of vigor
Get very tight
Good gracious
Gotta light?
Hard boiled
Honest at heart
Hong Kong flu
In full swing
Indirect kiss
It's a boy!
It's gone!
Jam packed
Kamikaze taxi
Killer potato
King of beasts
Lettuce alone
Love is blind
March madness
Mass of flames
Mix and match
Mobile phone
Moody person
Mountain high
Pale as a ghost
Pelican State
Ping pong
Plain noodle
Plain Jane
Prepaid card
Purse strings
Quantum leap
Relax, do it
Rich as can be
Rock the house
Rotting is bad
Rotten orange
Rubbing it in
Runner panda
Running nose
Shameful truth
She's a peach
Single mother
Slimy scandal
Smile therapy
Sprinkle salt
Squeeze play
Stalking a dog
Sunshine State
Take it off!
Take my money
Thinning hair
Trick or treat
Ups and downs
Utter shambles
Weeping face
When pigs fly
Who's Jon?
Win a red ball
You have whale
You look pale
2 at once?
A pack of lies
A thousand hugs
Absent minded
Act of surgery
Allergy tested
Be a yes man
Beat to a pulp
Bed wetting
Big time thief
Biting remark
Black October
Bottoms up!
But not for me
Chinese burns
Comfort foods
Control tower
Cookie cutter
Cool as can be
Corporate war
Cossack dance
Cricked neck
Crummy salary
Don't lose it
Dripping wet
East meets West
Elephant joke
Feed my tummy
Find yourself
Fish preserve
Flash yourself
Flying saucer
Forever tango
Frilly undies
Gala luncheon
Garbage mound
Generic pasta
German potato
Gigantic size
Gloomy Friday
Ground apple
Hair of the dog
Haven hunting
Hero of the day
Hip pee!
Horseshoe crab
Huge building
Hunt and peck
I wanna be you
I'm starving
It's there!
Japanese beef
Jaw dropping
Joe's a dweeb
Kangaroo fund
Lady killer
Let's go bowl
Living fossil
Locked bowels
Lone Star State
Mixed bathing
Mmm, yes!
Mocha mad pie
Money to burn
Nasal implant
Nasal uniform
Natural enemy
Need my pants
No clothes day
Not enough fat
Obscene books
Patron wanted
Pill popper
Puff n' huff
Remote patrol
Rhino's shout
Roller boogie
Romping girl
Search warrant
Sell by date
Serial cheater
Sigh of relief
Six squirrels
Sleep talking
State of the art
Tailgate party
Tanning salon
T bone steak
The McCulture
The nose knows
The River Styx
Two time loser
White as a sheet
Who are you?
Witches' stew
You're fired
Yum, yum!
A born failure
Aberrant tastes
All year round
American joke
Ankle express
Arrest this man
Ask your father
Aspiring chef
Autumn breeze
Babes in caves
Be very afraid
Beautiful baby
Bloody murder
Blue Christmas
Blue with cold
Bobby soxer
Braggart baron
Buddy buddy
Can we talk?
Cyber yuppie
Dancing freak
Deadly poison
Designer sushi
Don't hurt me
Dot com this
Ex convict
Fab date place
Female psyche
Fight for love
Film subtitles
Fire ignition
Flying toaster
Food masochist
Forever banjo
From me to you
Full body slam
Full homestead
Gel and mousse
Golden tongue
Graffiti is art
Have we met?
Heel, boy!
He's bogus!
Hitchhike a bus
Honest old man
I am, I think
I swear I saw it
I'll take this
I'm a regular
In 2 seconds
In mortal fear
Is it a bird?
Just a bit more
Last chair left
Long nose hair
Lost in thought
Love addict
Lukewarm wine
Man mad man
Mark me absent
Missed signals
Monkey jacket
Neglected kid
On one's toes
Out of the fire
Oyster extract
Passing fancy
Pet detective
Pickup truck
Pile of craps
Play the field
Premature joy
Quick temper
Rash, eczema
Raspberry tart
Rice crackers
Rugs and bones
Scouts' calls
Seafood pizza
Seal your lips
Short handed
Shut up and eat
Sister worrier
Sit up straight
Sole meuniere
Techno pop
Tell your wife
This is no joke
This job stinks
Time's money
Tongue twister
Topsy turvy
U talk 2 much
Violent nurse
Voice of doom
Wildlife Ahead
Y2K problem
5 of us girls
99% beef
A handy tote hag
Acid wash jeans
Adorable smile
All you can eat
American beats
Anyone but you
Asphalt jungle
Athlete's foot
Back bender
Beautiful skin
Beehive hairdo
Blank and blue
Camel express
Childish trick
Chow chow face
Claws and fists
Claws of a crab
Comfy couches
Dancing squad
Do the business
Easily pleased
Eight balled
Evolved sharks
Facial defects
Flirt yourself
Fly on the wall
Follow that cab
Four for a baby
Free cribbing
Fruit flies!
Game preserve
Gimmie that!
Go for the gold
Gracious words
Group of Eight
Heartless hiker
Herbert Hoover
Hocus pocus
Honk your nose
I hate rainbows
I'm juicy!
I'm on my way
Indian summer
It's about you
It's alive!
Jeering crowd
Loads of money
London Fridge
Mere pittance
Mile high club
Ms. Sullivan
Musical chairs
My best friend
Odorless smell
Off, Off hard
Outlawed rebel
Paper warrior
Past its prime
Peer pressure
Pick it up!
Pocket change
Remote flusher
Rice ball face
Rich and bored
Secret savings
Serious defect
Serious wounds
Shrill rooting
Shut your mouth
Sigh in unison
Skimpy undies
Slave to power
Sleep jogging
Small but nice
Smoke too much
Snarly old man
Snoring a song
Sound and fury
Stiff as a board
Straight jacket
Strongest teeth
Supreme court
Teacher's pet
Teeny weeny
The rabbit died
Throwing girls
Toil and grind
Tongue of fire
Ugly duckling
Up up and away
Waste of paper
Why fight it?
Willy nilly
Willowy beauty
Win by an inch
Worst scenario
Yankee go home
Yehti yeti yeti
You womanizer
You're busted
99 balloons
A gang of sharks
Ask the machine
Bait & switch
Bristle up
Burn baby burn
Delicate judge
Demonic coach
Don't fight it
Don't hesitate
Double or quit
Dressed to kill
Driven by fear
End to end rush
Flying monkey
Full of malice
Geriatric care
Get a taste of it
Giant water bug
Grandma's boy
Green pepper
Groan and moan
Hand picked
Have a nice day
Heat exhaustion
Herbal vinegar
I hate your guts
Indoor person
Innocent look
Is this love?
It's personal
Key to her heart
Killer recipe
Know your nose
Lay on MacDuff
Leave me alone
Lovey dovey
Low cal meal
Mackerel pike
Mad wok disease
Marble towners
Monkey wrench
Moonlight flit
Mother's ruin
Mr. Neighbor
My current dad
My head says yes
Naked emperor
No funny stuff
No man's land
No smoking day
Out of business
Outsize burger
Paparazzi kid
Parachute unit
Peculiar habit
Physical jerks
Platonic love
Rice planting
Rude and crude
Run into a bear
Stiff shoulders
Swanlike limbs
Teething fever
Teriyaki squid
Throw him a bait
Tomato ketchup
Tongue mashing
Tongue pierce
Top 10 lists
Touch my wattle
Tragic heroine
Video marathon
Vinegared dish
Walk bowlegged
Whine and dine
Young prodigy
A little wee bit
Addicted to you
Adios muchachas
Amorous glance
Are you sure?
Beastie animals
Bing bang bong
Black and white
Bundles of cash
Bundle of love
Can't hear you
Coaxing voice
Demon for work
Do the fandango
Don't give in
Don't shoot me
Dread syndrome
Electric storm
Elevator music
Evil minded
Fancy a date?
Fart in a bottle
Fashion victim
For adults only
For sore throats
For the people
Friendly giant
Fully satisfied
General mayhem
Get in there!
Glad to be a man
Graveyard shift
Great strike!
He was an iguana
Highway of love
How dare you!
Hurry scurry
Imitation milk
Instant husband
It's outta here
Juicy and mild
Just be patient
Just give it up
Karlsbader Salz
Ker splat!
Lime bean salad
Looter at a fire
Lounge lizards
Low cheekbones
Mad cow disease
Make it snappy
Master of hearts
Master of kicks
Miami is purdy
Money tree
Mortuary tablet
My dearest wife
My goodness!
Nice try, dad
Not enough hair
Nudge, nudge
Odd fellowship
Pink flamingo
Pressure's on
Rich and smooth
Sacrifice bunt
Sad sour shrimp
Second class
Shark fisherman
Shooting abroad
Sick of karaoke
Sightseeing bus
Sit in your lap
Stand at ease!
Stand up!!
Starved to death
Surgical knife
That scumbag!
The 19th hole
Flying Lizards
Too fast to live
Weakest subject
Welcome aboard
Who nose who?
You press mine
Young and dumb
Abysmal Showman
Aged employees
An array of lies
Animation nerd
Assaultable lady
Balcony smoker
Behold, a tree
Bohemian music
Born to be king
Box one's ears
Brain capacity
Butter sandwich
Calcium intake
Clumsy waitress
Cool and classy
Daddy long legs
Darn wonderful
Dead on arrival
Deep sea fish
Dismissal quota
DNA polymerase
Don't grumble
Don't mock me
Doubting Thomas
Down in France
Down in one!
Duodenal ulcer
Ears unplugged
Eat a worm whole
Empty headed
Enoki mushroom
Fixed sumo boat
Follow blindly
Fortune cookie
Fund raising
Get me outa here
Hairy godmother
Have a field day
Headhunter news
Hold that thought
Humanized pets
Hunting ground
In the wee hours
Injured a stone
Jekyll and Hyde
Jellyfish sting
Lunatic fringe
Man made man
Mile high smile
Mileage junkie
Milklike smell
Moscow Mollies
Nervous doctor
Online casinos
Open sesame!
Ostrich policy
Overtime score
Pandora's box
Pie in the face
Pull the tab out
Queen of Hearts
Rib sticking
Rockin' chair
Sick as a parrot
Slam dunk!
Slide it through
Soapbox nation
Spare rib sauce
Stand on tiptoe
Still in a faint
Sunday uniform
Tell who what?
Tell your wives
The banana peel
The seventh seal
Thickly dressed
Three for a girl
Trained poodle
Transfuse blood
Triple bellied
Twists and turns
Under pressure
Up to my elbows
Verbal diarrhea
Versatile thumb
Violently sick
What strategy?
Whiners circle
Working gloves
Yes, yes, no
You're doomed
You're through
Zen meditation
A piece of trash
Alligator chips
At the worst time
Behave yourself
Belly dancer
Black tie event
Buffalo Soldier
Bun in the oven
Campaign girls
Celeb parasites
Chemical sister
Chocolate nails
Color me happy
Computer geeks
Court dismissed
Crackling fire
Creepiest thugs
Cry out with joy
Death insurance
Doing nothing
Don't be a hero
Dragnet fishing
Eat your carrots
Eating disorder
Evergreen State
Far from stupid
Feeling gloomy
Female troubles
Fruits of the sea
Giveaway price
Hard luck woman
Haste makes waste
Heartthrob songs
Hell's Kitchen
Hold on, sugar
Hong Kong route
I'll show mine
I'm on my side
Inside the whale
Internet crime
Inuit in a kayak
It's only a job
Knock, knock
Large boned
Life's a gas!
Limp wristed
Mail order pets
Man on the moon
Mold free socks
Mr. Knowitall
New boy in town
Nice vibration
No pets allowed
No, I'm knot
No. 1 in Asia
Nouvelle vague
Old man's back
Out and out
Pregnant pause
Right off the bat
Scary godmother
Seething grudge
Send more beans
Sideways glance
Silky stockings
Skin irritation
Slap and tickle
Sleeping alone
Space scares me
Spaceship Earth
Stare at my palm
Stars and swipes
Strawberry milk
Tell your father
Totally outdated
Two's company
Umbilical cord
Uncanny butler
Undress the mess
Velvet painter
Walkie talkie
Walls have noses
Waves of ecstasy
Wind direction
You scare me!
You'll be back
Your own price
You're the boss
Act like a celeb
Aye, aye, sir
Battered husband
Black as thunder
Boston Tea Party
Calligraphy kit
Cal Mexicans
Cauliflower ear
Check, please
Chest shimmying
Commuting wife
Crocodile tears
Die of overwork
Drunken prawns
Duel on the roof
Favorite pupil
Fellow traveler
Five for silver
Food poisoning
Frozen laughter
Game poisoning
Gathering speed
Get away from me
Giraffe hunting
Greek mythology
Green with envy
Grin and bear it
Having the blues
Heartbreak sucks
Healthy as can be
Hey, Kenny!
Hit and run
Hospital porter
How frightening
In my next life
It's cold today
Jake the Ripper
Jelly for lunch
Keep it a secret
Lazy workaholic
Leftover turkey
Live in the past
Lose gracefully
Man of the world
Marxist grandma
Men's promise
Miracle person
Mischievous age
Model prisoner
Mother nose best
Must be an error
National animal
Nessie spotting
Nickel Package
No way, sir!
No star movie
On your back!
On your bike!
Partial denture
Peaceful sleep
Pickled shallot
Plain spaghetti
Press the button
Press to release
Rabble rouser
Sadistic dentist
Seniors in love
Sensitive child
Serves you right
Shotgun wedding
Shoulder holster
Slippery floor
Smooth as velvet
Squeal on a deal
Stick in the mud
Swing those hips
Tears in his eyes
Techno hardrock
The 4th of July
The abysmal abyss
There's a crowd
Three's a crowd
Tiara and bangle
Try to look cool
Vicious circle
Wandering hands
Warmth of mother
Whisper of love
Winkle pickers
Women's enemy
A flash of genius
Aahhh chooo!
Adult children
Annoying waiter
Ants in my pants
Banana lander
Banned language
Before breakfast
Brain chemicals
Brand new me!
Bric a brac
Burnt to a crisp
Camel wrestling
Careless mistake
Carrot and stick
C class talent
Chinless wonder
Cornhusker State
Cyber terrorism
Dance to the beat
Dedicated to you
Desperate attack
Deviation value
Dibble dabbling
Double dealer
Draw in the store
Earlobe otomy
Endemic disease
Endless meeting
Epitome of life
Fake up artist
Family squabble
Family treasures
Finger of scorn
Flash him a smile
Flirting around
Frontier spirit
Fur pajama
Gamma GTP level
Get down and beg
Get out of my way
Got no spunk!
Granulated sugar
Halo on the head
Heathrow Airport
He's my destiny
High school ring
Hit by lightning
Horizontal shake
Hot off the press
Human sacrifice
I need to change
I only have time
Iceberg lettuce
I'll have a half
I'm sagging!
In the miso soup
Internal inside
Italian stallion
Jolly good laugh
Jury is still out
Just like a harem
Juvenile crime
Label conscious
Laughing cowboy
Left on the shelf
Let's get going
Lightly seasoned
Lip sync show
Long lost mother
Lousy operation
May on a mattress
Monkey and crab
Monkey business
Mother complex
Mouth wide open
Naughty business
Neurotic mother
Nice enough guy
No car accident
No drinking day
No sense of taste
One vote matters
Parmesan cheese
Passive attitude
Perfect victim
Powerful stroke
Pseudo suicides
School uniforms
Scorpion woman
Shopping spree
Shut up and skate
Someone's wife
Soy un perdedor
Straight faced
Suggestive skirt
Susy's favorite
Tell your mother
That's nonsense
The Cracked Eggs
Tickle my fancy
Tie dye apron
Toe jam sandwich
Trendy to a fault
Unpaid lobbyist
Used police car
Weekend hippie
Wiggle your ears
Yadda yadda yadda
You missed Expo
60th birthday
A tear in my beer
Baby faced cat
Baby friendly
Beaten to a pulp
Bilingual chick
Bilingual poser
Boogie woogie
Built up shoes
Burn and destroy
Burnt at the stake
Close to disaster
Courting remark
Crane and turtle
Cross on my back
Cute school girl
Dare not to say it
Deodorant eraser
Ding a ling
Do I know you?
Don't eat me!
Don't we all?
Dried cuttlefish
Drop the bazooka
Early post disco
Electric boogie
Et tu, Brute?
Facial treatment
Feel the burn!
Flamenco lesson
Flavor enhancer
For once and all
Full of potholes
Funeral service
Get outta my face
Get your type on
Go fifty fifty
Go night night
Gorgeous husband
Greed is good!
Have an eye on it
He's awesome!
Hi tech glasses
Hold your tongue
Hormone balance
Hunky hitchhiker
Hush up a scandal
Hustle and jostle
I dodged her kiss
I want what I want
I'm flirtatious
It's polka time
It's your round
Jungle jamboree
Just add hot water
Left my pants on
Lukewarm fondue
Lustful emperor
Mardi Gras floats
Mechanical doll
Mental exercise
Milk on whiskers
Miserable defeat
Misleading name
Missing Persons
My answer is yeah
Nickel and dime
Nose for trouble
Peace, man!
Pick your brain
Premature aging
Pressure cooker
Queen of misery
Robotic persona
Second hand taxi
Senior citizens
She left me again
Shoot the pianist
Shop till u drop
Sings like a tree
Squeegee him!
Stings like a bee
Stopgap excuses
Street underwear
Swallow anything
Swimming trunks
Talk to my lawyer
The pipe's bust
The Rolling whom
This sucks cheese
Three card monty
Tis just a scratch
Toilet lid's up
Toothless dentist
Treelined street
Twist of the wrist
Unwanted muscle
Watch what you say
Weekend yuppie
We're out of gas
You stay out of it
You'll be sorry
A piece of fluff
A twinge of guilt
Address the masses
Are you crazy?
Armed to the teeth
Artificial blood
Autonomic ataxia
Barrel chested
Big fan of money
Boys will be boys
Camembert juice
Cheerleader legs
Down the hatch!
Dried mullet roe
Dutch apple pie
Dwell on the past
Eddying current
Electro panda
Euro hits new low
Fame and fortune
Family trickster
Freeze, mother
Garbage foraging
Germanic spirit
Grazie, grazie
Groggy to the max
Hastily acquired
Haunted dog house
High school debut
High school prom
Hypnotic trance
I'm just clumsy
In the family way
It 'aint half hot
It's still alive
Kiss through glass
Knee trembler
Life's a cabaret
Lingering scent
Mail order bribe
Maudlin drinker
Mexican madness
Money and women
Moonlight shower
Morning workout
Motorway madness
Nabbed in the act
Nasal drippings
New face in town
One for yourself
Oxidized silver
Parking offense
Pelvic rotation
Pencil mustache
Picnic feeling
Piping hot soup
Plague to doctor
Pure and serious
Quantum physics
Quiche Lorraine
Reckless attempt
Red, red pines
Roll your tongue
Rub the wrong way
Scary hairy Larry
See you backstage
Shake your bootie
Shopping addict
Skin deep beauty
Smart discretion
Smash you to atoms
Sociodrama actor
Sprained finger
Squalid palid
Squeaky clean
Such sweet sorrow
Swedish milkmaid
Tattooed earlobes
To be or not to be
Today's special
Toilet seat's up
Too bad to be true
Tortoiseshell cat
Walking chimney
Wanna get shot?
We are not amused
You talk too much
3 years silence
Abundant capital
Anti violence
Anything for mom
Anywhere but here
Bachelor auction
Back to the studio
Back to the basics
Beasts of England
Bit of an attitude
Bloody violence
Bone marrow bank
Brain transplant
Catch and release
Complete weirdo
Concrete jungle
Cry from his soul
Cut the ceremony
Dealing with boys
Devilish whisper
Don't be a bully
Don't panic!
Dress for success
Elegant elephant
European wonder
Fan dancing baby
Fancy a dance?
Fancy a drink?
Feign ignorance
Fender bender
Freeze, please
From dork to hank
Frontal lobotomy
Gill breathing
Go ahead, try me
Good morning!
Good deed doer
Got a new body!
Have mercy on me
Hawaiian Volcano
He knows too much
Headless horseman
He's a dirty cop
Highway to ecstasy
I thought I was bad
I'm a bad doctor
In all of a dither
It's all good!
It's on the house
Let's play house
Little green men
Makes me nervous
Mayonnaise freak
Mothering Sunday
Multi talented
No pun intended
One man Hamlet
Pain in the neck
Place stamp here
Precocious girl
Primordial soup
Radical argument
Ranch in Montana
Razzle dazzle
Ready to explode
Rental underwear
Riot in the stands
Screaming demon
See you in Jersey
Sexual harassment
Shady transaction
Share an umbrella
She is provoking
Show me your nose
Shu ba du ba loo ba
Snakeman contest
Snap out of it!
Snore preventer
Spartan aesthetic
Spiritual double
Tell your teacher
Temporary beauty
The future of Sega
The land of the me
The monkey did it
The state of Satori
Thorn in my flesh
Toilet extension
Tongue wrestling
Unique hairstyle
Unrequited love
Unsettled weather
Until the sun sets
Unwelcome favor
Used car salesman
Violins playing
Wanna be pleas
We are adults here
Wear that silly hat
Wedding business
Wheeler dealer
Whole wholly hole
With sponsorship
Women hate women
You guys are next
90% rubbish
A dollar cash back
A fool on the bill
A new day dawning
A set of Chihuahuas
After a lot of fuss
Alcohol fueled
Animal magnetism
Apple on the head
Aren't we all?
Balsamic vinegar
Brachium muscles
Branded as a loser
Carry me, daddy
Child on the leash
Come back salmon
Crummy crash pad
Cut your own meat
Dangerous Curves
Dead end street
Die for that smile
Down on the floor
Driving barefoot
Drop it, auntie
Endurance theory
Fake information
Fall on my bottom
Feminine notion
Finger pointing
Fleming's rules
French hamburger
From time to time
Hickorywood farm
Homage to the stars
Hooligans hangout
How hateful of you
I C U C No C Tru C
I said I'm 24
I'm out of focus
Immediate effect
In a pool of sick
Intense coldness
Japanese tourists
Let's be friends
Let's make it bad
Light fingered
Love at first bite
Love in last sight
Low tech handbook
Marbled terrazzo
Marry into money
Murderous intent
My brain is fried
My nylon poncho
Nice rompers!
Not my cup of tea
One more time!
Operation carrot
Overcooked pasta
Peace be with you
Pathetic no mind
Persistent attack
Plastic umbrella
Power of biology
Pukey and smelly
Refreshing drink
Run like the wind
Second year jinx
Selected beauties
Service industry
Shameless request
She's my girl!
Sit down strike
Sleep in a closet
Sleep in a huddle
Some like it cold
Somebody help me
Subrogate the debt
Summertime blues
The fart incident
The party's over
Thigh's the limit
Too ashamed to stay
Torture your body
Twilight industry
Two tier market
Uganda and Rwanda
Ukrainian sausage
Up to my eyeballs
Utterly cheerless
Vacuum function
Very faint voice
Vroom with a view
Want my life back
Wash and wear
We used to be pals
What the butler saw
Women are fickle
Yodeling for fun
You stole my heart
A stack of excuses
Anyone but my son
Bachelor of hearts
Battle of Waterloo
Beyond the sphere
Big foot spotting
Blurt out the truth
Bodily functions
Burned to a crisp
Cattle mutilation
Class B funeral
Combative spirit
Come back to life
Creatures of love
Dead as a Mackerel
Demolition derby
Devil in trousers
Do as you're told
Dolphin's choir
Don't talk dreck
Drop 40 winks
Duodenal dudgeon
Easter bunny girl
Envelope licker
Fatherly authority
Feels like heaven
Fine, young lad
Found a wild duck
Frankly speaking
Game show bride
Go, cat, go!
Harrowing memory
I have a sore trout
Ice cream face
I'm going to bed
I'm nearly there
I'm your mom!
In my underpants
Insect collector
It's only a hobby
Jarring situation
Jukebox jamboree
Karaoke champion
Leave the light on
Left up in the air
Lick and promise
Lie about your age
Lingering desire
Loch Ness monster
Losing my temper
Love to be shot?
Me, caveman!
Mere consolation
Miss the train
My pants were off
Name your poison
Naughty nightmare
Neon lit street
No complication
Northern country
Nosy little tramp
Nothing but Twine
Nothing personal
Nuevo hippies
Paper pushing
Papua New Guinea
Peppy and cheap
Pie faced girl
Pleasant bus trip
Please pardon me
Plunge a scalpel
Poetry in motion
Potato with butter
Pretty little paw
Prince Charming
Queen of Romania
Rabbit Quesadilla
Rapid weight gain
Reasonable price
Release the hounds
Reluctant to lend
Resistance rebels
Ruins after a fire
Save the vampires
Scooping the poo
She sells seashells
She's got a nerve
Shoop a doop
Slayer of evil!
Some enjoy ballet
Stabbed with a pen
Tandoori chicken
The Big Bad Wolves
The day of the week
The morning after
This is not a drill
This looks no good
Unisex codpiece
Unisex underwear
Use the microwave
Used cows for sale
Willful nuisance
You are a tiger!
A hassle of errands
A smack of bravado
All American girl
Armed with bananas
Arranged marriage
Bar code hairstyle
Better left unsaid
Bird'n'the hood
Blah blah blah
Blank expression
Blood alcohol test
Blood transfusion
Bollywood Knights
Booger on the wall
Bratman and Ruben
Business achiever
Celeb spotting
Clean every pore
College crash pad
Colossus of Rhodes
Disgusting fellow
Do not remove lid
Do the locomotion
Dreamin' is free
Driven to the wall
Drown your sorrow
Eyelashed together
Financial muscle
Formidable enemy
Get back at a bully
Getting sick of it
Give us a poem!
Goodness gracious
Grudge over foods
Hit the showers now
How about a kiss?
I am fun to be with
I want to be taller
In the public eye
Insect repellent
Kingdom of Bhutan
Knuckle walker
Less of your cheek
Let go of yourself
Living the scream
Love at first sight
Massive headwound
Memorial service
Middle aged biker
More beans please
Moving in gift
Multiple pileup
Must have been bad
My dog bone is bad
My toes curled up
Naughty little dog
New York New York
No pan in ten did
Not in my kitchen
Ordinary citizen
Platinum jewelry
Poetry screaming
Punch the keys!
Ruined by alcohol
Say it with flowers
Sneering old lady
Social phenomena
Sorbetti on gelati
Sorry if it hit you
Speaking of witch
Steal from thieves
Take it or leave it
The door is that way
The Sport of Kings
Those lucky things
Tristan and Isolde
Unidentified man
Unique body type
You're dismissed
A shower of bullets
A tinge of anxiety
Achilles' tendon
Aesthetics for men
Alleged miscreant
Alluvial mining
Arabesque pattern
Are they biting?
Are you a model?
Belgian chocolate
Bop till you drop
Bully contractors
Cereal box sexism
Clam miso chowder
Cradle snatcher
Dare makes kookies
Designated driver
Dim recollection
Disappearing ink
Disease of the week
Divorce in peace
Dog and cat heaven
Dollars and scents
Double quotations
Drown your misery
Extravagant spree
Eyeball to eyeball
Favorite topping
For heaven's sake
Freudian daydream
Full throttle ahead
Get brain washed
Girl of tender age
Go down in history
Go out in glad rags
Great Barrier Reef
Guilt conscience
Happy all the time
Heated discussions
Hello to you, too
He's farting fire
Hope for tomorrow
Hug trees not bears
I say c'est la vie
Incredibly cheap
It is... gone
Leader of the pack
Left hand language
Left the battery in
Let's get married
Life is but a dream
Lipstick and lace
Lives up to its ads
Manufactured myth
Marriage followed
Middle of nowhere
Mongolian hot pot
My lips are sealed
My mother country
Now this is serious
Oldies but goodies
Painful and itchy
Partially hairless
Peas in a pudding
Pursed up lips
Put me back in!
Quick shooter Mac
Seize the Night!
Sensation feeling
Sight for sore eyes
Skinny tie pop
Slip of the tongue
Sloping shoulders
Speak of the devil
Squeeze it gently
Steak for breakfast
Stout and muscular
That's my line!
The height of folly
There was a maid!
Thyroid operation
To err is great fun
Tomcatting around
Too good to be true
Very healthy child
Visitors from afar
Weekly weathercast
Who the...!
Who's the king?
Wipe up your mess
Yeee hawwwww!
You think too much
Young trophy wife
Your face is a mess
You're a dead man
A sulk of teenagers
Alive and kicking
American hit songs
Antique computer
Are we there yet?
Arkansas toothpick
As pat as a doughboy
Bad news for whales
Before you know it
Bet you won't win
Blind palm reader
Bookmark this page
Bring a megaphone
Buffing your shoes
Canadian Mounties
Cat shaped robot
Chicken or egg?
Collect the stamps
Covered with fleas
Cozy as a warehouse
Credit card crime
Crumpled laundry
Cursing each other
Dabble in hot water
Darryl threw my art
David and Jonathan
Divine decadence
Do not pass through
Domiciliary visit
Errare humanum est
Even I could do it
Faster than a turtle
Filled to bursting
For your eyes only
Free trade status
Gambling problem
Gigantic mushroom
Go to blazing heck
Halt! Police!
Hideaway for adults
Hijacked airplane
His agony is my joy
Homecoming dance
Hungry like a dog
Hurry, hurry hard
I want to fill a bra
I'll light you up
Illegal immigrant
Indirect vendetta
Look into a mirror
Make up your mind
Master of the world
Mind your attitude
Mouth full of South
Much of a muchness
Napoleon was short
No depth nor width
Nothing to be done
Old popular songs
One armed octopus
Out with the demons
Pathetic old loser
Play it again spam
Play mums and dads
Pretty nitty zitty
Pyramids of Egypt
Risk of being seen
Sarcastic comment
Secrets of passion
Seven times!?
Sing your heart out
Slippery when wet
Sorry is no excuse
Strawberry souffle
Strikes and gutters
Sure fire fail safe
Sweet potato vines
Swivel that pelvis
That is why we learn
That's it for today
That's the way it is
The next best thing
They gave up on me
Threatening letter
Try to sound funny
Under the one roof
Upper class madam
Weep pathetically
What makes a man?
What's the time?
Whitecollar crime
Wild goose chase
You need to get wet
20 gloomy years
A cat has nine fleas
A little after noon
A star is born again
Adrenaline junkie
Are you dead yet?
Are you married?
Attractive armpits
Bedouin the nomads
Body feels listless
Bratiya Karamazovy
Calculating woman
Can I have a dog?
Caribbean Iced Tea
Claim to the throne
Cocktail fueled
Cool as a cucumber
Daily affirmations
Dingbats and Icons
Dinky little motel
Double crossing
Endurance contest
Field the question
Food going to waist
Gag me with a spoon
Gallant adventures
Gentlemen in blue
Gesture of apology
Green caterpillar
Henpecked husband
Honey, I'm home
Hop skip and dump
Hugs, tugs, bugs
I like my flat nose
I'm a new man now
In my birthday suit
Inferior designer
Insignificant guy
Insinuating shadow
Interesting corps
Isosceles triangle
It's a man's life
Lawful wedded wife
Looking for my cat
Make mine a double
Marry me, please
Maroon pantaloons
Massage vigorously
Medieval chivalry
Meet a watery grave
Men in the kitchen
Moisture in the air
Mother's sandwich
Mr. Heartwarming
Mr. Look alike
National isolation
Nice catch, jerk
No one had dry eyes
No strings attached
Nobody eat anybody
Nobody saw me do it
Paging three girls
Plastic nameplate
Press your pajamas
Queue up my lines
Raging river water
Receding hairline
Recycle pantyhose
Rough and physical
Six figure income
Slow handed player
Something is wrong
Soybean paste soup
Star anchor person
Suck on my pinkie
Sugar and cream?
Swimming in gravy
Taxpayers' money
The knack of things
There's no escape
Tuck in your shirts
Ultra violet brown
Unmixed blessings
Waiters in a trance
We got here too late
We parted in anger
What the...!
With or without tail
You filthy zombies
You look very sick
You'll be spotted
Your bus is on fire
Your fly is undone
You're busted pal
A mob of housewives
A plunder of goons
A truckful of frogs
Academic complex
Afternoon tea at 3
Alphabetical order
Are you for real?
As good as it may get
Ashamed to be happy
Banana in your shoe
Breathtaking beauty
By hook or by crook
Call me "Baby"
Common law wife
Confirmation mail
Counting freckles
Custom regulations
Cutting their zzzs
Drop from a bridge
Earned run average
Expletive deleted
Farewell to my past
Flippant comment
From mouth to mouth
Gimme your number
Girls will be girls
Good, honest life
He nose, you know
Her Majesty's ship
Homecoming queen
How to move knights
I can live with that
I need young blood
In a roundabout way
Indecisive fellow
Internet drugstore
It sucks and it cuts
It's a pig's life
Killer Mini Tomato
Kiss in an elevator
Lady with sideburns
Lead by speed cops
Lie convincingly
Lint traps are good
Logic of the strong
Loop the loop
Love in first fight
No pain, no gain
Nobody's perfect
Power means money
Prince on the hill
Prodigal twin sons
Psychedelic macho
Red rain in Berlin
Remove the stitches
Roadside assistance
Room without a view
Say spiteful things
Sleeping elephant
Sophisticated form
Sounds like fun!
Spill your guts out
Squawking seagulls
Stop eating erasers
Tatami prison cell
The man in the moon
They put me on hold
To buy or not to buy
Troubled childhood
Tune your balalaika
Twisted as pretzels
Two minute offense
Type till you drop
Unyielding spirit
Very easy delivery
Voluptuous actress
Waxed up surfboard
We've only kissed
What the dickens!
Window to the world
You'll regret this
You're such a bore
Zit poppin' fun
A fabulous creation
Abominable shocker
Across the universe
Am I in the light?
Backstage in panic
Bacteria free goods
Bang on the nose!
Better fed than dead
Bit of the good life
Can't ask for more
Charming young lad
Chocoholic dentist
Do you have time?
Don't be so hectic
Don't count on me
Don't do this to me
Doubtful relation
Dude in a silk dress
Elephant graveyard
Epitome of average
Flush with greatness
From dusk till dawn
Game of bureaucrats
Get up and fight!
Good old songs
Green eyed monster
Groping is a crime
He's wrong for you
Hit between the eyes
Hormone injection
Hot tub jacuzzi spa
I fell asleep again
Let's get physical
Lie, cheat, fake
Look at yourself!
Look, no hands!
Magical lethal beam
Marriage is a barter
Menace of the North
More human than you
Must have been good
Nauseating flattery
No egg in eggplant
No Mr. President
Now it's your turn
On your toes please
One lump or two?
Peoria, Illinois
Pretty as a picture
Pseudo Polynesian
Refuge for the meek
Seasonal vegetables
See you in Helsinki
Serendipity search
Serve your country
Sick of being poor
Skating on thin ice
Social abomination
Some dislike ballet
Steer with your feet
Step into adulthood
Strawberry soldiers
Stuck in the middle
Stumble and shamble
Sucking Ham Palace
Sweet and sour pork
Talk to your pocket
Tell them I sent you
Thighs like a baboon
Ticket in your hand
Trade music online
Two minute warning
Unreasonable child
Up and down undies
Utterly regrettable
Vase from the Mings
Wear it on your hair
Weight of evidence
What a coincidence
When the time comes
American Rice Bowl
American sweetheart
Billions of dollars
Bite of the love bug
Bongle and goingle
Commercial jingle
Debate team captain
Deep fried kitchen
Deficient in anger
Digestible termites
Dinner's ready!
Do a Good Turn Daily
Downloadable music
Drooping shoulders
Easy come, easy go
Fabulous banjo band
Fill in the numbers
Flirt with strangers
Fresh meat lined up
Friday night videos
Garage sale decor
Germinating potato
Go down in his story
Govern your tongue
Groper on the train
Hit by the recession
Home for the holiday
I made the doughnuts
I wanna be somebody
I'm going home!
I'm only flirting
Indecent incision
Inferior decorator
Is that your waist?
It's behind you!
Jambalaya and gumbo
Jam packed train
Japanese harp class
Keep your hands off
Lend me some money
Let's talk business
Lie your way through
Lipstick stained
Live from the court
Love is an illusion
Mafioso sleazeballs
Malicious mischief
Man made disaster
Morals of a gangster
More in the kitchen
My face or yours?
My dog is my friend
Never underrate me
No ham in hamburger
Non smoking area
Nothing but trouble
Nullified and Void
Off the beaten track
Open before eating
Out of toilet paper
Papa was a great man
Pathetic existence
Peg your bardon?
Poison oak bouquet
Private beach in LA
Remarried 4 times
Riddles of her birth
Right under my nose
School exam frenzy
Shake up your liver
Slammed telephones
Smells awfully good
Social Fitness Club
Spinning elephant
Strong men also cry
Teach me how to love
That burger craving
The Jurassic period
The meaning of life
The PTA's decision
Theme and variation
This is how it started
Three blind rodents
Too cruel to be true
Transparent parent
We still can make it
Welcome to the club
We'll let you know
What's going on?
Who's sorry now?
Wife wears the pants
You stole my seat!
Youngsters nowadays
You're always cold
100 push ups
A bad night's sleep
A treachery of spies
Abominable snowman
Achiever of the year
Apple polishing
Be happy and get fat
Bit of the good stuff
Bobbing for apples
Bravado and bravery
Business is business
Bye bye, Columbus
Cheaper to keep her
Chocolate cigarette
Disinterested party
Distributing flyers
Every dog has his day
Fancy a quickie?
Find peace of mind
Finger pullin'
Free drink and food
Give it a good scrub
Good guys always win
Harebrained schemes
Hermetically sealed
How do you do that?
I know your secret
I wanna lay your egg
Ignoring each other
I'm gonna miss you
In search of reality
Insist you to hate me
Intellectual growth
Invade planet Earth
Is that thing real?
I've got a waterbed
Japanese folk songs
Jumpy as a squirrel
Just my imagination
Just totally raunchy
Key's under the mat
Life begins at forty
Lift a little finger
Limited engagement
Looks ill behaved
Losing my patience
Love me or leave me
Man's romanticism
Meatloaf in the face
Mess about on the way
Microscopic pants
Miss out by a mistake
My house, my rules
My mother is a woman
Needle in a haystack
No drink, no food
No music, no life
Overcome with bliss
Personality clashes
Police dog with flu
Prime doesn't stay
Purebred orangutan
Put through the mill
Ready to be plucked
Rotting, old boots
Say something funny
Serrated toilet seats
Spaghetti Bolognese
Split fifty fifty
Take me in your arms
Tell them we'll sue
Thanks for the letter
That's another story
That's my marmalade
The phantom of Samoa
The Statue of Liberty
Tossing and turning
Try it from this side
Twisted personality
Uranium in a bucket
Vertigo, go green
Warming to the touch
Watch with mother!
Waving a gun around
Wife's permission
X women's college
Yes Mr. President
Yessir, please sir
You have no messages
You're a weirdo!
A field of mushrooms
A shortage of dwarves
Act like a little kid
Aerobics instructor
Aliens walk among us
Allergic to zombies
Also good eaten cold
And now you clam up
As cross as two sticks
Bar codes on roaches
Begging for my life
Big Ben Crock tower
Big fellow of no use
Chew and drink milk
Chicago pineapple
Chocolate fireguard
Colonic irrigation
Compusing to me?
Consumers' choice
Diarrhea of the mouth
Divide and conk her
Dripping with sweat
Dusters and polishes
Eat you for breakfast
Eat, sleep, play
Employment ice age
Fast forward it!
Feel my collar bone
First degree burn
From ear to eternity
Goodness of the heart
Good for everything
Green legs and hands
Guppy love is great
Half rotten tomato
Heavy use of bribery
Homegrown syndrome
Hot Dogs for England
Hot tubs are terrible
In a different light
It's a free country
Jungian psychology
Just leave it as is
Life in the fast lane
Lip o blowtion
Look who's stalking
Married in Las Vegas
Merbromin solution
Minister in trouble
Miserably beaten up
Moderately handsome
Mole under your eye
My boss plays it safe
Nancy is a good girl
No brain, no pain
No dumping allowed
No love, no music
Nobody gets younger
Nothing new about it
Now I know the trick
Park tricycles here
Rapid eye movement
Roadside television
Seaweed with fish roe
Seductive ambience
Smart looking boy
Smell burning sulfa
Smiley cash payment
Social engineering
Source of my energy
Straighten your back
The PTA's scapegoat
The Smashing Windows
The United Mutations
Twister in your buns
Untimely flowering
Vintage performers
Waist not, want not
We'll be right back
Westernized manner
Why him, not me?
Women living alone
You only eat meat?
You silly earthlings
You'll pay for this
Your body is a crime
10 cents a minute
Anywhere but my face
Arrested all too soon
Arriving as a tourist
Artists in residence
Bean curd ice cream
Best plumber around
Born with a big mouth
Buzz worthy films
Car shaped erasers
Cheesy one liners
Classic rock station
Company on the wane
Cosmic cash machine
Cross counterpunch
Dancing policemen
Delegating authority
Diamond in the rough
Dismembered corpse
Dreadful misfortune
Eat sprouts greedily
Ecstatic ex static
Elastic measure tape
Electrifying power
Furry little animals
Generic synth music
Gifted green finger
Glad to see you alive
Happy go lucky
Healing and soothing
Hoop around a barrel
Hordes of loopy fans
How are you doing?
How to fling an otter
I am fortune's fool
I just can't die yet
I was born in Moscow
If I supply the wool
I'll take all of you
I'm a person, too
I'm fed up with you
I'm meaty, fry me
I'm so fantastic!
Impulsive breakfast
Insurance sales lady
Is it an airplane?
It's never my fault
Jailbird behind bars
Kamchatka Peninsula
Keep typing, baby
Kept in after school
Kidnap your old man
Late worm stays alive
Let's play the house
Mad, fat, old cow
Mediterranean flair
Mighty groin muscle
Million dollar bill
Mongolian invasion
Nervous and restless
Never eat sour worms
No physical contact
Oh, that hit the spot
Operation first kiss
Puttin' on the zits
Ready, set, go!
Really disingenuous
Respectable couple
Rice with stew!?
Rough and unrefined
Royalty to superiors
Sham slimming pills
She sent me a card!
Shoulders a yard wide
Simply irresistible
Strong seasonal wind
The 38th parallel
The Great Depression
The family next door
The whole thing sucks
This is my moment!
Time to pay the bills
Walk on the wild side
Wear black milieu
What's his name
Where the...!
Will you marry us?
Wonders never cease
You reap what you sow
Youngsters these days
A sweeping statement
A thousand years later
Alice in Wonderland
At a time like this?
Backward thinking
Bad, dishonest life
Believe in miracles
Better late than irate
Clean credit history
Coffee flavored gum
Cold blooded girl
Computer illiterate
Cured with medicine
Da Do Ron Ron
Do I smell fajitas?
Down with gravity!
Durham Miner's Gala
Emotional blackmail
Excellent lifestyle
Exit at your own risk
Favorite dollar shop
Fine looking lady
Foreign entertainer
Friggin' oxymoron
From cradle to grave
Good excuse to party
Grass roots movement
Hard boiled writer
Hello, gorgeous!
I was not aware of that
I'll leave it to you
In and out of fashion
Indomitable resolve
Isolated rain showers
Keep it barely alive
Keep the door closed
Lemon meringue pie
Lifelong separation
Looks are everything
Love makes it alright
Love me to my marrow
Man of small caliber
Meaninglessly aging
Medical certificate
Mother of all pizzas
Naught will be naught
Nine and a half geeks
No more school meals
No such thing as Santa
Nocturnal presence
Notorious scoundrel
Occupational hazard
One mother, please
Open the door for me
Out of the box cereal
Perpendicular fall
Possessive grasping
Power of the elderly
Press ban on the case
Prize pony thing
Real life soap opera
Samurai delicatessen
Say "I can do it"
Shaken, not stirred
Shame about your face
Somewhere, someday
Sorcery is overrated
Soybean paste flavor
Spaghetti in the face
Tall and big boned
That many at a time?
The master of disaster
The truth of the rumor
The waist of time diet
This is maddening!
To serve and protect
Too much frolicking
Unexpected pitfall
Unredeemed promise
We're gonna make it
We're not as we were
Who cut the cheese?
Who does your hair?
You must be dreaming
You're not the worst
You're under arrest
A fly in the ointment
Accused of spamming
Ain't gonna miss!
All night revelers
Art house aficionados
Bittersweet memories
Blow bubbles in milk
Boom, boom, boom
Bored out of my skull
Canadian lumberjack
Cheers, big ears!
Clickable image map
Connected with roots
Contains chloroform
Declare to surrender
Devour your heart out
Do you live alone?
Don't hang up on me
Don't patronize me
Dress like an eye test
Engraved invitation
Every inch of the way
Excuse my French!
Far away in the galaxy
Forbidden by schools
Free singing lessons
Friend kindergarten
Game ending homer
Go on a diet tomorrow
Great big dollar sign
Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh
Have you been shot?
Hexavalent chromium
Hospitalized a brick
Huffing and puffing
I am your grandfather
In a while crocodile
Incontestable proof
Information anxiety
Is that all there is?
Is this good or bad?
It's like hush money
I've grown isolated
Johann Sebastian Bach
Keyhole investigator
Large walrus mustache
Lend a yelping stand
Live, via satellite
Looks or personality
Lyrical masterpiece
Make yourself at home
Mental constipation
Monster in a capsule
My invisible friend
Oh, behave yourself
Peas are good for you
Physician's office
Piston and cylinder
Real job with a future
Romance hibernation
Sense of superiority
Shakespeare's Sister
Short, brutal letter
Size up and weigh up
Soy sauce with ginger
Spare me some change
Take me, I'm yours
Tell me a funny story
The pit of the stomach
They're mine, man
Things money can buy
Time for you to leave
Time wounds all heels
Too nice syndrome
Typing the night away
Underachieving slob
VIP room in the back
Wake up one evening
Where's the Oscar?
Why is the sky blue?
Wounded personality
You can do without me
You can't change me
You killed my car!
Your hair's burning
You're responsible
100% unknown
15 bite hot dogs
A million dollar fish
A two year contract
Absorbed in gambling
Appropriate measure
Arrow through my heart
Beasties Transformers
Blame global warming
Bonding with parents
Bring out the galoshes
Come on, my son!
Compulsive shopper
Constantly bothering
Date on a Ferris wheel
Disco dancing skills
Don't "baby" me
Eat your own roadkill
Et cetera, et cetera
Ethically challenged
Everything included
Eyes filled with tears
Flip, flop and fly
From crisis to crisis
Get me the manager!
Get paid in meatballs
Give me back my name
Goldfish chewing gum
Ha! Missed again!
He disappeared on me
Here you are. Eat!
Highly carcinogenic
His nose is dripping
I beg your pardon?
I won't let you down
I'll kill myself!
Incredibly lifelike
It's easy to get there
It's not my problem
Jumping onto a train
Just within the budget
Latex bra syndrome
Life is a serious joke
Long legged uncle
Moppy toppy foppy
Morals of guineapigs
Mr. Milcawber nose
Nail and nail puller
Not in my dictionary
Not very adventurous
One hot summer's day
Open eyed slumber
Pink fluffy pillows
Political prisoners
Politically correct
Prawn cocktail dress
Proud to be American
Regimented children
Replaced with a robot
Shark's fin again?
She's breaking apart
Size and shape I love
Ski lodge in Vermont
Smells like dead crab
Soccer vs. baseball
Still waters run deep
Stir before drinking
Storm of liquidation
The lily of the valley
This is what we want!
Throw away your pride
Top runner of the age
Unkind Mr. Gravity
What a lovely name!
What time is it now?
What's up, dude?
You'll be surprised
You're on the air!
40 dollar wedding
A set of Egyptian gods
A sign of nervousness
After maternity leave
Around 3000 BC
Beautiful friendship
Blueberry cheesecake
Call him "Jumbo"
College radio cult
Conventional wisdom
Credit card bankrupt
Deep pore cleansing
Don't wet your pants
Don't you cry, boy
Dressed in a tracksuit
Endocrine disrupter
Factory made music
Far beyond my ability
Five knuckle shuffle
For my parents' sake
For your dog's health
Front page scandal
Full of ups and downs
Give me your car keys
Goes from bad to worse
Good country people
He is but a buffoon!
Health conscious geek
Heat before inserting
Hello and welcome!
Holistic horse riding
Hopeless personality
Housing development
I left my heart behind
I think therefore I am
Immerse and submerge
Inebriated infantile
Intellectual offense
Ironclad and airtight
It's ok about my face
Late for a dinner date
Let me shave your legs
Lifetime commitment
Look, it's snowing
Lose 5 minutes a day
Ludwig van Beethoven
Match making party
No elbows on the table
Nobel prize winners
Nothing in the fridge
One and only smash hit
Parachuting paradise
Peace keeping act
Plain, simple fact
Pretend you're dead
Prize money pursuit
PS I was only kidding
Pyramids are amazing
Quick dip in the bath
Speak of the anvil!
The throes of creation
Totally unacceptable
Unbecoming behavior
Unworthy apprentice
Want to see my scar?
Weights and dumbbells
What did I eat today?
Withered pampas grass
You can't shut me out
You gave me the power
A magnum of hit men
Treasure in every box
A whole fish on a plate
Anti wrinkle cream
Are you two an item?
Bloodthirsty Chihuahua
Can't stop sneezing
Casanova and Don Juan
Children's mischief
Completely exhausted
Disappear all at once
Disgrace to the nation
Drip, drip, drip
Educational guidance
Every terrible detail
Fading consciousness
Fickle finger of fate
Fourth quarter action
Frisked by the police
Gingivitis bacterium
Good for nothing
He's your last chance
High risk, no return
Humanity documentary
Humiliated in public
I could murder a steak
I don't like Mondays
I have eyes in my back
I thought you loved me
I will never be alone
Imaginary pregnancy
Impeachment process
In charge of castanets
In the heat of romance
Instant gratification
Japanese crested ibis
Jump to a conclusion
Make a humble apology
Mall rat exterminator
Meat eating couple
Moved up and elected
No further promotion
No jest for the wicked
No fault settlement
None of your business
Post pattern baldness
Potential comforters
Public relations man
Put that in your pants
Quick state of affairs
Razor sharp screwball
Rethink your wardrobe
Running out of alibis
Short of expectations
Smashed to smithereens
Smiling like an idiot
Special arrangements
Spiritually speaking
The watch night bell
Trapped in a washroom
Unrealistic high hope
Usenet dragnet magnet
Voice of conscience
Weekend trip to Kyoto
What are you hiding?
What's going down?
Yesterday's tomorrow
You are sooo busted!
You owe me an apology
Young, hip and fool
Your nose is bleeding
You're on curfew!
100% odor free
1000 times more
A flash of misjudgment
Antibacterial coating
Anti terrorism bill
Appreciate your treat
Ask for the impossible
At the point of the gun
Bark up the wrong tree
Bite size hamburger
Bow tie and knee socks
But you're so far away
Capture and populate
Chartered fishing boat
Chatting away the night
Chip away to the stones
Clone beef tastes good
Confucian confusion
Counting on your toes
Credulous lumberjack
Cut down on shopping
Dead men don't speak
Deranged psychiatrist
Don't blame yourself
Don't drink the water
Dot com revolution
Eat until you explode
Emotionally speaking
End up the lowest rank
Expelled from school
File hidden in a bread
Find anyone with a car
Fresh kid congressman
General mobilization
Get paid by the minute
Go out and have fun!
Greenaway puzzles me
Have a good chin wag
He has ants in his pants
Headbanging gray heads
I'm giving you a shot
Instant memory loss
It's like, you know
Juvenile delinquent
Kidney shaped pool
Live fast, die young
Man eating bacteria
Monzaemon Chikamatsu
Mr. Bayonne Contest
My sister is an acrobat
No more lonely nights
Nodding in agreement
Not good at diplomacy
Palace of Westminster
Partial hair coloring
Perfunctory peddler
Phobia, hydrophobia
Professional service
Raised in a greenhouse
Rob the mannequin!
Sorry I slept too much
Sweet smell of success
Turned out to be a joke
Unexpected accident
Videos are expensive
Watermelon on the head
Who's your friend?
Will not shed any tears
Women ruined his life
You must be over 21
A couple of lovebirds
A sense of proportion
Annoying little habits
Are you stalking me?
Bib wearing old man
Boy's school uniform
Brain as big as a walnut
By all means necessary
Carry terrible disease
Chain saw sculpture
Chilly in the morning
Citizens of Baltimore
Domino! full up!
Estimated time of death
Floats like a butterfly
Floats like a flutterby
Freckles and pimples
Fugitive from justice
Get professional help
Get your mouth sewn up
Grab the money and run
Human genome project
Humiliating nickname
I always read your mail
I don't give a fig!
I'm afraid of my wife
I'm fine, thank you
Immoral and unethical
It's a threadbare shirt
It's all over with you
It's all up to her now
Just once before I die
Kick him, punch him
Left me in a minor key
Live long and proper
Make a slab of yourself
Medium middle ground
Much ado about nothing
My dog ate my homework
Mysterious brunch pal
Nasty flight attendants
National Noodle Party
Never too old to party
One black eyed Jack
Paint your teeth black
Patch up appearances
Pink police uniform
Practically bankrupt
Rock'n'roll excess
Rock'n'roll is dead
Smart testing standards
Sparkling with energy
Squeeze like sardines
Straighten frizzy hair
My sister made me do it
Toilet trained gorilla
Tragicomic existence
Translucent computer
Wanna be a human being
Weewunwun wee wunwun
Well, at least I tried
Who you lookin' at?
2nd time in 8 years
A rock and a hard place
Answer my question!
Aptitude for painting
Assistant manager blues
Backstage after the show
Become a social misfit
Behind the yellow line
Chip off the old block
Crass, stupid idiocy
Creative bookkeeping
Delicate white fingers
Didn't touch the sides
Differential calculus
Folded paper crane
Frankenstein is my dad
Frightened baby chimp
Full of crap coverage
Girls, girls, girls
Give me my money back
Good mockin' tonight
Heavy, average boxer
Her meerkat is snatched
I refuse to be a victim
I'll accept anything
In my jumble opinion
In search of a death bed
Indecisive commitees
Jack Sprat and his wife
Knife hidden in a cake
Like father, like son
Me first philosophy
Moguls on cell phones
My chanting worked!
My knees are knocking
Nippon cha cha cha!
One small step for man
Opinionated magazine
Out of sync with trends
Quiet as a borrowed cat
Saint Valentine's Day
Self induced crises
She danced like a snake
Silver drinking horns
Smooth as a baby's skin
Sorry about my choking
Souvenir wooden sword
Subversive understudy
Sweaty, hairy armpits
Temperature of the bath
That tattoo on her tummy
The cook looks crooked
The president's chair
Tall and short reaction
Try a little tenderness
Unsuccessful facelift
Use your brain to think
Very few smoking areas
Walking advertisement
We're going to war!
We're total metalheads
What am I doing here?
What if nobody came?
Whatcha got cooking?
What's got into you?
Who loves ya, baby?
You can't sell that!
Your dad is really wild
You're a deep person
You're an investment
You're collapsing it
You've gotta be crazy
24 hours at the NYPD
A dash of black pepper
A hop, skip and jump
A parfait pleases girls
Anxious about freckles
Anything to declare?
Arabian folk dance
Batteries not included
Bloodcurdling moment
Common family mottoes
Democratic diplomacy
Digital video disorder
Do you go all the way?
Don't hesitate, shoot
Einstein hated haircuts
False sense of security
Figuratively speaking
Fondue Bourguignonne
Generic no name brand
Gentlemen never swear
Get a juggling license
Get a life, a good one
Going completely gaga
Grunt and groaner
He went home to his wife
He's yesterday's news
Hey, good looking!
Instant vitamin charge
Is that your real arm?
It must be love, love
Just 2 hours, please
Just like in the movies
Late come, late serve
Lipsmacking lemonade
Made for TV movie
Make a debut in society
Making the same mistake
Malfunction junction
Noisy, nosey, nasty
Occasion of a lifetime
Past best before date
Pink and black is back
Prehistoric basketball
Scottish country dance
Slow Children Playing
That's all for today!
The drawbridge in Arles
Tall talented tattletale
Volcanoes of Kamchatka
Wanna bite my ankle?
Your body remembers it
Your place or mine?
You're too persistent
I Love You virus
100% guaranteed
18 games to catch up
A drastic career change
Am I wasting my time?
Are you really twins?
At the foot of Mt. Fuji
Backcombed duck's ass
Bella bella eat castella
Big dimple in the chin
But where's his head?
Cerebral hypochondria
Chocolate chess pieces
Currency restrictions
Dieter Gunter Hans
DIY learning to fly kit
Eat well and lose weight
Employee's nightmare
Even dad doesn't know
Exterminate pop quiz
Facial aesthetic course
Feed pigeons in a park
For crying out loud!
Go straight to your room
Going, going, gone
Good night, everyone
Hillbillies in the city
Honor before integrity
I must've vacuumed it
If in doubt, think!
I'm doing this for you
Insignificant people
Into his arms I will fly
Let's boogie woogie
Live from hand to mouth
Look, it's still rare
Master, I am confused
May luck be with you!
Mediocre war criminal
Miniature bull terrier
Mmm, lovely pair!
Morphing into nothing
My kids are fabulous!
My pants split on stage
Next stop, your house
Nobody buys me nothing
Oh no, say it isn't so
On the tip of my tongue
On your hands and knees
Open up a can of worms
Perfect sushi topping
Play with mother nature
President's decision
Rock'em til they drop
Salmons after spawning
Somehow you irritate me
Stunned by his comment
Take two before bedtime
The check is in the mail
The Hare and the Tortoise
The night is still young
The President of the USA
This could be dangerous
Variety of ingredients
You! Come with me!
5 dollar snack budget
5% saline solution
A little less than 1 ton
Black belt at arguing
Can't live without you
Cosmetic improvement
Customer is always right
Desperately eat sprouts
Do not feed the pigeons
Do you have a brother?
Dodging falling sparks
Don't call me a coward
Don't come any closer
Early bird gets the worm
Encyclopedia salesman
Enigmatic view of life
Even he wouldn't do it
Gulping down some soda
Have a beautiful corpse
Have a crush on a cowboy
Have you seen my dog?
He did it, he did it!
Heavily into occultism
Horror in living image
I am happiest when I eat
I don't drink liquids
I must be hallucinating
I wanna be just like you
Jelly and Tuna sandwich
Let's meet in Akihabara
Make believe makeup
Marxist fired lyrics
Moneybags baseball team
New levels of gameplay
Nobody's asked you that
On permanent vacation
Protein goes bad easily
Pure hearts doctor
Put me out of my misery
Return home in triumph
Rock'n'roll suicide
Shot by a jealous husband
Snack vending machine
SOS from the girlfriend
Speed kills, I XLR8
Superficial knowledge
Tears are a heart's sweat
The cat who ate the butter
The chink in your armor
The day before yesterday
The Pythagorean theorem
The salmon season opens
The ultimate has beens
This is this, that is that
Translucent garbage bag
Undiscriminating taste
Walking on water is easy
When I was on top of you
Women's penitentiary
You got what you deserve
7 wonders of the world
All guys are kids at heart
Basal cell carcinoma
Big hit before strikeout
Blue, shiny mackerels
Buses run back and forth
Conform to male fantasy
Custom mixed makeup
Do amoebas feel love?
Do you speak English?
Drawing room furniture
Everybody's involved
Extraterrestrial beings
Finally they set me free
Hacking is an addiction
He has a gigantic head!
He's still watching you
I love men in uniforms
Illinois license plate
I'm gonna kill you all
Imaginary green animal
Imitation is limitation
In lieu of unpaid debts
It will add to your shame
It's definitely a cheat
Kids of salmon and trout
Let music do the talking
Let's stay good friends
Medicare billing fraud
One "yes" is enough
Order in this courtroom
Peace? I hate the word
Perfect holiday weather
Play doctors and nurses
Politically incorrect
Something for everyone
Speak English, please
The extent of reduction
The wife burst into tears
There's a new sensation
They had an a greed meant
Version up your spouse
Watch out, I'm bad!
What was I going to do?
Why do people marry?
Women's natural enemy
Wrinkled and crumpled
A dozen faces for ladies
A goldfish named Dorothy
A hint of chaos in the air
Additional fee for sauna
Anna, my love...
Army has made a man of me
Assuming new identities
Baby carriage on the run
Bandage across her throat
Be happy somewhere else
Blind leading the blind
Call us 24 hours a day
Can I get you a drink?
Communicate with horses
Conservation of energy
Convicts of technology
Cruise bars not missiles
Curiosity killed the cat
Dinosaur in my backyard
Early mid life crisis
Earn some pocket money
Expose a violent crime
Fare adjustment machine
Feel the burn, whew!
Find a blind date for me
French maid's uniform
Galapagos National Park
Gladstone junior high
I almost ruined her life
I want someone to talk to
I'm gonna wet my pants
I'm so glad to be happy
Impossible for dummies
It was just a game for you
Lavender on the veranda
Little, fluffy kittens
Make a show of her figure
Make it quick, please
Male hamster and its baby
My friend who was an ape
Not getting any younger
One year of unpaid rent
Overuse of French words
Pare a nail to the quick
Police dog with no nose
Reconstructive surgery
Reliable if unexciting
Rice Cookers Anonymous
Ripe plum ready to fall
Screamer roller coaster
Sell out your own mother
She's in floods of tears
Stop torturing yourself
Summer made them daring
The battleship Potemkin
Today is a good day to die
Twice 2 is equal to 4
Up to the expense limit
Vengeful ex janitors
We can use him right away
We've been identified
What are you thinking?
Who is the barber here?
You ain't much good!
You want me to do what?
You've got a curfew?
'80s retrospective
Allergic to countryside
Aren't you ready yet?
Armed with butter knives
Breakfast at my place?
Breathe from the abdomen
Broken down dump truck
Come here, let me feel
Conscientious objector
Designed for little kids
Do you really mean it?
Door to door survey
Emergency liposuction
Filled with indignation
Goodness gracious me!
Haven't got my name yet
Healthy baby of 15 lbs
Hello, hello, how low
High pressure selling
Honest living, man!
How much do you weigh?
I had my tonsils removed
I would die for my health
I wouldn't forgive you
Ice candy available now
Inappropriate moments
Information technology
Is the bar tender here?
It's beyond my control
It's my stomach...
Lecher's hair grows fast
Let me pull that scab off
Let me take a shower first
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Me me me me me me me!
Monkey see, monkey do
My eyelash is coming out
My patience is at an end
Possessive inclination
Princess in a fairy tale
Ready! Aim! Fire!
Rolling migraine inane
Say hello to your inmates
Send a copy to my lawyer
Silver rimmed glasses
Smuggle internal organs
Submarine subscription
Tease me, please me!
Temple offering refuge
Ten years makes an epoch
That's not the right word
The Killing Cockroaches
Two strike bunt failed
Vitamin for your spirit
Wait on you hand and foot
We welcome any requests
Welcome to my nightmare
Why's it not selling?
Will he call me again?
Willing to please others
Working class trilogy
Wrestle with an alligator
You can keep your hat on
You are useless to me now
A liter of gastric juices
And the price is...
Bedwetter to Jet Setter
Bell ringing cricket
Born with a silver spoon
Cast pearls before swine
Cat stuck in a mouse trap
Charisma without license
Click click click
Come back in 10 years
Copernican revolution
Daddy, I need some cash
Disguised as a totem pole
Dream impossible dreams
Emotional intelligence
Evade the ticket machine
Everything is wonderful
Flag waving Canadians
Friday night at the movie
Garbage in, garbage out
I thought we were friends
I'd like to have a vowel
I'm turning 30 soon
I'm voting with my feet
Is this the thanks I get?
It did not last very long
It was the last I saw of him
Look mom, I'm flying
Looking for a pretty boy
My meager kissing skills
My name is "Nobody"
Neglect everything else
Open up your fruit cage
Pharmaceutical product
Share the tips out evenly
She called the cops on us
Squeeze me, please me
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Strangled with loincloth
Sure plays mean pinball
Tall, dark and handsome
The kid has no loveliness
They're a perfect match
Unrequited love history
Wash your body thoroughly
We have about two minutes
Where sea turtles lay eggs
Who used my toothbrush?
Will o' the wisp
You're quite something
24 hour surveillance
Antidandruff hair lotion
At the point of a stun gun
Avenge my father's death
Beef bowl for every meal
Beyond my wildest dreams
Can you keep a secret?
Covered with creamy pie
Cradle his head on my lap
Cut along the dotted line
Danger? What danger?
Daytime show personality
Daytime television award
Devil's tongue jelly
Don't bite your pencil
Don't spoil your beauty
Excluded from the group
Feel good convention
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Highly motivated people
Hypothetically speaking
In greater or less degree
It's a total waste of time
It's not too late for you
It's the end of the world
It's victory or nothing
Jibbering and jabbering
Just like a mosquito bite
Keep the matter to myself
Lip sync to the lyrics
Mondrian design dress
My wife won't talk to me
Nauseating table manners
Nobody passes me the ball
Oh look at the beatniks!
Perfect overweight body
Perforation is a rip off
Play catch up with you
Regular bowel movements
Relic of the last century
See through toilet door
Smallest, dullest clubs
Soda water, double lime
Study canine psychology
Testosterone production
The bald and the beautiful
The black eye you gave me
The last game of the series
The second act of my life
They are much sought after
Three kids one of each!
True, royal supporters
Unwillingly convinced
Useful rock paperweight
We'd give it a thumbs up
Whatayou think now hey?
Where'd everyone go?
Worry about kid's grades
Young, brave, stupid
You're such a bad boy!
Yummy but carcinogenic
5 minutes into the game
A path anyone must follow
A thousand origami cranes
As it appears to outsiders
Bogie at twelve o'clock
Caught with my pants down
Chance to get acquainted
Coffee, tea, or me?
Devote life to beef bowls
Don't squeeze pimples
Dostoyevsky depresses me
Drapes are people, too
Eradicate the termites!
Everyone has temptations
Extremely sensitive area
Fee fie fo fum!
Garage sales man's pitch
Get a job through contacts
Got run over by reindeer
I taught my dog how to read
I wouldn't go back there
It depends on the zombie
It weighs 3000 tons
It's like beating the air
Like husband, like wife
Mail order companion
Night watchman on the nod
Obscure designer clothes
Picasso esque desserts
Pick your nose and eat it
Pin heeled pensioner
Plastic surgery detector
See you later, alligator
The voice has been dubbed
Three balls and no strikes
Thus, with a kiss, I die
Typical ADD poster child
Villagers never say much
Wake him out of his trance
Wallowing in melancholy
Welcome to the real world
We're business partners
Why is there suffering?
Willing to be your dummy
Work 100 hours a week
Yoga, yoga, warden!
You are always on my mind
Your dinner is in the dog
Your tears can't fool me
You're too weak kneed
200 mph guitar thrash
A bucketful of champagne
Action paint on wheels
Awaiting your devastation
Believe in Rock and Roll
Boring, flabby and gray
Carry baby in a paper bag
Did you wash your hands?
Do chickens have lips?
Doesn't anybody care?
Enough to make a cat speak
From blasphemy to murder
George Bush impersonator
Good at shamming sickness
He sponges on his parents
Hello birds, hello trees
If I had a million dollars
If only you knew the truth
If the company is paying
In a way I'm dead already
Last dance of the evening
Let's do the boogie again
Marshmallow grizzly bear
Mouthing "hi, mom"
No perfume on guard duty
Nuclear power engine
Opprobrious invectives
Outplay the leading actor
Outstanding excuse maker
Rose tinted spectacles
Serious shortage of brides
Several months of therapy
Super happy special fun
The Fair Trade Commission
They stuffed me in a trunk
Valid until your birthday
What are you looking at?
Where did everyone go?
Why not? She's willing
Witch on a hockey stick
You do it that often!?
Your father loves you best
A series of misfortunes
Antiphony of obscenities
Arrested under suspicion
Artificially intelligent
Beware the brides of March
Bits, bytes butts and bats
Blinded by love of money
Boar, dear and butterfly
Break your mother's heart
But the rescue never came
Call us or write us now!
Cuban food for beginners
Don't try to be my mother
Drop out of the top group
Dwarfs, elves, pixies
Emergency vehicles only
Excruciating politeness
Foot in mouth disease
Fun world of sudsy hairdos
Gush milk out of your nose
Gyroscopic proportions
Happily under probation
He comes to play everyday
He really is a good person
Here's a look in your eye
Hidden camera is running
Hieroglyphic love letter
How to raise a gifted child
I really admire your shoes
In one ear, out the other
Learning curve too steep
Living image of a Martian
Mascarpone sweet baloney
May his soul rest in peace
Merely nominal crab meat
Military unintelligence
Mobile phone revolution
Need an elastic string?
Papa, don't gimme that
Pickles are dill cious
Procession of flashy cars
Push the button on its head
School uniforms sold here
Scrubbing and scratching
Secret daughter of Monroe
Serve chops to karate guys
Sine, cosine, tangent
Some people never learn
The work kept me hopping
Who's that guy with you?
Withdraw before removing
Wrestling hold of the week
You're breaking my heart
You're imagining things
Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin
A pair of swimming trunks
A rat is a rat is a rat is a rat
All in all is all we all are
Asian inflected French
Automatic sushi roll maker
Canada is a big, big state
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Collect them, trade them
Core competency hearing
Counterfeit calling card
Damning with faint praise
Do you come here often?
Don't look at me like that
Dried up and undesired
Early bird catches the fish
F1, press F1 for help
Flubba, flubba, flubba
Football sized burritos
Green plastic garbagebags
Hit by half eaten hotdogs
Ich bin ein cyberpunken
Icon of an innocent girl
I'll be your honey bee
Incipient belly bulge
It's only rock'n'roll
Join your hands in prayer
Lightly seasoned dish boom
Not in front of the parrot
Out of sight, out of mind
Pencil lead is poisonous
Savardian Spinorama move
Seeking "Tama" the cat
Should I stay or should I go
Spare me change, please
The death threat you sent me
There's a ghost behind you
Trams that pass in the night
Treasury of terrible jokes
What do men really want?
Which plane are you on?
Without a care in the world
You didn't try to call me
You will like my hometown
You wore out your welcome
350 light years ago
4 days with nothing to eat
635 days a year?
An elephant never forgets
Artificial incompetence
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
At the lowest point of life
Bus burst by gas explosion
Convincing explanation
Day to day management
Deep in Indian mountains
Desperate defensive fight
Don't get mad, get even
Egg boiled in a hot spring
Every mother's nightmare
Fabulous dolphinlike fish
First come, first served
Five seconds before a kiss
Full of juice and vinegar
Hard core intellectuals
I did well, didn't I?
I scared him out of his wits
I thought I ripped you off
Just another panic Monday
Keep yourself warm in bed
Living in a cardboard box
Long line for the bathroom
My hat is hot, hot is my hat
No flexibility whatsoever
Not the face, hit the body
Phonically obscene words
Raising its ugly head again
Remove your wedding ring
Say it with plastic flowers
Schemer drowns in schemes
Sex, lies and scotchtape
She poses as my girlfriend
Stop the blah blah blah
Strengthen the weak points
The biggest in the industry
The last summer of my teens
We won't be undersold!
What's to become of me?
WWW world wide watermelon
You've got the wrong idea
Abdominal pain, no gain
All's well that ends well
Appropriate table manner
Bittersweet summer memory
Captain of the soccer team
Climb the statue of liberty
Could be beautiful or ugly
Crashing in around my ears
Dark clouds on the horizon
Deep books with long words
Dissatisfaction Guaranteed
Does your old lady know?
Driving at a snail's pace
Eat everything on the menu
E business professional
Every home should have one
Give everybody the finger
Habitual class skipping
Hate tomatoes with a passion
He's going to explode!
I don't care a fig for you
I love my wife but...
I'll do a good job for you
I'm only pinching faces
Ironing your under things
Is that really necessary?
It could happen to anyone
It is a tale told by an idiot
It's not gonna work on me
Jolly good show, chap!
Keep trying until you win
Let's stick gum to his hair
Let's take a run in a wheel
Lipstick loving lawyer
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Nervous in the shower room
Nice greasy pork sandwich
Nice kilt you're wearing
Playing chess face to face
Pretty vacant parking lot
Private production parts
Red spots all over the body
Sales ability not required
She made a family man of me
Sit back and enjoy the ride
Small basket in a big basket
Take the exam as a substitute
Trick or treating is a trip
The blame is entirely mine
The same underwear for days
Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Unrehearsed performances
Villagers are staring at me
Was it bad for you, too?
Watch the game on TV at home
What are you waiting for?
Whip'em with a bike chain
Whispering into the phone
Who's the birthday girl?
Worst situation imaginable
Would you do that for me?
Your secret desires are bad
You're ignoring me
Appropriate relationship
Arms races, armless wastes
Buffeted about in the world
Can you scratch my back?
Cholera formula screaming
Complicated relationship
Dance in the disco go go go
Discuss amongst yourselves
Don't believe a word I say
Don't let me see you again
Don't take it out on me!
Dress to succeed class
Falling over like dominos
Foul mouthed hypocrites
Fragile, handle with care
Going around setting fires
He said turn to page what?
I don't want to be an adult
I'm a kid, that's my job
I'm gonna sue your lawyer
It's raining cats and dogs
Just like riding a bicycle
Look, here he comes again
Makeup makes a difference
Multimedia, neo comedia
Net chatting all the time
Not politically minded
Pick your own $2 lb
Pick me up e mails
Protest rallies snowballed
Some who go sip also gossip
Stir well before applying
That's not to be mentioned
The never fail sick excuse
The price on the tag is MRP
Tokyo, the sleepless city
Transcendental meditation
We had a series of bad breaks
We must be over the rainbow
Wearing culottes is a trick
We'd like to hear from you
We're very short handed
A goat in sheep's clothing
A great student loved by all
A heart can take just so much
Burgers for dinner tonight
Can't get no disinfectant
Chirp of cicadas in chorus
Exclusive charcoaled beef
Eyes are windows of the soul
Get in touch with your roots
He looks just like his father
I am him, he is me...
Ignore feelings altogether
Intervertebral disk hernia
Kids know nothing about war
Let's find our own planet
Life is a pretty sweet fruit
Make an experiment on you
Minimal, obliging smile
My name is "e"s mail
My tarantula's escaped!
On tour around Saskatchewan
Pump parading pervert
Raise the standard of revolt
Real men don't eat quiche
Scrap yard at a junk tion
She had a nerve to come here
Stamp glue tastes delicious
Stop chewing your toenails
The worst scandal in history
Traits of the youngest child
Understanding your hamster
Under the table tickle
We risked our lives for him
Wear some makeup, please
We're on the shark's menu
What are you looking for?
You can't get away from me
You know that I care for you
You'll have to pay for that
8 lessons life teaches you
After all we're only human
Anti fragrance policies
At children's eye level
Children can be the glue
Condemned child criminal
Countdown to a new century
Full of fun and rare videos
Hang it, stand it or tilt it
He always boasts about his son
Heel today, gone tomorrow
He's shy during the daytime
Hickory, dickory, dock
I don't need your comfort
I'll remember some of you
Illegal wood burning stove
I'm not going back to jail
I'm on your side, Mister
Is this a Halloween party?
Keep coming back for more
Lack of self confidence
Long way to the major league
Make a great to do about it
Nothing can make her afraid
Obnoxious bumper stickers
Oh my! Look at the time!
Please, please don't!
Prices and income policy
Professional yo yo ist
Rich, bored and beautiful
Sleep until 16:00
Something's behind you!
Unbelievably short people
Well matched sumo wrestlers
Woom in on my empty wallet
You came a day after the fair
Your life needs good rhythm
You're a very clever girl
10 billion light years
Accessories sold separately
An army travels on its belly
Coming to a theatre near you
Could have been dead by now
Do I smell like gasoline?
Doggy bags shaped like swans
Doing well after childbirth
Evenings in front of the TV
Extenuating circumstances
Feign your dad's signature
Give you 8 dollars for her
Gotta look on the bright side
I don't wanna be an outcast
If you want it, it's yours
I'm turning into a zombie
Invincible domino player
Just checking for pinholes
Lame excuse, blame in use
Looking for Mr. Right Now
May I see your silly walk?
Mighty fine, if you ask me
Neglect friends and family
One giant leap for mankind
Pierce a private body part
Pocket money account book
Possessed by an evil spirit
Pyramid investment scheme
The disco boom has died down
There's no time for joking
Too hard for a dummy like me
Traumatized by politicians
Ugly dog just like its owner
Unimposing looking man
We're in for a real wet one
You look like a grasshopper
Artificially colored juice
Candles, flowers and wine
Did the devil show up yet?
Eternal question for women
Eyes with coquettish appeal
Fastest delivery imaginable
First thing in the afternoon
Girls mature faster than guys
Go at 10 kilometers a year
Greek gods knew how to party
Have you seen a chicken fish
Heir raising experience
Hiding in the laundry basket
Hold onto the belt all the way
I love to see you getting fat
I'm not paying for this!
Inappropriate expression
Just like lovers in cinemas
Let's not wait and do it now
Money gone, friends gone
Old men love to give orders
Receive strange radio waves
Ridiculously accomplished
Scream if you need anything
Scrummy little honey bunny
Send greeting cards in time
She revealed her true colors
Spitting image of my mother
Spring is the season of love
Still no ring on that finger
Still on maternity leave?
Surgeon general's warning
Swear on my granny's grave
The father and the originator
The prince of pickpockets
Things school doesn't teach
Un mailed Christmas cards
Veal Adam's apple nicoise
Wait for the signal to change
Was it good for you, too?
Wham bam, thank U Ma'am
What da ya mean you dunno!
What time do you call this?
What will I wear tomorrow?
Work hard to get in a size 9
You'd better not be late!
A chapter of my younger days
A hundred crapping yowlers
A woman in love is beautiful
America's founding fathers
B35, W26, H35
Bare chests and suede jackets
Blackened Cajun Chicken
Born and raised in Brooklyn
Bribe the goddess of victory
Can snakes do push ups?
Can't find a Japanese name
Cheek to cheek dancing
Christmas sales competition
Cooked on the delivery bike
Do you or your mate snore?
Easy as twisting a baby's arm
Fall back on the government
Frankly I don't build a dam
Have you seen my baseball?
He married her for her money
How long is "a while"?
I ain't got time to bleed
I banged my shin on the table
I like it, uh huh uh huh
I'll give you all my money
Japanese team looks nervous
Join the army, see the navy
Kiss of life was my first kiss
Let's put our city on a map
Life is but many good byes
New born vigorous chicks
On mother Kelly's doorstep
Only with a magnifying glass
Personality doesn't matter
Postmodern Victorian style
Send a card to the North Pole
Sound of one hand clapping
Take short steps with big feet
Thunderbolts and lightening
Trouble with local residents
Wash hair with water in the tub
What do clouds smell like?
Whose life is it, anyway?
Woodchuck could chuck wood
Wrong command or file name
You like it, don't you?
Active bowel, active mind
Another day, another dollar
Arachnophobia, agrophobia
Burn and destroy the snowman
Can you do factorization?
Confess your real intention
Die with a smile on your face
Do I look like a murderer?
Don't touch with dirty hands
Face haunted by his ancestors
Girls are delicate, you see
Good at taking out the garbage
Gourmet macaroni and cheese
Happy families are all alike
Hard to tell right from wrong
He who talks loud says nothing
It always rains when I see him
It's not fear, it is terror
Just being in love with love
Looks like he lost his temper
Magnificent Stuff!!!
Mania for all things foreign
Money, money, money!
Mustard flavored mayonnaise
Nerd wearing contact lenses
Oh darling! don't cry!
People get what they deserve
Photochemical smog warning
Screwed up every case so far
Suntanned guy in a white suit
Tame abuse, became recluse
The Penguins are still angry
Throw your money in the ring
Vegas is the romance capital
What day of the week is this?
What will I be in 3 years?
Whose car is that, anyway?
Wonderfully wobbly copper
You were not my first choice
8 wives and 21 children
Caesar Salad without Parmesan
Class with many troubled kids
Complaining and grumbling
Confusion right after the war
Daddy got a sweet tune tonight
Dioxins, toxins, boxing
Dispensable public offices
Eat with your mouth closed!
Fetch me a bucket of steam!
Give and take, ebb and flow
Guided by the smell of cheese
Harmlessly passing your time
Health is better than a dose!
Here's looking at you, kid
He's a bull, I'm a matador
Hit with a jawbone of a donkey
How do you spell "it"?
I am of sound mind, I think
I think she's falling for me
I'm gonna be on television
Inflammatory bowel disorder
Makeup is deceiving indeed
Marriage of convenience
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky
Muscle is made of amino acid
No medicine can cure a fool
Nondiscretionary fragrance
Ordinary primary school kid
Rank and file employee
Shall I put it in my pants?
The joke turned out to be true
The queen of TV commercials
Well being of middleclass
What was I just going to say?
Work 'til ya knuckles bleed
You could've got killed!
You have the right to be wrong
You shouldn't lie in the sun
You'll laugh, you'll cry
All you can eat buffet
Are you sure you're awake?
Beat the heat and eat to the beat
Burritos the size of your head
Captain, thar be whales here
Close the door when you leave
Don't call my mother that!
Easy to beat up, hard to kill
Five thousand screaming fans
Give the parrot his medicine
Goat entrails and rabbits feet
How come I sweat when I eat?
If you drive, don't drink
It's about time for a new car
I've had bottles thrown at me
Keep pressing the fire alarm
Kill the invisible swordsman
Let's repeat the scene again
Long hair and bushy sideburns
Lunch box at the shooting site
Mares eat oats and does eat oats
Merry go round sushi bar
Off court tennis coaching
On her way to enter a nunnery
Only interested in one thing
Overuse of the verbal weapon
Rapidly getting old and ugly
Rock'n'roll is here to stay
Smarter than the average llama
They look like miniature ants
This story is full of suspense
Turn back while you still can
Visitors from the outer world
We have to say good bye here
What the hell are you doing?
Why am I playing this game?
You've got to face the music
A room with a tense atmosphere
All fed up and no place to go
Are my suspenders straight?
Ball hit me square in the face
Be a bad girl during vacation
Chain gang musical comedy
Decorate your father's belly
Did my heart love till now?
Direct hit on the vital organs
Doctor who enjoys operations
Embarrassing and humiliating
Filthiest person in the world
Forget the cold bohemian hell
Frolicking through the forest
He rolled his eyes and fainted
Hold me, thrill me, hug me
I don't have an English name
I think of the strangest things
I won't let you have your way
Ice cream float in a diet soda
I'll deal with the pain later
It ended while I was sleeping
It's only a figure of speech
No smoking in this courtroom
Numbing of certain feelings
Pick your nose and stare at it
Put your hand in your pocket
Stamp collecting is my hobby
Stimulate a maternal instinct
Tears run down onto the letter
The first time to see real snow
The Tigris Euphrates Valley
Uncomfortable relationships
We should know better than that
Wheered you git that turkey?
Why can't you use a toilet?
Woman who'll change my life
A hiccup is a diaphragm spasm
A pair of star cross'd lovers
As long as we don't get caught
At the end of the hard delivery
Attention, little old ladies
Bandanna originated in India
Cycling originated in Japan
Don't interrupt me, honey
Eat and sleep, eat and sleep
Even monkeys dwell on things
Fuscia pants with sleeveless T
Get on your knees and confess
How to relieve stiff shoulders
I'll do it if it will save her
Is it the meat or the motion?
It's only between you and me
It's painful, isn't it?
Know the breed, know the dog
Leave the young couple alone
Live from the Kitchen Stadium
Must have been something I ate
Prince in sheep's clothing
Public heated swimming pool
The finder was the murderer
The punishment fits the crime
There's a ghost following you
This is my other brother Darryl
Twitching vein in the temple
Undeniable animal attraction
You dirty rotten swine you!
You're damn right I'm right
A gang of rotten little clowns
A mouthful of frozen gasoline
Crisp outside, moist inside
Don't care about how you look
Don't forget to wear your wig
Don't let the car outta the bag
Fanning the flames of passion
For the sake of neighborliness
From the gentleman over there
Haven't I seen you before?
He wanted to know every detail
Heard it through the grapevine
Honeycomb sandwich structure
Lead an extremely frugal life
Let me introduce myself first
Listen to what your granny says
Long, protruding nasal hair
My fate hung by a single thread
Non compos mentis defendant
Place chefs go after midnight
Rumbling and rolling stomach
Sick of school, sick of life
Strong, in control woman
Sudden change of air pressure
Superbly acute sense of smell
The earth was round, after all
The Montagues and the Capulets
Turned down like an old duvet
Vampire gunman runs amok!
Wander around the bar district
What is the meaning of void?
What's the cloud look like?
Your compassion can kill you
Become somebody in the future
Come see my stamp collection
Convenience store lunch box
Even a cactus dies in her room
First love with an older woman
Gained weight after childbirth
Gold caskets carved with runes
Hold chopsticks like pencils
I will never forget till I die
I'm going back to my parents
Inside the peanut man costume
It hurts me too much to hurt you
Large sized discarded items
Look both ways before crossing
Mayonnaise moisturizing mask
Mental pressure destroyed him
My door is always open for you
Oranges are a peeling fruit
Palace and Park of Versailles
Parade around the locker room
Proper hairdo for school boys
Run around with your fly open
Snatch the feather from my foot
Somebody put a curse on me?
Steal a neighbor's newspaper
Take care of your legs, girls
The sun shines out of my behind
Venus rub a dub health spa
We'll be on the evening news
What am I, chopped liver?
What you can't learn at school
Women got stronger after WW2
All sorts of things book
Beating a thousand men in a row
Can you define "love"?
Can't you be more patient?
Cat in a bag, bag in the river
Congressman asleep in his seat
Education conscious mother
Elegantly earringed eroticist
Everyone in a unique costume
Forbidden fruit is the sweetest
From the neck down to the chest
Girlfriend's leftover drink
Hand says much about the person
I just wanted to be your friend
I stepped on a bulldog's tail
I wish I was born next door
I'd rather be rich than stupid
Magically delicious corndogs
Men want to be beautiful, too
Never make a monkey out of her
Private e mails are scanned
Professional mahjongg hustler
Sing a company song in chorus
Stretch marks on all my clothes
Striking resemblance to Ralph
Swarming with things like these
Take 1 tablet after every meal
The work commensurates the pay
The world's longest sushi roll
This is the start of our new life
Weighty opinions on politics
Working with a defiant attitude
You're shooting your own men
148000 light years
Be aggressive, act important
Big, dirty, crusty toenails
Booing as big as earth rumbling
Bubble double toil and trouble
Dance like nobody's watching
Do you want to win that badly?
Furnished with cardboard boxes
Greenhouse raised tangerine
Keep failing graduation exams
Lady Penelope's mega palace
Let's spend the night together
Macromolecule absorbent sheet
Physical contact is important
Pro wrestling is awesome!
Remove wrapper before eating
Strategic arms limitation talks
Uptown style, downtown chic
Vengeance upon a cruel world
Vulgar cussin and name callin
We'll fly like a kite to space
Will be delivered in 5 years
Words unlisted in a dictionary
You ain't seen nothing yet!
You can't be my guest forever
You might as well like yourself
Your girlfriend agrees with me
Color the X rays with crayons
Don't use no double negatives
Don't you have any friends?
Forget to eat, forget to sleep
Furnish enemy with ammunition
Go and get me her phone number
Grab your change with both hands
Her betrayal made my blood boil
I'm gonna send you all to hell
Is that supposed to be a joke?
Japan, the land of the samurai
Life like a roller coaster ride
Mom always pays for my mistakes
Most couples fight about money
Palanquin carried by monkeys
Potpourri makes me smell good
Run naked through olive groves
Small craft warnings in effect
Take special care against fires
This date is the first and the last
To be on stage for the first time
Too bad she looks like her father
Waiting for a prince charming
We're ready to strike back now
What do you think, officer?
You can leave your party hat on
You didn't even eat your shoes
You have no right to call me dad
Becoming energetic after work
Better sleep makes better health
Boldly belching British bishop
Bullets travel faster than sound
Can I use your parking spot?
Could you, like, shut up?
Cows are watching how you drive
Do a wheelie on mom's bicycle
Don't give tune to everything
Don't insult my intelligence
Don't take everything from me
Hospicio Cabanas, Guadalajara
How come he doesn't notice?
How old is your birthday tree?
I love cold pizza the day after
I'll buy you anything you want
Is there anything you recall?
It'll put a smile on your face
Let the rose look up your beauty
Long haired guys from Seattle
Miles and miles of open fields
Pleasant working environment
Possessed by the spirit of a fox
Rainfall of 70 inches a year
Regular intake of dietary fiber
Satisfied customer is the best ad
Second generation entertainer
Sexy and smart bohemian dentist
That's called sexual harassment
Underground streetwear fashion
Who taught you to walk that way?
You never grow up, do you?
You'll get nothing and like it
Audience thrown into uproar
Cashmere and silk T shirt
Chilly day with low temperature
Dangle fine cuisine before her
Don't call me by my first name
Gain advantage by complaining
I need this job to impress girls
I wish I hadn't been born at all
It's Badd it's Radd it's Bradd
Life's a bowl of rotten bananas
Locker filled with love letters
Long cherished first victory
Max: 135 miles per hour
Mountain man meets valley girl
My melon will cause a sensation
Nice to myself, hard on others
Only 20 couples can win!
Out of the question for amateurs
Poor early morning visibility
Raw bacon makes a good face mask
Recommended to petite people
Stop worrying about everything
Trying to keep up appearances
Unit five, come in unit five
We can try again in the morning
We don't know a thing about him
Who wants to be a billionaire?
You have everything with you?
You'll kiss your heart good bye
Black cat with a fish in its mouth
Black and white television
Cheated her out of a lot of money
Difficult, dirty, dangerous
Don't be afraid, come closer
Expressive as a concrete block
First a daughter, and then a son
His girlfriend will suffer a lot
How would you like your steak?
I like beautiful, older ladies
I swear that totem pole spoke!
I think I left the oven on, too
I thought you had a sense of humor
I'm talking to myself again!
Irreconcilable indifferences
It's trying to communicate!
Karaoke king is what they call me
Like you really know what I mean
Little old ladies and gentlemen
Mansion worth a million dollars
Mysterious dark haired female
On my scale, it gets three stars
Open up your loving arms
Second rate cosmetic surgery
Stolen painting found by a tree
Supposedly stable relationship
Swimming pool packed with men
That's worse than robbing a bank
They are the ways of this company
Time, gentlemen, please!
Very wealthy and still available
We were only behind 22 to 0
When girls say "no"...
Where did you learn to do that?
Willing to play a thankless role
You sound just like your brother
You promised me no complaints
Auf wiedersehen, my dumpling
Avoiding me like I needed a bath
Broken farted, dear de arted
Carried shoulder high to the door
Docteur Jekyll et Monsieur Hyde
Even a dog will turn up its nose
Even a guy like me nearly cried
Four letter word that starts with F
Get down on your hands and knees
Get stomach ache from raw oysters
Hitting a little toe hurts so much
How to write a resignation letter
I threw up on an antique carpet
I'll give it to you if I find it
I'm afraid it becomes my fetish
Intend to quit being a human?
Is this really your first time?
Just looking at you hurts more
Keep your arms and legs together
Let's continue the affirmation
My dog has more friends than I do
No one noticed my new hairstyle
Obviously your pants don't fit
Pay me for what you've done!
Scratch my itch, yank my chain
This job is just a stepping stone
Whose business is it, anyway?
Would you like fries with that?
A prank? It's a serious crime
Any fool knows a dog needs a home
Are you jealous by any chance?
Are you screening your calls?
Bonus paid in product vouchers
Build a body you can be proud of
By the people, for the people
Demoralize, exploit and ruin
Desperately trying to stay young
Do we have to talk about it now?
Doggone it, everyone likes me
Everything I did went against me
Flying an airplane asleep
Forty two thousand miles a year
He borrows my stuff permanently
I know it, just can't spell it
I know you're hiding something
I won't do anything bad...
Lookin' good, feelin' great
Lover who corrects your grammar
Montana is a nice place to visit
My ex wife always said...
Nothing is wrong with your bones
Put it on the company's credit
Re enter an elementary school
Reporting from the crime scene
Short of breath in the second half
Supermarket in the neighborhood
There is luck in the last helping
Where does this kid come from?
400 consecutive victories
4000 year history of China
6 year old boy injured by a dog
Address me as "Your highness"
Children chattering on the train
Come to the dark side, you hoser
Don't call me "pretty boy"
Earnest attitude invited disaster
He makes the impossible possible
He shoots... he scores!!
How could you put up with him?
In proportion to the cube of IQ
Looking for a man who shot my paw
Not a single soul lives there now
Someday you'll thank me for this
Sorry mom, I won't do it again
True world heavyweight champion
Vehicle towed at owners expense
Your legs...are they new?
You're gonna be famous for sure
A picture paints a thousand words
Boneless skinless chicken breast
Diet with unstinting discipline
Do you wanna change the place?
Don't tell other guys in the team
Good reputation among neighbors
He will show his ability by summer
Highly trained physical beauty
I love her more and more each day
In charge of throwing out garbage
In the bag I've got French bread
Lingerie for a special occasion
Long mustard stain down the front
My pride has been torn to pieces
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
Nothing is as costly as a free gift
Should I be feeling something?
Someone has urinated on the floor
Something between hobby and work
Still have time till the last train
That's the way, uh huh uh huh
This is your captain speaking!
We can't post all of the messages
You don't monkey with tradition
100% pre shrunk cotton
A man who does anything for money
Anti Subversive Activities Act
Anything I like, everyone hates
Break into a house and fall asleep
Can't you spare a dime or two?
Chronically depressed hill myna
Crying won't solve the problem
Direct hit to the crown of the head
Don't fall in love with a client
For a change of cinema, of girl
I wonder how the rich became rich
If I tell you, I have to kill you
If you can't be kind, be vague
Knock on the door first, please
Let's pour money down the drain
Lying on a bed of roses and thorns
Mechanism of falling out of love
Mixed feelings of joy and sorrow
Move along, nothing to see here
New Yorkers and California girls
Please stop the voices in my head
Remember when you were young?
Sedated with the help of medicine
Such a blunt girl, isn't she?
Take an occasional nap on the job
That soccer ball is my best friend
They'll hear this fart on Jupiter
This will be included in the exam
Waistline threatening expansion
What would my mother have done?
Artificially colored juice
Candles, flowers and wine
Did the devil show up yet?
Eternal question for women
Eyes with coquettish appeal
Fastest delivery imaginable
First thing in the afternoon
Girls mature faster than guys
Go at 10 kilometers a year
Greek gods knew how to party
Have you seen a chicken fish
Heir raising experience
Hiding in the laundry basket
Hold onto the belt all the way
I love to see you getting fat
I'm not paying for this!
Inappropriate expression
Just like lovers in cinemas
Let's not wait and do it now
Money gone, friends gone
Old men love to give orders
Receive strange radio waves
Ridiculously accomplished
Scream if you need anything
Scrummy little honey bunny
Send greeting cards in time
She revealed her true colors
Spitting image of my mother
Spring is the season of love
Still no ring on that finger
Still on maternity leave?
Surgeon general's warning
Swear on my granny's grave
The father and the originator
The prince of pickpockets
Things school doesn't teach
Un mailed Christmas cards
Veal Adam's apple nicoise
Wait for the signal to change
Was it good for you, too?
Wham bam, thank U Ma'am
What da ya mean you dunno!
What time do you call this?
What will I wear tomorrow?
Work hard to get in a size 9
You'd better not be late!
A chapter of my younger days
A hundred crapping yowlers
A woman in love is beautiful
America's founding fathers
B35, W26, H35
Bare chests and suede jackets
Blackened Cajun Chicken
Born and raised in Brooklyn
Bribe the goddess of victory
Can snakes do push ups?
Can't find a Japanese name
Cheek to cheek dancing
Christmas sales competition
Cooked on the delivery bike
Do you or your mate snore?
Easy as twisting a baby's arm
Fall back on the government
Frankly I don't build a dam
Have you seen my baseball?
He married her for her money
How long is "a while"?
I ain't got time to bleed
I banged my shin on the table
I like it, uh huh uh huh
I'll give you all my money
Japanese team looks nervous
Join the army, see the navy
Kiss of life was my first kiss
Let's put our city on a map
Life is but many good byes
New born vigorous chicks
On mother Kelly's doorstep
Only with a magnifying glass
Personality doesn't matter
Postmodern Victorian style
Send a card to the North Pole
Sound of one hand clapping
Take short steps with big feet
Thunderbolts and lightening
Trouble with local residents
Wash hair with water in the tub
What do clouds smell like?
Whose life is it, anyway?
Woodchuck could chuck wood
Wrong command or file name
You like it, don't you?
Active bowel, active mind
Another day, another dollar
Arachnophobia, agrophobia
Burn and destroy the snowman
Can you do factorization?
Confess your real intention
Die with a smile on your face
Do I look like a murderer?
Don't touch with dirty hands
Face haunted by his ancestors
Girls are delicate, you see
Good at taking out the garbage
Gourmet macaroni and cheese
Happy families are all alike
Hard to tell right from wrong
He who talks loud says nothing
It always rains when I see him
It's not fear, it is terror
Just being in love with love
Looks like he lost his temper
Magnificent Stuff!!!
Mania for all things foreign
Money, money, money!
Mustard flavored mayonnaise
Nerd wearing contact lenses
Oh darling! don't cry!
People get what they deserve
Photochemical smog warning
Screwed up every case so far
Suntanned guy in a white suit
Tame abuse, became recluse
The Penguins are still angry
Throw your money in the ring
Vegas is the romance capital
What day of the week is this?
What will I be in 3 years?
Whose car is that, anyway?
Wonderfully wobbly copper
You were not my first choice
8 wives and 21 children
Caesar Salad without Parmesan
Class with many troubled kids
Complaining and grumbling
Confusion right after the war
Daddy got a sweet tune tonight
Dioxins, toxins, boxing
Dispensable public offices
Eat with your mouth closed!
Fetch me a bucket of steam!
Give and take, ebb and flow
Guided by the smell of cheese
Harmlessly passing your time
Health is better than a dose!
Here's looking at you, kid
He's a bull, I'm a matador
Hit with a jawbone of a donkey
How do you spell "it"?
I am of sound mind, I think
I think she's falling for me
I'm gonna be on television
Inflammatory bowel disorder
Makeup is deceiving indeed
Marriage of convenience
Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky
Muscle is made of amino acid
No medicine can cure a fool
Nondiscretionary fragrance
Ordinary primary school kid
Rank and file employee
Shall I put it in my pants?
The joke turned out to be true
The queen of TV commercials
Well being of middleclass
What was I just going to say?
Work 'til ya knuckles bleed
You could've got killed!
You have the right to be wrong
You shouldn't lie in the sun
You'll laugh, you'll cry
All you can eat buffet
Are you sure you're awake?
Beat the heat and eat to the beat
Burritos the size of your head
Captain, thar be whales here
Close the door when you leave
Don't call my mother that!
Easy to beat up, hard to kill
Five thousand screaming fans
Give the parrot his medicine
Goat entrails and rabbits feet
How come I sweat when I eat?
If you drive, don't drink
It's about time for a new car
I've had bottles thrown at me
Keep pressing the fire alarm
Kill the invisible swordsman
Let's repeat the scene again
Long hair and bushy sideburns
Lunch box at the shooting site
Mares eat oats and does eat oats
Merry go round sushi bar
Off court tennis coaching
On her way to enter a nunnery
Only interested in one thing
Overuse of the verbal weapon
Rapidly getting old and ugly
Rock'n'roll is here to stay
Smarter than the average llama
They look like miniature ants
This story is full of suspense
Turn back while you still can
Visitors from the outer world
We have to say good bye here
What the hell are you doing?
Why am I playing this game?
You've got to face the music
A room with a tense atmosphere
All fed up and no place to go
Are my suspenders straight?
Ball hit me square in the face
Be a bad girl during vacation
Chain gang musical comedy
Decorate your father's belly
Did my heart love till now?
Direct hit on the vital organs
Doctor who enjoys operations
Embarrassing and humiliating
Filthiest person in the world
Forget the cold bohemian hell
Frolicking through the forest
He rolled his eyes and fainted
Hold me, thrill me, hug me
I don't have an English name
I think of the strangest things
I won't let you have your way
Ice cream float in a diet soda
I'll deal with the pain later
It ended while I was sleeping
It's only a figure of speech
No smoking in this courtroom
Numbing of certain feelings
Pick your nose and stare at it
Put your hand in your pocket
Stamp collecting is my hobby
Stimulate a maternal instinct
Tears run down onto the letter
The first time to see real snow
The Tigris Euphrates Valley
Uncomfortable relationships
We should know better than that
Wheered you git that turkey?
Why can't you use a toilet?
Woman who'll change my life
A hiccup is a diaphragm spasm
A pair of star cross'd lovers
As long as we don't get caught
At the end of the hard delivery
Attention, little old ladies
Bandanna originated in India
Cycling originated in Japan
Don't interrupt me, honey
Eat and sleep, eat and sleep
Even monkeys dwell on things
Fuscia pants with sleeveless T
Get on your knees and confess
How to relieve stiff shoulders
I'll do it if it will save her
Is it the meat or the motion?
It's only between you and me
It's painful, isn't it?
Know the breed, know the dog
Leave the young couple alone
Live from the Kitchen Stadium
Must have been something I ate
Prince in sheep's clothing
Public heated swimming pool
The finder was the murderer
The punishment fits the crime
There's a ghost following you
This is my other brother Darryl
Twitching vein in the temple
Undeniable animal attraction
You dirty rotten swine you!
You're damn right I'm right
A gang of rotten little clowns
A mouthful of frozen gasoline
Crisp outside, moist inside
Don't care about how you look
Don't forget to wear your wig
Don't let the car outta the bag
Fanning the flames of passion
For the sake of neighborliness
From the gentleman over there
Haven't I seen you before?
He wanted to know every detail
Heard it through the grapevine
Honeycomb sandwich structure
Lead an extremely frugal life
Let me introduce myself first
Listen to what your granny says
Long, protruding nasal hair
My fate hung by a single thread
Non compos mentis defendant
Place chefs go after midnight
Rumbling and rolling stomach
Sick of school, sick of life
Strong, in control woman
Sudden change of air pressure
Superbly acute sense of smell
The earth was round, after all
The Montagues and the Capulets
Turned down like an old duvet
Vampire gunman runs amok!
Wander around the bar district
What is the meaning of void?
What's the cloud look like?
Your compassion can kill you
Become somebody in the future
Come see my stamp collection
Convenience store lunch box
Even a cactus dies in her room
First love with an older woman
Gained weight after childbirth
Gold caskets carved with runes
Hold chopsticks like pencils
I will never forget till I die
I'm going back to my parents
Inside the peanut man costume
It hurts me too much to hurt you
Large sized discarded items
Look both ways before crossing
Mayonnaise moisturizing mask
Mental pressure destroyed him
My door is always open for you
Oranges are a peeling fruit
Palace and Park of Versailles
Parade around the locker room
Proper hairdo for school boys
Run around with your fly open
Snatch the feather from my foot
Somebody put a curse on me?
Steal a neighbor's newspaper
Take care of your legs, girls
The sun shines out of my behind
Venus rub a dub health spa
We'll be on the evening news
What am I, chopped liver?
What you can't learn at school
Women got stronger after WW2
All sorts of things book
Beating a thousand men in a row
Can you define "love"?
Can't you be more patient?
Cat in a bag, bag in the river
Congressman asleep in his seat
Education conscious mother
Elegantly earringed eroticist
Everyone in a unique costume
Forbidden fruit is the sweetest
From the neck down to the chest
Girlfriend's leftover drink
Hand says much about the person
I just wanted to be your friend
I stepped on a bulldog's tail
I wish I was born next door
I'd rather be rich than stupid
Magically delicious corndogs
Men want to be beautiful, too
Never make a monkey out of her
Private e mails are scanned
Professional mahjongg hustler
Sing a company song in chorus
Stretch marks on all my clothes
Striking resemblance to Ralph
Swarming with things like these
Take 1 tablet after every meal
The work commensurates the pay
The world's longest sushi roll
This is the start of our new life
Weighty opinions on politics
Working with a defiant attitude
You're shooting your own men
148000 light years
Be aggressive, act important
Big, dirty, crusty toenails
Booing as big as earth rumbling
Bubble double toil and trouble
Dance like nobody's watching
Do you want to win that badly?
Furnished with cardboard boxes
Greenhouse raised tangerine
Keep failing graduation exams
Lady Penelope's mega palace
Let's spend the night together
Macromolecule absorbent sheet
Physical contact is important
Pro wrestling is awesome!
Remove wrapper before eating
Strategic arms limitation talks
Uptown style, downtown chic
Vengeance upon a cruel world
Vulgar cussin and name callin
We'll fly like a kite to space
Will be delivered in 5 years
Words unlisted in a dictionary
You ain't seen nothing yet!
You can't be my guest forever
You might as well like yourself
Your girlfriend agrees with me
Color the X rays with crayons
Don't use no double negatives
Don't you have any friends?
Forget to eat, forget to sleep
Furnish enemy with ammunition
Go and get me her phone number
Grab your change with both hands
Her betrayal made my blood boil
I'm gonna send you all to hell
Is that supposed to be a joke?
Japan, the land of the samurai
Life like a roller coaster ride
Mom always pays for my mistakes
Most couples fight about money
Palanquin carried by monkeys
Potpourri makes me smell good
Run naked through olive groves
Small craft warnings in effect
Take special care against fires
This date is the first and the last
To be on stage for the first time
Too bad she looks like her father
Waiting for a prince charming
We're ready to strike back now
What do you think, officer?
You can leave your party hat on
You didn't even eat your shoes
You have no right to call me dad
Becoming energetic after work
Better sleep makes better health
Boldly belching British bishop
Bullets travel faster than sound
Can I use your parking spot?
Could you, like, shut up?
Cows are watching how you drive
Do a wheelie on mom's bicycle
Don't give tune to everything
Don't insult my intelligence
Don't take everything from me
Hospicio Cabanas, Guadalajara
How come he doesn't notice?
How old is your birthday tree?
I love cold pizza the day after
I'll buy you anything you want
Is there anything you recall?
It'll put a smile on your face
Let the rose look up your beauty
Long haired guys from Seattle
Miles and miles of open fields
Pleasant working environment
Possessed by the spirit of a fox
Rainfall of 70 inches a year
Regular intake of dietary fiber
Satisfied customer is the best ad
Second generation entertainer
Sexy and smart bohemian dentist
That's called sexual harassment
Underground streetwear fashion
Who taught you to walk that way?
You never grow up, do you?
You'll get nothing and like it
Audience thrown into uproar
Cashmere and silk T shirt
Chilly day with low temperature
Dangle fine cuisine before her
Don't call me by my first name
Gain advantage by complaining
I need this job to impress girls
I wish I hadn't been born at all
It's Badd it's Radd it's Bradd
Life's a bowl of rotten bananas
Locker filled with love letters
Long cherished first victory
Max: 135 miles per hour
Mountain man meets valley girl
My melon will cause a sensation
Nice to myself, hard on others
Only 20 couples can win!
Out of the question for amateurs
Poor early morning visibility
Raw bacon makes a good face mask
Recommended to petite people
Stop worrying about everything
Trying to keep up appearances
Unit five, come in unit five
We can try again in the morning
We don't know a thing about him
Who wants to be a billionaire?
You have everything with you?
You'll kiss your heart good bye
Black cat with a fish in its mouth
Black and white television
Cheated her out of a lot of money
Difficult, dirty, dangerous
Don't be afraid, come closer
Expressive as a concrete block
First a daughter, and then a son
His girlfriend will suffer a lot
How would you like your steak?
I like beautiful, older ladies
I swear that totem pole spoke!
I think I left the oven on, too
I thought you had a sense of humor
I'm talking to myself again!
Irreconcilable indifferences
It's trying to communicate!
Karaoke king is what they call me
Like you really know what I mean
Little old ladies and gentlemen
Mansion worth a million dollars
Mysterious dark haired female
On my scale, it gets three stars
Open up your loving arms
Second rate cosmetic surgery
Stolen painting found by a tree
Supposedly stable relationship
Swimming pool packed with men
That's worse than robbing a bank
They are the ways of this company
Time, gentlemen, please!
Very wealthy and still available
We were only behind 22 to 0
When girls say "no"...
Where did you learn to do that?
Willing to play a thankless role
You sound just like your brother
You promised me no complaints
Auf wiedersehen, my dumpling
Avoiding me like I needed a bath
Broken farted, dear de arted
Carried shoulder high to the door
Docteur Jekyll et Monsieur Hyde
Even a dog will turn up its nose
Even a guy like me nearly cried
Four letter word that starts with F
Get down on your hands and knees
Get stomach ache from raw oysters
Hitting a little toe hurts so much
How to write a resignation letter
I threw up on an antique carpet
I'll give it to you if I find it
I'm afraid it becomes my fetish
Intend to quit being a human?
Is this really your first time?
Just looking at you hurts more
Keep your arms and legs together
Let's continue the affirmation
My dog has more friends than I do
No one noticed my new hairstyle
Obviously your pants don't fit
Pay me for what you've done!
Scratch my itch, yank my chain
This job is just a stepping stone
Whose business is it, anyway?
Would you like fries with that?
A prank? It's a serious crime
Any fool knows a dog needs a home
Are you jealous by any chance?
Are you screening your calls?
Bonus paid in product vouchers
Build a body you can be proud of
By the people, for the people
Demoralize, exploit and ruin
Desperately trying to stay young
Do we have to talk about it now?
Doggone it, everyone likes me
Everything I did went against me
Flying an airplane asleep
Forty two thousand miles a year
He borrows my stuff permanently
I know it, just can't spell it
I know you're hiding something
I won't do anything bad...
Lookin' good, feelin' great
Lover who corrects your grammar
Montana is a nice place to visit
My ex wife always said...
Nothing is wrong with your bones
Put it on the company's credit
Re enter an elementary school
Reporting from the crime scene
Short of breath in the second half
Supermarket in the neighborhood
There is luck in the last helping
Where does this kid come from?
400 consecutive victories
4000 year history of China
6 year old boy injured by a dog
Address me as "Your highness"
Children chattering on the train
Come to the dark side, you hoser
Don't call me "pretty boy"
Earnest attitude invited disaster
He makes the impossible possible
He shoots... he scores!!
How could you put up with him?
In proportion to the cube of IQ
Looking for a man who shot my paw
Not a single soul lives there now
Someday you'll thank me for this
Sorry mom, I won't do it again
True world heavyweight champion
Vehicle towed at owners expense
Your legs...are they new?
You're gonna be famous for sure
A picture paints a thousand words
Boneless skinless chicken breast
Diet with unstinting discipline
Do you wanna change the place?
Don't tell other guys in the team
Good reputation among neighbors
He will show his ability by summer
Highly trained physical beauty
I love her more and more each day
In charge of throwing out garbage
In the bag I've got French bread
Lingerie for a special occasion
Long mustard stain down the front
My pride has been torn to pieces
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
Nothing is as costly as a free gift
Should I be feeling something?
Someone has urinated on the floor
Something between hobby and work
Still have time till the last train
That's the way, uh huh uh huh
This is your captain speaking!
We can't post all of the messages
You don't monkey with tradition
100% pre shrunk cotton
A man who does anything for money
Anti Subversive Activities Act
Anything I like, everyone hates
Break into a house and fall asleep
Can't you spare a dime or two?
Chronically depressed hill myna
Crying won't solve the problem
Direct hit to the crown of the head
Don't fall in love with a client
For a change of cinema, of girl
I wonder how the rich became rich
If I tell you, I have to kill you
If you can't be kind, be vague
Knock on the door first, please
Let's pour money down the drain
Lying on a bed of roses and thorns
Mechanism of falling out of love
Mixed feelings of joy and sorrow
Move along, nothing to see here
New Yorkers and California girls
Please stop the voices in my head
Remember when you were young?
Sedated with the help of medicine
Such a blunt girl, isn't she?
Take an occasional nap on the job
That soccer ball is my best friend
They'll hear this fart on Jupiter
This will be included in the exam
Waistline threatening expansion
What would my mother have done?
Can't be seen from the other side
Dancing fools and singing idiots
Do you live around here, kid?
Don't come back empty handed
Her face launched a thousand ships
High in protein, low calorie
I only do autographs after the show
I'm obsessed, thanks for asking
Lalalalalalalalala means I wuv you
Open your meaty sympathetic arms
Sexual connotations don't exist
That's as far as I go on a first date
That's exactly what I was afraid of
The mysterious stranger archetype
Throw off all your inhibitions!
We won't be able to go home alive
Where do baby storks come from?
Who left the cap off the toothpaste
Worst wedding singer in the world
You are the 5th person to ask that
You mean absolutely nothing to me
Classic country with a punk flair
Confiscate the potato chips!
Devilishly devious Danish dentist
Everybody knows about you and him
Everybody wants to be just like me
Experience earned from odd jobs
Eyebrows which join in the middle
Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dostoyevsky
Grandpa, you already had dinner
Guilty of love in the first degree
I wonder if Dracula ever has ticks
I'm exhausted, go on without me
It was a dark and stormy night..
It's not a pimple, it's a spot
Parent and child of dusky mallard
Some people can't pronounce J
The best part of TV is commercials
The child's child is a grandchild
Wanna leave a memory not a record
What have I done to deserve this?
Who holds the remote control?
25 years teaching experience
3 sugar cubes for an hour's work
30 years career as demonstrator
Ashamed to be seen in a bathing suit
Cheering supporters on sidewalks
Click here to hidden web addresses
Don't have to come back tomorrow
Had no girlfriend for 35 years
I don't deserve friends like you
I was speaking French in my dream
I'll deal with your nagging later
I'll pay you back when I get rich
It will blink when you pull it out
Little pet food for little animals
Oh no! The brakes don't work!
Prevention of cruelty to animals
Remember we used to be married?
She browbeat him into marrying her
Throw out a leftover when it crawls
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy
Today's subject: man and woman
Transformation from a duet to duel
Wearing short pants all year round
You see? I TOLD you I was sick!
You're gonna hear from my lawyer
10 lb. salt to 10 lb. rice
At drugstores in your neighborhood
Be prepared for any contingency
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Comprehensive physical checkup
Cook up a week's meal in advance
Could be, should be, but isn't
I had to meet him without my clothes
Minor setbacks such as losing a job
Oh oh dear Nigel's made a hash of it
Open a safe like the back of a watch
Receptionist to a plastic surgeon
Take this! And this! And this!
What do you think you're doing?
You don't feel sorry, do you?
You don't have to thank me for that
You don't want to see my bare face
Bit applause from cool youngsters
Cheated on, swindled and dumped
Don't have to go back home tonight
Engage brain before starting mouth
Everyday life of everyday people
I didn't do it, my secretary did
I'm out of business cards, sorry
It annoys me that I look like my dad
It's my policy to have no policy
Knitting a sweater for the baby bear
Knowing when to quit is important
My personality is my strong point
One eyed dog named "Lucky"
Six slightly slobbering scientists
Supposed to be off the record
You're really the only one for me
Can't touch it without permission
Don't treat me like an old lady!
Frequently goes off the main track
I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize
Is there something I should know?
It's my pleasure to serve as a foil
Le disque, c'est libre, le but
Lifestyles of the not so famous
Love like you've never been hurt
My name? It's in the phone book
Proud to have highest self esteem
Secret squirrel & Morocco mole
Surprise birthday party every year
The Route of Santiago de Compostela
You'll understand if you drink it
20 years of steady perseverance
A rolling stone gathers no dogs dirt
Argumentative Armenian anesthetist
Believe me, I was that whiz kid!
Caught between love and promotion
Do you know where your socks are?
Flash flood, flash dud, flash mud
Hospital serving tasty barium meals
It's not a part of my programming
Jack of all trades, master of none
Leave a message and I might call you
People running about frantically
Poverty is OK. Just don't show it
The letter is smudged with teardrops
The whole truth and nothing but truth
You too are a warm blooded animal
A bit of flirting never hurt anyone
A brick is a stone used for building
Actually, my mom is the president
Am I supposed to wear black here?
Are you aware you're in trouble?
As much as you like, $10 each
Buy cars, wreck cars, dump cars
Crime is much better on television
Currently, we don't hafta tell ya
Demanding husband only on a payday
Expensive and dangerous obsession
Fantastically photogenic pheasants
I don't want to see that sullen face
I shouldn't say that in front of you
Include the children when cooking
Incredibly clean thanks to biology
Just in time for the 21st century
Ladies with miminy piminy words
Monotonous speech by a politician
Pick your nose and share it with him
Please keep your seatbelts fastened
Shoot mosquitoes with elephant guns
Survived the sinking of the Titanic
The first day of the rest of your life
Wanna check out my big satellite?
Whatsamatter, ump, you blind?
Would you like a copy of my butt?
Would you like to settle this outside
You don't know what you're saying
Your problems will be my problems
You're not going out in that outfit
Bumblebee striped swimming suit
But they burst out laughing backstage
Cigar chomping financial types
Goods featuring popular characters
Haven't had a facelift in a century
It was back when you meant something
Let's knock over these gravestones
Live in constant self deception
Maintaining a well balanced diet
Nothing added, nothing subtracted
We're all screaming for ice cream
What's yodeling got to do with it?
Will fill in the chink in your heart
I did my best is not an excuse
And now, our feature presentation
Easter and Christmas rolled into one
Go to restaurant to rest and rant
Have you ever lied about your age?
He picks on you because he likes you
How will I possibly pay this bill?
It seemed like a good idea at the time
Keep your eyes closed while kissing
Kiss her with every lip on your face
Looks very dangerous, you go first
Palmtop laptop hiphop technopop
The grass is greener on the other side
The opposite of the opposite of this
There are plenty more fish in the sea
Verbs has to agree with their subjects
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
Break his heart, I'll make you fart
Connoisseurs of frustrated ambition
Don't you ever look in a mirror?
Even if it causes the family to split
Every criminal returns to the scene
Highest stair climb on clenched toes
I'm not tall, my friends are short
It takes 5 years to heal completely
Japanese folks serving Italian food
My son is getting thinner and weaker
Nero fiddled away while Rome burned
Sloppy clothes reveal a sloppy man
Take an exam just for commemoration
Tetchy tutting Turkish taxi driver
The refrigerator makes a funny noise
Unearned success to wretched excess
Yell questions at the rocks and trees
And the people's choice is...
Bring us more drink, more food!
He's smarter than your average mayor
I don't want promises, I want cash
I will eat carrots for the revolution
If you win, you'll get a Dreamcast
Keep your grubby meat hooks off it
Lifeless dummies in test automobiles
Neglect her birthday at your own risk
Never trust anyone with one eye brow
Pa Pa don't die Pa!!!!!
Suddenly turned into a big pumpkin
The circumference to diameter ratio
The human body is about 2 3 water
Ugliness and beauty of everyday life
Where there's smoke, there's fire
You can play for up to 2 hours a day
10 lb. of ground pork, please
Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck 'em
Clicking sound of a Japanese camera
Do you really love those old jeans?
Does your mother know you're out?
Got 2 chocolate bars for my birthday
It shouldn't have ended up like this
Like a dead body without any response
She doesn't wanna lead a normal life
Speak several languages and use none
Touch your nose with your eyes closed
Wear jeans to keep dirty old men away
We're looking for our neighborhood
What made you come all the way here?
World made of chocolates and candies
Would you like to be my son in law?
You have the right to remain confused
You left the dogs in the South Pole?
Acquaintance of my cousin's uncle
And hast thou slain the Jabberwocky?
Appearance doesn't go with the name
Are you feeling what I'm feeling?
Children should be heard and not seen
Come from behind grand slammer
Cut the onion fine so you can't tell
Extensive collection of hair nets
I always tell the truth even when I lie
I've convinced my parents already
Leftover spaghetti is pasta its prime
Librarian from Marshfield Wisconsin
Oh! If only I had double eyelids!
Ooze chemistry and drive women wild
Overwhelmingly quick performance
Remember how many times I fed you?
Rub this on your skin to make it brown
The acceptable face of the human race
Things women aren't supposed to see
Toilet dressed in a fuzzy puce snood
Turn around and see who's behind you
We used to drink out of the same bottle
Whatever you do, don't fall asleep
A broken heart is sometimes incurable
Approved by the Ministry of Finance
Be he the humblest doorman in the firm
Because he was too faithful to the rules
Bra hooks are puzzle rings of love
Don't go away, we'll be right back
Don't you think that it's unusual?
For me to know and for you to find out
From hunt and peck to touchtype
Harmony is everything to the Japanese
He led a lonely life until he got a dog
I'm the world's greatest everything
I've been a pain in the ass, I know
Listen class, this will be on the test
Must be postmarked no later than today
My existence is a pure waste of space
New England clam chowder in the face
Nothing like a good piece of hickory
Pay per view only $49.99
Sharp questions by little journalists
The last Sunday in the summer vacation
The pitcher walked him intentionally
They started throwing cold water on me
This is the time I can reveal my talent
Uniform covered with advertisements
19 more dogs until spring...
Almost full, excluding vacant seats
Appreciate people with big eyebrows
Call our agency in your neighborhood
Did I do anything stupid last night?
Do you really think caviar's tasty?
I couldn't believe she knew my name
I got no rhythm but I know how to count
If I wasn't a man then I'd be a woman
It is consoling that nobody was killed
It's not over till the thin lady sings
Mother induced alternative lifestyle
The size of her shoes is the only reason
Eats meats West Korean BBQ in Ames Iowa
Global Warming Mugs and Ts Now on sale
Go ahead and beat yourself up mentally
I know that you know that I know what?
I like you, I love you, I adore you
I now pronounce you husband and wife
Impossibly good natured landowner
Money, money, money, money!
The check bounced for the second time
Umbrellas and other things left behind
Walk in a straight line heel to toe
Why do I look much better in photos?
You couldn't swing a dead cat in here
You must unlearn what you have learned
Your fingerprints were on the window
Cooked seaweed mixed with a sea spider
Damn fine cup of coffee and hot!
Hip py, hip py, shake shake
I was just being quiet with my eyes shut
It will be omitted from consideration
Once upon a time, like, last month
Play poker with 3 imaginary players
That cheesecake looks too good to resist
You'll see, I'm gonna be a big star
Your words are barely out of your mouth
Four score and seven years ago...
3 years since the harrowing incident
65% of Finns use mobile phones
An eye for an eye makes the world blind
Confess love through in house phone
Conversation between a cow and a horse
Drive west until my car stops running
Here's your change, $5000
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way
My brass studded collars collection
Sounds like a country and western song
Stand on one foot with your eyes closed
Thin person screaming to get out of me
Think about a good excuse to play hooky
You spin me around round round round
Your overconfidence is your weakness
You're turning into a typing zombie
5,972 sextillion metric tons
An old eagle is better than a young crow
Between him and a pig, bet on the pig
Fifth trip within 2 hours to the toilet
If you lick my shoes, I'll marry you
I'm only doing this for your own good
Lecherously laughing Libyan librarian
My left arm is longer than the right one
My only love sprung from my only hate
Nobody insulted me like that before!
Responsibility for a chain of failures
That's strange, I shaved this morning
This music sounds like a military march
You are the only person I can count on
Can't be seen from the other side
Dancing fools and singing idiots
Do you live around here, kid?
Don't come back empty handed
Her face launched a thousand ships
High in protein, low calorie
I only do autographs after the show
I'm obsessed, thanks for asking
Lalalalalalalalala means I wuv you
Open your meaty sympathetic arms
Sexual connotations don't exist
That's as far as I go on a first date
That's exactly what I was afraid of
The mysterious stranger archetype
Throw off all your inhibitions!
We won't be able to go home alive
Where do baby storks come from?
Who left the cap off the toothpaste
Worst wedding singer in the world
You are the 5th person to ask that
You mean absolutely nothing to me
Classic country with a punk flair
Confiscate the potato chips!
Devilishly devious Danish dentist
Everybody knows about you and him
Everybody wants to be just like me
Experience earned from odd jobs
Eyebrows which join in the middle
Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dostoyevsky
Grandpa, you already had dinner
Guilty of love in the first degree
I wonder if Dracula ever has ticks
I'm exhausted, go on without me
It was a dark and stormy night..
It's not a pimple, it's a spot
Parent and child of dusky mallard
Some people can't pronounce J
The best part of TV is commercials
The child's child is a grandchild
Wanna leave a memory not a record
What have I done to deserve this?
Who holds the remote control?
25 years teaching experience
3 sugar cubes for an hour's work
30 years career as demonstrator
Ashamed to be seen in a bathing suit
Cheering supporters on sidewalks
Click here to hidden web addresses
Don't have to come back tomorrow
Had no girlfriend for 35 years
I don't deserve friends like you
I was speaking French in my dream
I'll deal with your nagging later
I'll pay you back when I get rich
It will blink when you pull it out
Little pet food for little animals
Oh no! The brakes don't work!
Prevention of cruelty to animals
Remember we used to be married?
She browbeat him into marrying her
Throw out a leftover when it crawls
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy
Today's subject: man and woman
Transformation from a duet to duel
Wearing short pants all year round
You see? I TOLD you I was sick!
You're gonna hear from my lawyer
10 lb. salt to 10 lb. rice
At drugstores in your neighborhood
Be prepared for any contingency
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Comprehensive physical checkup
Cook up a week's meal in advance
Could be, should be, but isn't
I had to meet him without my clothes
Minor setbacks such as losing a job
Oh oh dear Nigel's made a hash of it
Open a safe like the back of a watch
Receptionist to a plastic surgeon
Take this! And this! And this!
What do you think you're doing?
You don't feel sorry, do you?
You don't have to thank me for that
You don't want to see my bare face
Bit applause from cool youngsters
Cheated on, swindled and dumped
Don't have to go back home tonight
Engage brain before starting mouth
Everyday life of everyday people
I didn't do it, my secretary did
I'm out of business cards, sorry
It annoys me that I look like my dad
It's my policy to have no policy
Knitting a sweater for the baby bear
Knowing when to quit is important
My personality is my strong point
One eyed dog named "Lucky"
Six slightly slobbering scientists
Supposed to be off the record
You're really the only one for me
Can't touch it without permission
Don't treat me like an old lady!
Frequently goes off the main track
I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize
Is there something I should know?
It's my pleasure to serve as a foil
Le disque, c'est libre, le but
Lifestyles of the not so famous
Love like you've never been hurt
My name? It's in the phone book
Proud to have highest self esteem
Secret squirrel & Morocco mole
Surprise birthday party every year
The Route of Santiago de Compostela
You'll understand if you drink it
20 years of steady perseverance
A rolling stone gathers no dogs dirt
Argumentative Armenian anesthetist
Believe me, I was that whiz kid!
Caught between love and promotion
Do you know where your socks are?
Flash flood, flash dud, flash mud
Hospital serving tasty barium meals
It's not a part of my programming
Jack of all trades, master of none
Leave a message and I might call you
People running about frantically
Poverty is OK. Just don't show it
The letter is smudged with teardrops
The whole truth and nothing but truth
You too are a warm blooded animal
A bit of flirting never hurt anyone
A brick is a stone used for building
Actually, my mom is the president
Am I supposed to wear black here?
Are you aware you're in trouble?
As much as you like, $10 each
Buy cars, wreck cars, dump cars
Crime is much better on television
Currently, we don't hafta tell ya
Demanding husband only on a payday
Expensive and dangerous obsession
Fantastically photogenic pheasants
I don't want to see that sullen face
I shouldn't say that in front of you
Include the children when cooking
Incredibly clean thanks to biology
Just in time for the 21st century
Ladies with miminy piminy words
Monotonous speech by a politician
Pick your nose and share it with him
Please keep your seatbelts fastened
Shoot mosquitoes with elephant guns
Survived the sinking of the Titanic
The first day of the rest of your life
Wanna check out my big satellite?
Whatsamatter, ump, you blind?
Would you like a copy of my butt?
Would you like to settle this outside
You don't know what you're saying
Your problems will be my problems
You're not going out in that outfit
Bumblebee striped swimming suit
But they burst out laughing backstage
Cigar chomping financial types
Goods featuring popular characters
Haven't had a facelift in a century
It was back when you meant something
Let's knock over these gravestones
Live in constant self deception
Maintaining a well balanced diet
Nothing added, nothing subtracted
We're all screaming for ice cream
What's yodeling got to do with it?
Will fill in the chink in your heart
I did my best is not an excuse
And now, our feature presentation
Easter and Christmas rolled into one
Go to restaurant to rest and rant
Have you ever lied about your age?
He picks on you because he likes you
How will I possibly pay this bill?
It seemed like a good idea at the time
Keep your eyes closed while kissing
Kiss her with every lip on your face
Looks very dangerous, you go first
Palmtop laptop hiphop technopop
The grass is greener on the other side
The opposite of the opposite of this
There are plenty more fish in the sea
Verbs has to agree with their subjects
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush
Break his heart, I'll make you fart
Connoisseurs of frustrated ambition
Don't you ever look in a mirror?
Even if it causes the family to split
Every criminal returns to the scene
Highest stair climb on clenched toes
I'm not tall, my friends are short
It takes 5 years to heal completely
Japanese folks serving Italian food
My son is getting thinner and weaker
Nero fiddled away while Rome burned
Sloppy clothes reveal a sloppy man
Take an exam just for commemoration
Tetchy tutting Turkish taxi driver
The refrigerator makes a funny noise
Unearned success to wretched excess
Yell questions at the rocks and trees
And the people's choice is...
Bring us more drink, more food!
He's smarter than your average mayor
I don't want promises, I want cash
I will eat carrots for the revolution
If you win, you'll get a Dreamcast
Keep your grubby meat hooks off it
Lifeless dummies in test automobiles
Neglect her birthday at your own risk
Never trust anyone with one eye brow
Pa Pa don't die Pa!!!!!
Suddenly turned into a big pumpkin
The circumference to diameter ratio
The human body is about 2 3 water
Ugliness and beauty of everyday life
Where there's smoke, there's fire
You can play for up to 2 hours a day
10 lb. of ground pork, please
Adam and Eve on a raft and wreck 'em
Clicking sound of a Japanese camera
Do you really love those old jeans?
Does your mother know you're out?
Got 2 chocolate bars for my birthday
It shouldn't have ended up like this
Like a dead body without any response
She doesn't wanna lead a normal life
Speak several languages and use none
Touch your nose with your eyes closed
Wear jeans to keep dirty old men away
We're looking for our neighborhood
What made you come all the way here?
World made of chocolates and candies
Would you like to be my son in law?
You have the right to remain confused
You left the dogs in the South Pole?
Acquaintance of my cousin's uncle
And hast thou slain the Jabberwocky?
Appearance doesn't go with the name
Are you feeling what I'm feeling?
Children should be heard and not seen
Come from behind grand slammer
Cut the onion fine so you can't tell
Extensive collection of hair nets
I always tell the truth even when I lie
I've convinced my parents already
Leftover spaghetti is pasta its prime
Librarian from Marshfield Wisconsin
Oh! If only I had double eyelids!
Ooze chemistry and drive women wild
Overwhelmingly quick performance
Remember how many times I fed you?
Rub this on your skin to make it brown
The acceptable face of the human race
Things women aren't supposed to see
Toilet dressed in a fuzzy puce snood
Turn around and see who's behind you
We used to drink out of the same bottle
Whatever you do, don't fall asleep
A broken heart is sometimes incurable
Approved by the Ministry of Finance
Be he the humblest doorman in the firm
Because he was too faithful to the rules
Bra hooks are puzzle rings of love
Don't go away, we'll be right back
Don't you think that it's unusual?
For me to know and for you to find out
From hunt and peck to touchtype
Harmony is everything to the Japanese
He led a lonely life until he got a dog
I'm the world's greatest everything
I've been a pain in the ass, I know
Listen class, this will be on the test
Must be postmarked no later than today
My existence is a pure waste of space
New England clam chowder in the face
Nothing like a good piece of hickory
Pay per view only $49.99
Sharp questions by little journalists
The last Sunday in the summer vacation
The pitcher walked him intentionally
They started throwing cold water on me
This is the time I can reveal my talent
Uniform covered with advertisements
19 more dogs until spring...
Almost full, excluding vacant seats
Appreciate people with big eyebrows
Call our agency in your neighborhood
Did I do anything stupid last night?
Do you really think caviar's tasty?
I couldn't believe she knew my name
I got no rhythm but I know how to count
If I wasn't a man then I'd be a woman
It is consoling that nobody was killed
It's not over till the thin lady sings
Mother induced alternative lifestyle
The size of her shoes is the only reason
Eats meats West Korean BBQ in Ames Iowa
Global Warming Mugs and Ts Now on sale
Go ahead and beat yourself up mentally
I know that you know that I know what?
I like you, I love you, I adore you
I now pronounce you husband and wife
Impossibly good natured landowner
Money, money, money, money!
The check bounced for the second time
Umbrellas and other things left behind
Walk in a straight line heel to toe
Why do I look much better in photos?
You couldn't swing a dead cat in here
You must unlearn what you have learned
Your fingerprints were on the window
Cooked seaweed mixed with a sea spider
Damn fine cup of coffee and hot!
Hip py, hip py, shake shake
I was just being quiet with my eyes shut
It will be omitted from consideration
Once upon a time, like, last month
Play poker with 3 imaginary players
That cheesecake looks too good to resist
You'll see, I'm gonna be a big star
Your words are barely out of your mouth
Four score and seven years ago...
3 years since the harrowing incident
65% of Finns use mobile phones
An eye for an eye makes the world blind
Confess love through in house phone
Conversation between a cow and a horse
Drive west until my car stops running
Here's your change, $5000
I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way
My brass studded collars collection
Sounds like a country and western song
Stand on one foot with your eyes closed
Thin person screaming to get out of me
Think about a good excuse to play hooky
You spin me around round round round
Your overconfidence is your weakness
You're turning into a typing zombie
5,972 sextillion metric tons
An old eagle is better than a young crow
Between him and a pig, bet on the pig
Fifth trip within 2 hours to the toilet
If you lick my shoes, I'll marry you
I'm only doing this for your own good
Lecherously laughing Libyan librarian
My left arm is longer than the right one
My only love sprung from my only hate
Nobody insulted me like that before!
Responsibility for a chain of failures
That's strange, I shaved this morning
This music sounds like a military march
You are the only person I can count on
Always attracting the wrong type of men
Attempt a bubble bath and a pasta dinner
Do you have to be in such a good mood?
Civil blood makes civil hands unclean
Did you eat more artichokes this week?
Encourage my reflection in the mirror
Fetish favoring freelance fisherman
Go see if your girlfriend's still home
I'm saying this not because I'm upset
It's spring according to the calendar
Left it in overnight. it shriveled up
The statute of limitation is running out
Thousand Island dressing on Caesar salad
Would you like to upsize your order?
Are you playing this with one finger?
Can't take insults like that lying down
Cheekily chanting Chinese chiropodist
Chillin' stylin' I need penicillin
I'm not that bad when you get to know me
I'm starving mom, anything to eat?
It looks like it's going to rain all day
Leave the kids in the car while gambling
Serious letter which makes you wanna die
Undeniably upset Ukrainian undertaker
All you do is boast and bad mouth others
And now for something totally different
Clipping coupons from the newspaper
Disadvantage if you were looked down on
Do you love me like I love myself?
Extremely excited expatriate exorcist
Going at warp speed is bad for your age
Good kids look both ways before crossing
Hang clothes alphabetically by designer
Is there anything odd about my family?
Life's hard, then you start paying tax
Look out! Germs! Germs! Germs!
Minor pop star could be major goofball
No! The bride can't eat eggplants!
The plan went wrong from the beginning
Warning objects larger than they appear
Your simple function is to pay the bill
An Englishman leaves his socks on in bed
Both eyes, for only $1,999
Casual conversation with the principal
Climb over the mountain in high heels
Dead end, go through at your own risk
Eat extra large fries without any guilt
He who steals pins, steals bigger things
How can I earn money without working?
If you're too short, you can't get on
Lots of new powder, 200 inch base
Love is love even if it's illicit love
Perversely pouting Polish politician
Single man, no date, Friday evening
Ten copies of a $10 bill, please
We're all going to die, aren't we?
Big family with 8 sons and 4 daughters
Distinguish reality from virtual reality
Eyeless, noseless, and mouthless face
I don't care that it's Valentine's Day
Never use it when it's not appropriate
Non offensive song by the school chef
Paperback writer, take a bath right now
Your father would've been proud of you
As a school counselor, I wanna help you
Close your yap, bo, or I squirt metal
Gaily gallivanting German gynecologist
Have you ever done the foxtrot before?
I'm always right, you're always wrong
Listening to your story makes me excited
Please refrain from smoking at all times
Privately published "my history"
We're a cog in a machine called society
What happened to your self respect?
You're always right, I'm always wrong
Expert at convincing people with tears
Happily humming Hawaiian horticulturist
Queen of the Castle, Master of the Realm
She's crafty despite her innocent looks
When the cat's away, the mice will play
Fiendishly frightening Finnish farmhand
I'm 15 years younger than I really am
I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry
Palm Beach, Llama Preach, Peach Balm
This program was brought to you by...
Why are movie sequels are always so bad?
Why do men keep running away from me?
Being dumped and driven to binge eating
Don't worry. It's all gonna be alright
Grab the ring and watch off the mannequin
Roadie motto: heart to art, hand to band
What do you drink if you stop drinking?
Carry these, don't leave foam without it
Don't judge people by their appearance
Free drink opportunities along the way
Sick of everyone judging everything I do
What's the sound of one hand clapping?
Body double whopper with knees, no mail
How can there be "self help groups"
I told you earlier "don't be serious"
I'm gonna win this race, well, I guess
They're gonna fire 1000 employees
When in doubt, consult your inner child
You're still living with your parents?
I'm not treated seriously, even by a dog
Red pajamas, pink pajamas, tan pajamas
Live, er... un live via satellite
Professional experience is not required
Do you know how badly you've beaten up?
Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump Complex
Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin
They left me 10% on the total minus tax
100 including the crew and passengers
Can't change your life, change your hair
Double cheese, pepperoni and anchovies
Violently violining Vienna veterinarian
Bright, large 1BR, ceil fan, tile bath
Don't you just hate being controlled?
Looking for a D D free, intelligent man
Dinkee Dee Dogfeed, its dogfood, its now
French people take a 2 hour lunch break
If you ever leave me, don't take the tv.
I'm not ugly, I'm visually challenging
Never, ever use repetitive redundancies
Pierre the ambiguous hipster of 1848
Propose, seduce, impress or apologize
Slippery slope misery hope give me a rope
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
Yearningly yodeling Yemine youth worker
Always attracting the wrong type of men
Attempt a bubble bath and a pasta dinner
Do you have to be in such a good mood?
Civil blood makes civil hands unclean
Did you eat more artichokes this week?
Encourage my reflection in the mirror
Fetish favoring freelance fisherman
Go see if your girlfriend's still home
I'm saying this not because I'm upset
It's spring according to the calendar
Left it in overnight. it shriveled up
The statute of limitation is running out
Thousand Island dressing on Caesar salad
Would you like to upsize your order?
Are you playing this with one finger?
Can't take insults like that lying down
Cheekily chanting Chinese chiropodist
Chillin' stylin' I need penicillin
I'm not that bad when you get to know me
I'm starving mom, anything to eat?
It looks like it's going to rain all day
Leave the kids in the car while gambling
Serious letter which makes you wanna die
Undeniably upset Ukrainian undertaker
All you do is boast and bad mouth others
And now for something totally different
Clipping coupons from the newspaper
Disadvantage if you were looked down on
Do you love me like I love myself?
Extremely excited expatriate exorcist
Going at warp speed is bad for your age
Good kids look both ways before crossing
Hang clothes alphabetically by designer
Is there anything odd about my family?
Life's hard, then you start paying tax
Look out! Germs! Germs! Germs!
Minor pop star could be major goofball
No! The bride can't eat eggplants!
The plan went wrong from the beginning
Warning objects larger than they appear
Your simple function is to pay the bill
An Englishman leaves his socks on in bed
Both eyes, for only $1,999
Casual conversation with the principal
Climb over the mountain in high heels
Dead end, go through at your own risk
Eat extra large fries without any guilt
He who steals pins, steals bigger things
How can I earn money without working?
If you're too short, you can't get on
Lots of new powder, 200 inch base
Love is love even if it's illicit love
Perversely pouting Polish politician
Single man, no date, Friday evening
Ten copies of a $10 bill, please
We're all going to die, aren't we?
Big family with 8 sons and 4 daughters
Distinguish reality from virtual reality
Eyeless, noseless, and mouthless face
I don't care that it's Valentine's Day
Never use it when it's not appropriate
Non offensive song by the school chef
Paperback writer, take a bath right now
Your father would've been proud of you
As a school counselor, I wanna help you
Close your yap, bo, or I squirt metal
Gaily gallivanting German gynecologist
Have you ever done the foxtrot before?
I'm always right, you're always wrong
Listening to your story makes me excited
Please refrain from smoking at all times
Privately published "my history"
We're a cog in a machine called society
What happened to your self respect?
You're always right, I'm always wrong
Expert at convincing people with tears
Happily humming Hawaiian horticulturist
Queen of the Castle, Master of the Realm
She's crafty despite her innocent looks
When the cat's away, the mice will play
Fiendishly frightening Finnish farmhand
I'm 15 years younger than I really am
I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry
Palm Beach, Llama Preach, Peach Balm
This program was brought to you by...
Why are movie sequels are always so bad?
Why do men keep running away from me?
Being dumped and driven to binge eating
Don't worry. It's all gonna be alright
Grab the ring and watch off the mannequin
Roadie motto: heart to art, hand to band
What do you drink if you stop drinking?
Carry these, don't leave foam without it
Don't judge people by their appearance
Free drink opportunities along the way
Sick of everyone judging everything I do
What's the sound of one hand clapping?
Body double whopper with knees, no mail
How can there be "self help groups"
I told you earlier "don't be serious"
I'm gonna win this race, well, I guess
They're gonna fire 1000 employees
When in doubt, consult your inner child
You're still living with your parents?
I'm not treated seriously, even by a dog
Red pajamas, pink pajamas, tan pajamas
Live, er... un live via satellite
Professional experience is not required
Do you know how badly you've beaten up?
Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump Complex
Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin
They left me 10% on the total minus tax
100 including the crew and passengers
Can't change your life, change your hair
Double cheese, pepperoni and anchovies
Violently violining Vienna veterinarian
Bright, large 1BR, ceil fan, tile bath
Don't you just hate being controlled?
Looking for a D D free, intelligent man
Dinkee Dee Dogfeed, its dogfood, its now
French people take a 2 hour lunch break
If you ever leave me, don't take the tv.
I'm not ugly, I'm visually challenging
Never, ever use repetitive redundancies
Pierre the ambiguous hipster of 1848
Propose, seduce, impress or apologize
Slippery slope misery hope give me a rope
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
Yearningly yodeling Yemine youth worker
Roadie motto: heart to art, hand to band
What do you drink if you stop drinking?
Carry these, don't leave foam without it
Don't judge people by their appearance
Free drink opportunities along the way
Sick of everyone judging everything I do
What's the sound of one hand clapping?
Body double whopper with knees, no mail
How can there be "self help groups"
I told you earlier "don't be serious"
I'm gonna win this race, well, I guess
They're gonna fire 1000 employees
When in doubt, consult your inner child
You're still living with your parents?
I'm not treated seriously, even by a dog
Red pajamas, pink pajamas, tan pajamas
Live, er... un live via satellite
Professional experience is not required
Do you know how badly you've beaten up?
Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump Complex
Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin
They left me 10% on the total minus tax
100 including the crew and passengers
Can't change your life, change your hair
Double cheese, pepperoni and anchovies
Violently violining Vienna veterinarian
Bright, large 1BR, ceil fan, tile bath
Don't you just hate being controlled?
Looking for a D D free, intelligent man
Dinkee Dee Dogfeed, its dogfood, its now
French people take a 2 hour lunch break
If you ever leave me, don't take the tv.
I'm not ugly, I'm visually challenging
Never, ever use repetitive redundancies
Pierre the ambiguous hipster of 1848
Propose, seduce, impress or apologize
Slippery slope misery hope give me a rope
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
Yearningly yodeling Yemine youth worker
You can nuke it by yourself, can't you?
Compare the price, you'll be convinced
200 day battle between parents and child
What's the noise? Tap dancing neighbor?
18,000 restaurants in New York City
Zanily zit zapping Zimbabwean zoologist
Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food?
He followed me home...can I keep him?
99% inspiration and 1% perspiration
I'm alive, you're alive, we're all alive
Roadie motto: heart to art, hand to band
What do you drink if you stop drinking?
Carry these, don't leave foam without it
Don't judge people by their appearance
Free drink opportunities along the way
Sick of everyone judging everything I do
What's the sound of one hand clapping?
Body double whopper with knees, no mail
How can there be "self help groups"
I told you earlier "don't be serious"
I'm gonna win this race, well, I guess
They're gonna fire 1000 employees
When in doubt, consult your inner child
You're still living with your parents?
I'm not treated seriously, even by a dog
Red pajamas, pink pajamas, tan pajamas
Live, er... un live via satellite
Professional experience is not required
Do you know how badly you've beaten up?
Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump Complex
Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin
They left me 10% on the total minus tax
100 including the crew and passengers
Can't change your life, change your hair
Double cheese, pepperoni and anchovies
Violently violining Vienna veterinarian
Bright, large 1BR, ceil fan, tile bath
Don't you just hate being controlled?
Looking for a D D free, intelligent man
Dinkee Dee Dogfeed, its dogfood, its now
French people take a 2 hour lunch break
If you ever leave me, don't take the tv.
I'm not ugly, I'm visually challenging
Never, ever use repetitive redundancies
Pierre the ambiguous hipster of 1848
Propose, seduce, impress or apologize
Slippery slope misery hope give me a rope
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
Yearningly yodeling Yemine youth worker
You can nuke it by yourself, can't you?
Compare the price, you'll be convinced
200 day battle between parents and child
What's the noise? Tap dancing neighbor?
18,000 restaurants in New York City
Zanily zit zapping Zimbabwean zoologist
Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food?
He followed me home...can I keep him?
99% inspiration and 1% perspiration
I'm alive, you're alive, we're all alive
You can nuke it by yourself, can't you?
Compare the price, you'll be convinced
200 day battle between parents and child
What's the noise? Tap dancing neighbor?
18,000 restaurants in New York City
Zanily zit zapping Zimbabwean zoologist
Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food?
He followed me home...can I keep him?
99% inspiration and 1% perspiration
I'm alive, you're alive, we're all alive
Don't over use exclamation marks!!!!!
2BR condo, spacious, view, 24hr drmn
Wool 50%, acrylic 40%, others 10%
You can nuke it by yourself, can't you?
Compare the price, you'll be convinced
200 day battle between parents and child
What's the noise? Tap dancing neighbor?
18,000 restaurants in New York City
Zanily zit zapping Zimbabwean zoologist
Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food?
He followed me home...can I keep him?
99% inspiration and 1% perspiration
I'm alive, you're alive, we're all alive
Don't over use exclamation marks!!!!!
2BR condo, spacious, view, 24hr drmn
Wool 50%, acrylic 40%, others 10%
You can nuke it by yourself, can't you?
Compare the price, you'll be convinced
200 day battle between parents and child
What's the noise? Tap dancing neighbor?
18,000 restaurants in New York City
Zanily zit zapping Zimbabwean zoologist
Why isn't there mouse flavored cat food?
He followed me home...can I keep him?
99% inspiration and 1% perspiration
I'm alive, you're alive, we're all alive
Don't over use exclamation marks!!!!!
2BR condo, spacious, view, 24hr drmn
Wool 50%, acrylic 40%, others 10%
1st BOSS
1st BOSS
1st BOSS
1st BOSS
Which is a State in the US?
New York
Del Monte
Weird Island
South Kansas
Which is a symptom of death?
Foul odors
In a coffin
No pulse
Quit breathing
Rotting smell
Rigor mortis
Achy bones
Crazy relatives
Extra cheese
Great cook
Huge appetite
Jamaican accent
Lives in Miami
Pink eye
Sugar coated
Which is a class in school?
Faking injuries
Igloo Building
Freudian Math
Playing Hookey
Oral Hygiene
Zits 101
Which one is a spice?
Chili powder
Some basil
Antacid tablet
Bacon fat
Ear wax
Fish food
Gopher guts
Lemon seeds
Tasteless jokes
Yucky bugs
Which one is Christmasy?
8 reindeer
Christmas Trees
Egg nog
Jingle Bells
Jolly fat guy
Santa Claus
4 Horsemen
3 Wise guys
Greek Mythology
Dead Monkeys
New Year's Eve
Santa Monica
Which is a holiday in the US?
Arbory Day
Columbus Day
Easter Sunday
Father's Day
Mother's Day
President's Day
Back to School Night
Donkey Day
Great Thursday
Judgment Day
Not this one
White Flower Day
X Mash
Your hair is on fire
Which has exactly 4 legs?
2 people
A table
2 vultures
A chair
Jumping bean
Killer bee
Nurse shark
3 people
Vampire bat
Which one is a dog?
Great Dane
Irish Setter
Pit Bull
Angry Mailman
Eager Beaver
Hot Dog
Juju Dog
Yummy Yummy
Which one lives underwater?
Blue whale
Electric eel
Giant clam
Moray eel
20,000 gallons
Fish sticks
I can't swim
Queen bees
Sea gulls
Tuna sandwich
Yellow boats
Which is a type of fish?
You eat this with your hands
Chocolate bar
Energy bar
Hot Dogs
Ice cream cone
Live scorpions
Minestrone soup
Nasal spray
Pineapple juice
Rare steak
Spinach soup
Who'd make a good date?
Boy next door
Cute girl
Nice guy
Girl next door
Hunky guy
Dead grandma
Father dear
Jail bait
The Boogeyman
Little sister
A serial killer
Older brother
Uncle Ted
Your momma
Which is a sign of Vampirism?
Coffin bed
Fanged smile
No reflection
Pale skin
You're a bat
Annoying cough
Drinks coffee
Excess hair
Goes picnicking
Tepid hands
Loves Garlic
Morning jogs
Sunbathes often
Tap dances good
Oily hair
Which rhymes with grave?
Which one is noisy?
Hungry Baby
Chinese Opera
Scolding Mom
Snoring Husband
Traffic Jams
Typing School
Baking a cake
Dropping clothes
Eating Jelly
Fighting mimes
Lazy slugs
Marching ants
Raising a smile
Vacuum tube
Which one is stinky?
Dirty feet
Fish heads
Jock strap
Monk fish
Old eggs
Nuoc mam
Bar mitzvah
Find the Constellation
Big Dipper
Dig Dipper
Jack O' Lantern
King Uranus
Little Dripper
Pig Dipper
Tiny Dipper
Which one is a tasty beverage?
Apple juice
Cow's milk
Ginger ale
Iced tea
Orange juice
Root beer
Soda pop
Bacon grease
Deadly poison
Fish guts
Ham juice
Juicy larvae
Nostril oil
Water pressure
Which is an animal noise?
Which one is hot?
The sun
Baking soda
Dry leaves
No water
Red shoe
Which one is cold?
Frozen food
Ice cream
North Pole
Cold medicine
Dry towels
Every summer
A fever
Oil lamps
Hawaiian Winter
Rain coats
Which one is 5 letters long?
Which rhymes with through?
Which contains the word "no"?
Which is a human body part?
Which word has 2 m's in it?
Which word has 2 N's in it?
Which one is an insect?
Dung beetle
Horse fly
Potato bug
Praying mantis
Flying fish
Ziggly wiggly
Lone wolf
Raving lunatic
Sweet potato
Tomato paste
Yellow teeth
Which is in the bread group?
Banana bread
French toast
Garlic bread
Raisin bread
Egg yolks
Honey mustard
Lima beans
Strawberry jam
Which is change for a dollar in US?
100 pennies
4 quarters
Ten dimes
2 half dollars
20 nickels
10 dimes
Two half dollars
Twenty nickels
Four quarts
50 pennies
31 nickels
75 pennies
80 dimes
9 dimes, 11 cents
Eight quarters
Half dollars
6 nickels, 6 dimes
Six dimes, 4 nuts
Which do you find on sushi?
Raw pork
What's in a normal sandwich?
Roast beets
Which country is in Europe?
You can drive here from Texas
Who was King of England?
What CAN'T you buy at a store?
Body parts
Land mines
True love
Natural gas
Underwire bra
Yellow shirts
Which can you play with mom?
4 Square
Gin Rummy
Go Fish
Video games
Angry Games
Deadly Games
Brushing shoes
Jealous games
Reindeer games
Spin the Bottle
Kiss chase
Truth or Dare
Wicked games
Which is a disastrous thing?
Car crash
Flaming death
Big hugs
Which food is messy?
Apple pie
Chili fries
Mu shu pork
Sloppy Joe
Brazil nut
Diaper rash
Energy bar
Something not to tell her folks
Go away
Hot mama
I'm dying
It's infected
Let's flirt
Marry me
She's hot
You suck
All right
Believe me
Cook this
Forget it
Just me
Not here
Try me
Why not?
Something to do before you go to bed
Brush teeth
Drink milk
Fluff pillows
Kiss wife
Read a book
Wear pajamas
Take a shower
Yawn a lot
Act silly
Clear throat
Exorcise ghost
Get crazy
Hold meetings
Invent wheel
Make statues
Order food
Play dead
Quit dieting
Something adults have to do
Name the girlie thing
Child birth
Big trucks
Free weights
Rescue aid
Young larvae
What is a good vacation spot?
Ski resort
Theme park
A truck stop
Dad's House
Old folks' home
Police station
Rest home
Under the bed
War Zone
How do you make people like you?
Eat them
A kid's fort would be made of
Dead animals
Fish sticks
Something that'll make a cat happy
Feed it
Love it
Pet it
Stroke it
Tuna fish
Shout at it
Bathe it
Catch it
Dump it
Evade it
Grab its tail
Ignore it
Kick it
Frown at it
Wax it
What thing will impress a woman?
Being a bore
Something that will help ease a cold?
Chicken soup
Drinking water
Good sleep
Hot bath
Lots of rest
Baking soda
Junk food
New girlfriend
Orange paint
Pig's feet
A kind of water
Which one is considered "junk food"?
Apple Pie
Banana Split
Candy Bars
Chocolate cake
Curly fries
Hot dog
Energy bar
French Toast
Green Salad
Orange juice
Protein Shake
Tofu dog
Which is a girl's name?
Which is a boy's name?
Which would you tell your dog?
Roll over
Jump up
Play dead
Act Macho
Bury Grandpa
Grow thumbs
Be cool
Ignore me
Do homework
Make dinner
Quit dieting
Type fast
Which is a mode of transport?
Expensive Yacht
Harrier Jet
Magic Carpet
Buffalo Wings
Crazy Monkeys
Dead horse
Goat cheese
Old People
Rocking Horse
Toy plane
Jumping beans
Something you can do naked
Raw fish
Which is a dinosaur?
Tyrannosaurus rex
Canker sore
Crude oil
Which is a Greek God?
Which animal is poisonous?
Black Widow
Gila Monster
King Cobra
Yellow Jacket
Dead Adder
Ex girlfriend
Mother in law
Puffed Fish
Vampire Bat
Find the important car part:
Air bag
Brake pads
Head lights
Seat belt
Steering wheel
Cell phone
Pit stop
Travel map
Which would you BBQ?
Beef ribs
Chicken legs
Filet mignon
Sea bass
Shish kebabs
Aunt Judy
Ice cream
Peanut butter
Road kill
Which is a round fruit?
Apple pie
Honey bees
Peach ice cream
Easter egg
Which can't fly far?
Flying fish
Flying squirrel
Horse fly
Sea gull
Which is in the 3 Little Pigs?
3 pigs
Big bad wolf
Brick house
Huff & puff
Stick house
Straw house
3 little pigs
2 German kids
5 bears
An old shoe
Cement store
Evil witch
Mu shu pork
Red Riding Hood
Which contains wood?
A baseball bat
A catapult
A stagecoach
A wooden plank
Oak furniture
A cherry tree
Pirate ships
Pine trees
Cherry pie
Bored people
Dried fungus
Frozen ape men
Jack O' Lanterns
Rotten eggs
Stolen radios
Which is best served cold?
A plate of sushi
Banana split
Caesar salad
Ice cream
Iced tea
Vanilla yogurt
French fries
Green mucus
Jail bait
New York Steak
Polish sausage
Tater tots
Which one is a planet?
Black Hole
Light Years
Which breathes air?
Killer whale
Sea lion
Sea otter
Sperm whale
Dead human
Nurse shark
Whale shark
Which lays eggs?
Sea turtles
Timber wolf
Which word is an adjective?
Bluish green
Brownish green
Super humanly
Which one floats?
A battleship
An oil slick
A lifejacket
A destroyer
An innertube
Ice Cubes
A fat dog
Cement Shoes
Dirty anchor
Easter eggs
Horse shoes
Large weights
Sunken Ships
Treasure Chests
Ugly rocks
Which one bounces?
Baby boy
Rubber ball
Rubber eraser
Man on the moon
Soccer ball
Apple pie
Dirty underwear
Goose eggs
A sheet of glass
A block of lard
A hod of bricks
Vegetable oil
Wet noodles
Which one rolls?
Ball bearings
Bowling ball
Domestic dogs
Boiled eggs
Brown stones
Your tongue
Jelly fish
Which one is sticky?
A loogie
A pot of honey
Chewing gum
Seeping wound
Used tissues
Bar soap
Dried Fish
Greased Pigs
A lot of zebras
Hyper Children
Which one decomposes?
A dead body
Dead fish
Dead musicians
Dog poop
Crab salad
Rotting meat
Tuna casserole
Glass eyes
Plastic bags
Yellow rocks
Which one has fingers?
Your mom
Killer bees
Nice penguins
Orphaned goats
Pig's feet
Sea gulls
Which is sharp?
Broken glass
Cheddar cheese
Kitchen knife
Throwing stars
A dull axe
Rubber spears
Dull swords
Gaping wounds
Hot peppers
Loaded guns
Open sores
Ugly ducklings
Which is edible?
Fried zucchini
Frozen bananas
Salty pretzels
Sesame seeds
Apple trees
Berry bushes
Cheesy jokes
Duck and cover
Egg shells
Goose bumps
Hog dung
Maple leaves
Orange paint
Pumpkin patch
Which one is alive?
Deadly snakes
Deadly virus
Green beans
Growing boys
Jumping beans
Apple turnovers
Baby diapers
Chicken livers
Fish heads
Human remains
Monkey business
Petrified trees
Running faucet
Sea breezes
Which one has legs?
A chicken salad
Dirty fish
Jack in the box
Llama's head
Rotten salad
Which makes you nauseous?
Castor oil
Eating raw pork
Getting seasick
Reading in cars
Roller coasters
Smelling vomit
Spinning around
The stomach flu
Funny jokes
Asinine quizzes
Helium balloons
Manhole covers
Nasty rumors
Organ concerts
Wet noodles
What's bigger than a bread box
A bakery
An oven
A baker
A refrigerator
A kitchen
A beach ball
1 muffin
French roll
Moldy bread
Old bread
Rye bread
Soggy bread
Toasted bread
Wheat bread
Yeast infection
Which food is cooked?
Apple turnover
Banana bread
Cheese omelets
Chicken fajita
Chicken salad
Raisin bread
Dried fruit
Fruit salad
Green salad
Ice cream
Which one is a plant?
Apple trees
Birch tree
Tiger lily
Family tree
Shoe tree
Ugly whales
Weird smell
Which concerns pirates?
Buried Treasure
Peg Legs
The Jolly Roger
Walk the plank
A tax write off
Daddy long legs
Furniture sales
Going jogging
Hand Grenades
Milking cows
Yellow beards
Leisure suits
Which grows on trees?
Heavy rains
Jumping freaks
Which drinks blood?
Green Leeches
Vampire Bats
Baseball bats
Easter Bunny
Ice cream
Nice Lawyers
Your mom
Which one has bones?
A field mouse
A human
A skeleton
Brown bears
Dead skunks
Monitor lizard
Your head
Chocolate cake
Killer bees
Which one can swim?
Sea snakes
Polar bears
Sea lions
Some dogs
Some people
Beach balls
Catfish gumbo
Dead fish
Goose chase
Heavy weights
Tuna Sandwich
Fish fillet
What can't you do alone?
Brag about your salary
Break up with your friend
Stand in line
Live in a commune
Fight with John
Play hide and seek
Wear his and her t shirts
Eat garlic toast
Head for the hills
Work out
Nibble as you cook
Go to church
Rush to the door
Take a cold shower
Weep with joy
Give birth
Which one is typically a gas?
Carbon dioxide
Nitrous Oxide
Liquid Nitrogen
Petroleum Jelly
Unleaded Gas
Which one is sweet?
Ice cream
Drinking water
Fried Chicken
Hot dogs
A lemon
Prune Juice
Toilet Water
Which rhymes with "go?"
Very low
How now
Old sow
Who was born first?
Ghengis Khan
Henry VIII
Joan Of Arc
Julius Caesar
Abe Lincoln
Ben Franklin
Fidel Castro
Mother Teresa
Your Mom
Richard Nixon
Which is in a music store?
Drumstick bones
Karate books
Sexy phone
Vacuum Cleaner
Which is Chinese food?
Egg Rolls
Hunan Beef
Hunan Chicken
Hunan Fish
Mu Shu Chicken
Mu Shu Pork
Sesame Chicken
Szechwan Beef
Acid Egg Roll
Belgian Waffle
California Roll
Denver Omelet
French Toast
Kung Pao Roach
Peking Dork
Turkey Burger
Wonton Juice
Yang Chow Lice
Which is breakfast food?
Denver Omelet
Ham and Eggs
Hash Browns
Asbestos Soup
Belgian Waddle
Cereal Killer
Eggs Interdict
French Toad
Grape Porridge
Grilled Spleen
Panned Cakes
Scrambled Legs
Toasted Slugs
Which is a good salad?
3 Bean Salad
Caesar Salad
Chef Salad
Chicken Salad
Egg Salad
Shrimp Salad
Spinach Salad
Tuna Salad
Butterfly Salad
Dustbunny Salad
Fruit Fly Salad
Goat Head Salad
Hamster Salad
Krabby Salad
Macarena Salad
Pinetree Salad
Raw Meat Salad
Wax Salad
Which is good for underwear?
100% Silk
100% Cotton
Cotton blend
100% Satin
Duct tape
Fish scales
Glass shards
Human bones
Poison Ivy
Wet concrete
Aminal krakrs
Arpil fool's day
Attle ray
Barf be que
Be extrmeley caerful
Be kind werind
Boogie oogie eip
Bra mitzvah
Canot spel gewd
Char boiled
Chicken her out
Chunkey munkey
Clop ulation
Con on the corb
Cot toffee
Dain brammage
Dazed and cornfused
Fish smells fishy
French flies
From alda hide
Gubble bum
Ham sandwatch
Ice creamed corn
Illiterates untie
I'm sorry ociffer
Kewl doodz
Knot a typo
La la la ra la
Leaning clady
Leisure shoot
Lind bay
Livin la vida broka
M mm mmm m mm good
Me no type gewd
Psghetti sause
Rirrom weiv raer
Root beer flute
Salad bays
Salivasbury steak
Samali sandwich
Sarp sooter
Satan's elves
Schlurred speech
Schpit when you talk
Scuba dividing
Se habla credit
Seasells shesells
See food diet
Sega ages
Shart akkact
Snow bored
Sow boarding
Speach impedimental
Speshal sauce
Steak smoothie
Suggah and spice
Supah freeak
Sweat and sour pork
Talking sleds
Tranpsoesd letres
Typning is hard
Tyrannosaurus wrecks
Untied states
Utler bay
Vwls r mssng
Weazel huntin
Waht was taht?
Whatza matter
Whose you're daddy?
The quick brown fox jumped over the
Lazy dog again and again and again
Until the dog got very angry and
Bit the fox's ass.
One of my zombie friends failed his
First driver's test last weekend.
Do you want to know why he failed?
He left his foot on the gas.
The zombies finally got a
Hockey Team together, but their
First game got called off.
There was a face off in the corner.
The other day, there were these
Two zombies eating a clown.
One zombie turns to the other and
Says, "Does this taste funny to you?"
What do you call a zombie taking a bath?
You call him Stew, of course.
How do you know if a zombie used
Your shower? The soap got bigger.
Did you know that if you finish
Typing this entire block of lines
That you will be completely
Dateless for the rest of your life?
It's not kind to tap on the glass.
If you must, then please quickly pass.
If you cannot then I urge you at last
Run hither my friend before I pass gas!
With twisted fellows my urgency comes.
With hardened laughs you gaze unto me.
I lay my hand upon yours, my sweet, and
Let out the nastiest fart you'll know.
Look there! What could it be?
Is it a man? I don't think so.
Is it a woman? No, not that either.
Let's wait to see what bathroom it uses.
Oblivious to my big brother,
I took on a decadent lover.
But when I came home, she wasn't alone
They'd apparently discovered each other.
There once was a guy from the border.
Who fancied this girl. He adored her.
To catch her eye, he unzipped his fly
And now she's got a restraining order.
Roses are red, Violets are blue
No wait... Violets aren't blue,
Violets are Violet, not blue.
Sugar! what the hell rhymes with violet?
Once upon a time, I was in an elevator.
I just finished eating a plate of beans.
The urge was overwhelming...
Didn't make any friends that day.
My job requires driving a fancy car.
People with their lights on follow me.
But I can usually lose them.
Before we get to the cemetery.
I think the skunk really gets a bad rap.
He's nothing compared to the shark.
Maybe they'd get along together?
Perhaps they could have tea?
Alexander wasn't so great.
Ivan wasn't really so terrible.
You want to see something terrible?
Let me show you my sister.
There are some things in life
I just can't seem to understand.
Like why do hot dogs come in packs of 10
And the buns come in packs of 8...
Something smells funny in here.
Can it be the gum on the floor?
Or is it the old fish in the corner?
It might also be me. I stink!
Sometimes I like to watch butterflies.
They flutter by, pulled by the wind.
I often wonder what they taste like.
Maybe they taste just like chicken.
Are you the devil's spawn?
Cause you look really HOT!
Is your Mom a terrorist?
Cause, Baby, you're the BOMB!
My feet kill me, when I walk a lot.
My eyes kill me, when I play games.
My head hurts me when I think.
I shouldn't do anything. Ever.
Things are looking better.
If you look really closely,
Anyone can look sexy.
Thank goodness for make up.
There's something fishy in my soup.
I dug in deeper for a better look
And was very surprised when my spoon
Looked right back at me.
I am always wet and sticky, and
When the lights go down,
Hundreds of people touch me,
Because I'm a floor in a movie theater.
Cultural differences are a farce.
Everyone is the same, underneath.
Especially underneath their clothes.
We all look funny naked.
My cat rolled off the bed.
My cat flew out the window.
I'm in love with my cat.
I don't think I'm her type, though.
Forget hairspray   nothing holds hair
Like good, old fashioned lard.
It holds my hair in place,
Nice and good   oh yeah!
My mom... She won't even talk about it.
So little did I know that on Halloween,
when I wore an alien costume,
She nearly passed out from fright.
There's millions of us on a long trip.
We all have the same goal.
We're traveling in a primordial goo.
Because we're all germs in a sneeze.
Touching zombies is really disgusting.
It reminds me of when I was young.
I walked barefoot after it rained.
I stepped on two snails and a slug.
Picking scabs is my favorite past time.
It keeps me busy all day long.
It's not the picking that excites me.
It's seeing what's growing underneath.
I hope this doesn't freak you out.
The average adult has eaten 8 spiders.
Spiders like moist, dark, small, places,
Like your mouth when you are sleeping.
They say the early bird gets the worm.
Ideally, I like to sleep in until noon.
There isn't really a whole lot you
Can do with a stupid worm, anyway.
On behalf of all zombies, I'd like to
Issue the following statement.
Typing doesn't kill people.
But it seems to kill lots of zombies.
If I were a really curious chicken,
And there was an uncrossable road,
And the road was really dangerous,
I'd be too chicken to cross it.
You know when you lean back in a chair,
And the chair starts to fall backwards,
And you catch yourself before you fall?
I feel like that when I dance at a club.
There's nothing funnier than getting
Into an elevator in a 50 story building,
Pressing every button on the panel,
And getting off on the second floor.
Everyone in the restaurant is confused.
The men are looking at the women.
The women are looking at the men.
I switched signs on the bathroom doors.
It's a really really hot day today.
But nobody is swimming in the pool.
I don't know why they aren't swimming.
Maybe we should put water in the pool.
That funny little man is hopping.
Hopping up and down on one leg.
He seems very angry right now, because
I sewed one of his pant legs closed.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg
The egg couldn't exist without a chicken
But the chicken had to come from an egg
Whatever, I like to eat both of them...
How come they say crazy people are nuts?
Everyone knows most nuts have shells.
People also try to get shy people to
Come out of their shells. Are they nuts?
My daddy is a plastic surgeon...
He makes really ugly people look pretty.
He makes old people look young again.
Mommy wishes that he'd work on himself.
I like when you reach into your pocket
And find a big wad of money.
It's a lot better than reaching in and
Finding a big wad of used tissue.
I climbed to the top of a mountain.
I spoke to a very wise old man.
He told me the meaning of life...
But I can't get down from the mountain.
One time at camp, I yawned and
This squishy bug flew in my mouth.
So I gave it a name. I named it gmbubu
Hard to talk with a bug in your mouth.
When I was just a little kid,
I asked my grandpa why he was bald.
His answer made a lot of sense. He said,
"Grandma gave me too many headaches."
People who ride motorcycles always
Get a bunch of bugs in their teeth.
Why don't spiders ride motorcycles?
They wouldn't have to make those webs.
On my birthday, my dad got me a pinata.
It looked just like a bee hive.
I hit it and realized it wasn't a pinata
My dad was really funny that way.
The kids down the street got in trouble.
I can't stop laughing, because
I gave them a map of the cemetery, and
Told them it was for buried treasure.
I am really against people wearing fur.
Because of the slaughter of animals.
I am even more against fake fur.
Because they kill stuffed animals.
For my friend's birthday present,
I mailed her a little bunny rabbit.
She was sad when she got it, because
I forgot to poke air holes in the box.
I just had my high school graduation.
At the end of the ceremony, I got happy.
I threw my cap in the air, and
When I looked up, it hit me in the eye.
These two guys walk into a bar.
The first guy looks at the second guy
And says, "You didn't see it either?"
Get it? It was a metal bar! Ha Ha!
If you have a goose and add another,
You end up with some geese.
If you have a moose and add another,
Do you end up with some meese?
My face really hurts a lot today.
I guess it's because I shaved.
But I couldn't find my razor.
So I had to use a cheese grater.
Playing this game is quite fun.
No joystick or trackball or gun.
Typing with skill, many zombies you kill
But if not you had better just run!
There was an echidna from Vegas,
Whose hairstyle was loud and outrageous,
When asked by cops, why the dreadlocks
He told them the idea was Sega's.
When told of his impending doom
The condemned man responded "How Soon?"
Could he decide while he was still alive
"A grave or an urn or a tomb?"
Here's a bit of advice on dating.
When you first pick up a girl,
Take a look at her mom, because that's
What she'll look like when she's older.
What do soccer playing zombies shout,
If they score against the opposing team
By getting the ball into the net?
You know what, people are like water.
Some are deep, others are shallow.
Some cause ripples, others waves.
Me, I just like to pull the plug.
Cannibalism is a crime against nature.
You never see chickens eat eggs.
You never see cows eat steak.
You never see lawyers eat snakes.
Brush your teeth! Wash your hands!
Do your homework! Go to school!
Find a job! Aren't you married yet?
When will my mom leave me alone?
If I were a 2000 year old gambler, and
I was at the David vs. Goliath fight,
I would have bet on Goliath.
I still think that fight was fixed.
I have a brand new red sports car.
I keep it bright and shiny all the time.
I think I'll just stand here next to it.
And wait for someone to notice me.
There are lots of predators in nature.
Lions hunt down and kill gazelle.
Sharks chase down sea lions and eat them
Kids with magnifying glasses burn ants.
How many times do I need to tell you?
I can't believe you still don't get it!
What part of this don't you understand.
I just don't want to return your money!
If only I were a little bit taller,
If only I were a little more handsome,
If only I could be a little funnier,
Then maybe I could be more confident.
If Little Johnny has ten dollars,
And buys two apples for $1 each,
And two $4 packs of cigarettes,
He's going to be in deep trouble.
Use caution when pumping gasoline.
Turn off your engine. Do not smoke.
Do not operate the flamethrower
Without proper supervision.
You must find that beautiful woman.
The only clue is the size of her shoe.
Isn't that a little risky, though?
Doesn't anyone remember her face?
What would I do with 10 billion dollars?
I'd stand on top of a building, and
Throw away a million dollars every day.
I could keep doing that for 28 years!
Mommy, Brian just kicked me!
No I didn't, Mark's lying!
Mark, I told you not to lie.
And Brian, no more kicking.
I grew up speaking English and Swedish.
I learned German and Chinese in school.
I can speak Italian and Korean, too.
Why did I have to fall for a Frenchman?
Hello, thank you for calling 555 3928.
Your call is very important to us.
At the sound of the click and dial tone,
Please leave your name and message.
Lots of people work out at the gym,
But it's such a waste of energy.
If gyms were hooked up to generators,
You could probably power a small city.
If I were smarter, I'd be a scholar.
If I were bigger, I could play football.
If I were faster, I could be a runner.
If I were any lazier, I'd be comatose.
My parents never let me play videogames.
When I grew up, I got a job at SEGA.
Now I'm a vice president, but every day
My Dad asks when I'm getting a real job.
We men will never understand women.
It's not because we're all that stupid
Or because we're from different planets.
It's just 'cause women don't want us to.
If women are always right,
And men are always wrong,
What happens if two women
Disagree about something?
Do you ever get out of the shower
And stand in front of the mirror?
You know, butt naked? Wet?
You don't? Never mind.
A friend of mine hates to exercise.
She hates being tired and sweaty.
But she really enjoys swimming.
At least she's not sweaty, she says.
Thank you for purchasing this product.
It has been manufactured and packaged
With the utmost care, so make sure
That you take good care of it.
Hi, what can I get for you today?
Okay, how about fries with that?
No? Are you on a diet or something?
It's not going to do you any good.
I enjoy watching science fiction movies.
The people in them explore the galaxy.
They find exciting alien civilizations,
And then annihilate them with lasers.
Warning: This game may contain
Depictions of gore and violence.
If you are age 17 or younger,
Please play with your eyes closed.
In today's news, the President
Announced the creation of
A new government committee
To review and rate swimsuits.
My brother has a comic book collection.
He says it's worth a lot of money.
I bet he'll be happy when he finds out
That I colored all the pictures for him.
Do you think I should buy this jacket?
It's such a good deal! It's 70% off!
I live in Hawaii and I'll never wear it.
But for 70% off, I just have to buy it!
I don't feel like watching TV.
I can't concentrate on reading.
All I can do is just sit, and wait.
She said she would call... she said...
Uranium is an important material,
But its radiation can be dangerous.
Use caution when working with it,
And you probably shouldn't lick it.
Hi, it's me. Are you still mad at me?
How come you still won't talk to me?
How on earth was I supposed to know
That girl I kissed was your sister?
Little Ms. Muffet sat on her tuffet
Eating her curds and whey
Along came a spider, he sat down besider
And she ate him for dessert!
I played a little joke on my cat.
I filled his litter box with quicksand.
I don't know if my cat liked it.
I haven't seen him in weeks.
What's the difference between...
Neurotic people and psychotic people?
Neurotics build castles in the sky,
And psychotics live in them.
Chopping onions always makes me cry.
Every time the cleaver falls,
I am overcome with sadness.
That's because I was raised by onions.
I got kicked out of the zoo yesterday.
Those zoo people have no sense of humor.
I went there with a good costume...
I was dressed as a hunter on safari.
I wonder which parent I look like,
I have my mother's eyes, and
My father's nose, and ears.
I keep them in a jar under my bed.
I shudder to think about my drink..
My friends were sharing, oh how caring,
But I wasn't fast, now I'm the last
And 85% of the last sip is backwash.
People think I'm a weirdo.
I like to sit and think about stuff.
What would a chair look like if
Your knees bent the other way?
I think my dog is starting to get old.
My mom says that she's still a puppy.
But my dog falls down all the time.
Especially when I try to ride her.
I had a nice picnic with my girlfriend.
We had plenty of really good food.
We had a really great time
Until the ants decided to eat her.
Jack isn't so nimble, Jack ain't quick
Jack tried to jump over the candle stick
Jack jumped high, the flames were higher
And now Jack just walks around them.
I still remember my first date,
But she never called me again.
I thought it went well, but I guess she
Didn't like my ventriloquist's dummy.
My dog was making noise all night long.
I don't think he likes the neighbors.
They were throwing stuff at him.
I understand, he's a bad piano player.
I don't have to go shopping anymore.
I've been eating all kinds of poultry.
I just keep my sliding glass door clean.
And put the birdfeeder on the inside.
Some people told me my head was as hard
As a rock. I tried to prove them wrong.
So I hit my head with some rocks.
Now I can't remember who they were.
You know, I used to like snakes.
They're very cool, they slither around.
But one day, I went to the zoo.
And a bunch of them stole my car!
Aren't dinosaurs really cool?
They lived a long time ago.
But no one knows how they died.
Maybe tar pits looked relaxing.
Why does he get all the women?
Is he that much better looking than me?
Is he that much funnier than me?
Oh, I get it, he's their brother...
Why am I at work on a Saturday?
The sun's out! Flowers are blooming!
Birds are chirping! The hills are green!
I should be home watching TV instead.
I see them in the park all the time.
Those sad silent clowns trapped in boxes
But you know, they talk to me.
Because I throw stuff at them.
I love school. I'm really popular!
I have a really awesome car!
I'm dating the head cheerleader.
You know you want to be me.
No, thank you, I don't eat meat.
Fish? No, I really can't eat fish.
I don't like vegetables, either.
Anyway, don't you have any chocolate?
Please, please I need your help!
I've been trapped in here for days.
I'm hungry and stinky right now...
Please get me out of this typing game!
I ate too much pizza, but it's okay,
Because I went running this morning.
I think I'll have 5 desserts, too,
I'm hungry... so very hungry...
I'm too hungry to cook anything.
I'm too hungry to go out for food.
Here kitty kitty kitty...
My brother always gives me presents.
Birthdays, holidays, and sometimes
For absolutely no apparent reason.
I wonder what he'll steal next?
I really love wrestling practice.
I'm not officially on the team yet.
But I practice a lot at the mall.
Clotheslining people on the escalators.
Thinking of raisins makes me smile.
They are so small and wrinkled.
I get so happy when I think of them.
They remind me of grandma in a bikini.
I think I'll sit by my huge pool,
Drive my gold plated sports car,
And prank call my old boss.
Stock options have been very good to me.
Jack and Jill went up the hill,
To settle a little dispute...
Jack fell down, and broke his crown,
And Jill got 5 years for assault.
Why does everyone have a cell phone?
It's like they're on an electronic leash
I don't carry a cell phone, but I
Make sure my wife always has hers.
The other day, I saw this anteater.
He was really really overweight.
And then I started to wonder what
It would eat if it was on a diet.
At school, the kids make fun of me.
I just stopped eating globs of paste.
I also just stopped wetting the bed too.
Good thing I graduate next week.
See my lovely girlfriend put me in a box
See her put swords through the box.
There's a problem, she's not a magician.
I think I need to go see a doctor!
I think I'm going to quit my job.
I can't hear that well anymore.
My chest and stomach hurt a lot.
Testing bullet proof vests isn't fun.
I must be the unluckiest vampire ever.
I never should have gotten married.
My wife got mad at me and replaced
My coffin with a tanning booth.
Oh, how I love eating Birthday Cake,
But sometimes the cake burns my mouth.
I guess I should wait until it cools off
Or blow the candles out before I eat it.
Is there a reason my stomach is queasy?
The answer to this question isn't easy.
Maybe it was the eggs with peanut butter
Or the hot fudge anchovy milkshake.
2 story newer home in nice area,
With 4 bedrooms and 2 baths.
Features sunny patio, new kitchen,
And a fully equipped dungeon below.
I'm too shy to talk to her in real life,
But at night, I can dream about her...
That's only when I'm lucky, though.
Other nights, I dream of crazed monkeys.
No finance charges will be incurred
And no minimum monthly payment is needed
If you pay the full amount up front,
And give us your car and house and kids.
The standard maintenance plan
For your new car covers any damage
For 60 months, 60,000 miles, or
Until Friday, whichever comes first.
Job requirements: College degree,
Excellent communication skills,
And extensive experience with
Flattery, gossip and backstabbing.
When you're walking down the street
And recognize someone you know,
It's hard to tell when to say hi...
Especially if you're near sighted.
If I ever get married, I want to find
Someone raised by a single father.
At least that would save me the trouble
Of wanting my mother in law dead.
I wish the voices in my head
Would just leave me alone!
Except for the one that tells me
The answers to my history tests.
If ancient Greek gods were alive today,
What would they do for a living?
Maybe Hermes could be a bike messenger.
Maybe Zeus could be an electrician.
To the eyes, my family don't please.
We had our last reunion at the zoo.
The monkeys came down from the trees.
And I couldn't tell who was who.
I think candy sprinkles are the best!
I bring them to the beach with me.
I like to throw them at sunbathers.
Because they stick to sun tan lotion.
She loves me, she loves me not.
She loves me. Yes! She loves me not. Aww
She loves me! Yes! She loves me!
Oh, look what I've done to the spider!
I was disgusted yesterday at breakfast.
I was on my last piece of raisin toast,
When I made a startling discovery.
I wasn't eating raisin bread.
Have you ever thought about cloning?
Wouldn't it be neat to have a clone?
There'd only be one problem though.
Which one would pay for the milk?
Wow, look at that train over there.
It's coming really really fast and loud.
But my foot's stuck on the track.
Goodbye! Tell my mom that I loved her!
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all of his men
Had a huge breakfast that morning.
I call for help, but they can't hear me.
I'm stuck in this box. I can't get out.
I'm starting to wish that I didn't
Quit mime school after the first day.
Ding dong
Ping pong
Bang bang
Agar agar
Ring a ding
Net net
Do I know you?
Am I late?
Have time?
Wanna come in?
Going to where?
Are you sure?
Your name was
Did I wake you up?
Give me a kiss
Ready yet?
Clop clop
Arf arf
Cluck cluck
Baa baa
Peep peep
Quack quack
Croak croak
Oink oink
Spare me some change
Buy me that car
Gimme gimme gimme
I need new clothes
Would you, please?
Please pay my rent
Treat me a dinner
Buy me some gadgets
Hand me your money
Put it on his credit
Life is hell
Boring as hell
My job is hell
Eating is hell
Living is hell
Short of savings
Got no hope
Nothing but time
Lack of aim
Can't die either
Here's some pork
Some more?
This is really good
Eat some beef, too
Have some miso soup
You're not full yet
A wafer thin mint?
Chew your food well
Have some vegetables
Who's paying for it?
Who is he?
Human being
Looks young
Maybe too young
It's alive
So cute
He's my type
I think he likes me
You found me
Gonna kill me?
Don't shoot!
Hold on a sec
You rat!
Go ahead
Try and get me
Do whatever you want
What the heck
Wanna eat chicken
Chicken divan
Teriyaki chicken
Fried chicken
Deep fried chicken
Grilled chicken
BBQ chicken
Steamed chicken
Chicken cacciatore
On the table
Oh no!
Now what?
Oh my!
No way
Fresh tomato
Black olive
Italian sausage
Crispy bacon
Double cheese
Mmm yummy
Travel agent
Heebie jeebies
Boogie woogie
Dingle dangle
Rumpy pumpy
Ticky tacky
Only lonely
Razzle dazzle
Walkie talkie
Hustle bustle
Samba rhythm
Collective agreement
Deferred payment
Self improvement
Over employment
Foundation garment
Bargain basement
Sexual harassment
Old gold
Iron mold
Not yet sold
I'm on hold
Barrel roll
Muster roll
Blanket roll
Toilet roll
Patent roll
Rock n roll
Spring roll
E mail
T shirt
G man
U boat
P wave
X rated
V neck
U turn
O boy
T bone steak
No way
Minute hand
Old hand
Glad hand
Dead hand
Master hand
Invisible hand
Gimme a big hand
Potato skin
Chicken finger
Another radish
Onion ring
More radish
Garlic toast
Assorted cheese
Check please
Hansel and Gretel
Bonnie and Clyde
Jack and Jill
Sonic and Knuckles
Romeo and Juliet
Hamlet and York
Aladdin and lamp
Ahab and Moby Dick
Ham and Cheese
Salt and Pepper
Flash floods
10 Car pileups
Swarm of locusts
Nuclear Meltdown
Junior Prom
Dress right
Right face
Left face
About face
Forward march
On the double
At ease
Get lost
Bare to dare
Dare to care
Care to wear
Wear to tear
Torn to shreds
Be so crude
In the nude
Shred it dude
Looking lewd
Bad attitude
Gore blimey
Its tiny
So shiny
Too cruel
And briny
Don't complain
She's whiny
Plain Jane
You're a pain
Ball n chain
Key Largo
No cargo
Air cargo
Lost my keys
Stung like bees
On high seas
Ill at ease
Guts do seize
She do tease
Cut the cheese
Babe to squeeze
Girl to please
Social disease
Crap trancer
Lap glancer
Nap cancer
Zap cancer
Clap lancer
Trap answer
Wrap dancer
Gap dancer
Rap stancer
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
John F. Kennedy
Teddy Roosevelt
Andrew Jackson
John Quincy Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Hillary Clinton
Egg plant
No meat here
Time emit
Yam may
Drawer reward
Looter retool
Pupils slipup
Step pets
Repaid diaper
But tub
Cod doc
Naps span
Fort Knox
Shopping spree
Flower Power
Brush your teeth
Comb your hair
Make your bed
Did you flush?
Watch your mouth
Eat your carrots
Clean your room
Do your homework
Wash your hands
I'm not your mother!
No way
Not sure
Split ends
Cry baby
Teary eyed
Just got dumped
Smart alec
Bad boy
Loud mouth
Fancy pants
Little rascal
Spoiled brat
Tough pants
Ugly kid
Young punk
Meant to be
In the stars
Just my luck
Cha cha
2 left feet
West side
Top row
Morning star
Pole arm
Run and hide
Danish Blue
Sea gull
Gonna be sick
French horn
Don't blow it
Sonic the Hedgehog
Jet Grind Radio
Crazy Taxi
Sega Rally
Virtua Fighter
Typing of the Dead
House of the Dead
Space Harrier
What does valentine's day mean to you?
A romantic evening with your true love
Torment if you are single
Mind your own business
Describe the last movie that you saw:
It had lots of explosions and guns
A cartoon where animals sang badly
Tear jerking drama where everyone died
Describe your favorite food
Low calorie no fun healthy stuff
I had to catch it and bite its head off
Still chewing it right now
Describe the person next to you:
Goofy slacker who needs to get a life
My better half. My soulmate
Nobody is next to me because I stink
What is your favorite zoo animal?
I love the poop throwing monkeys
Watching the tigers eat too much meat
Personally, I prefer pachyderms
How do you feel about your family?
They're a bunch of thieving pigs
Without them, I wouldn't be here today
Dysfunctional, completely dysfunctional
An angry mob is chasing someone. You...
Rush immediately to help the person
Suddenly want to go for a haircut
Pick up a stick and join the mob
There's smut on the ground, you...
Immediately burn it and go to church
Debate the vices of porn with a passerby
File it in your vast collection
You get an F on your report card, you?
Sue the publishers of your textbook
Leave the country and change your name
Blackmail your teacher and get an A
3 thugs approach you in an alley...
Run away like a scared little girl
Act crazy so they'll leave you alone
Open up an econo sized can o' whup ass
Your parents go on vacation, you...
Clean the house to make them happy
It's time to have a raging party!
Snoop around the house for porn
By accident, you access an adult website
Heavens to Betsy! Oh the shame!
Bookmark it, categorize it, and file it
Who are we kidding, this was no accident
What is that eye crust in the morning?
It's just some sand from the sand man
Evidence that aliens anally probed you
The start of a balanced breakfast!
On a 1st date, you need to fart, you...
Hold it until the end of the date
Run to the bathroom and let er rip
Unleash your magnificent bowels
Political Correctness...
Is an oxymoron!
Turns little words into big stupid ones
Oppresses everyone equally so it's good
Your date has a booger, you...
Subtly rub your finger under your nose
Yell, "Oh crap! You got a booger!"
Don't do anything. It's kinda sexy!
Golf is...
An entertaining game based on skill
Really Demolition Derby in Golf Carts!
I'd say it's seventeen holes too long
Worse than finding a worm in an apple...
Finding half of a worm
Discovering it in your mouth
Worms in your armpit!
How to tell if your dog is healthy
Lots of energy and a shiny coat
Eats like a horse and runs like a deer
He bites you hard and laughs
The hardest thing to do...
Eating tuna and doing 100 push ups
Waking up early without an alarm clock
Telling your father that you love him
You are most afraid of...
Giving a speech in front of a crowd
The boogie man who lives in your closet
Spiders Spiders Spiders Spiders Spiders
What do you look for in a mate?
Good looks and gullability
Sense of humor and lots of money
Brains and good hygiene
How would you rate this game?
Perfect 10, the best game ever!
6 out of 10, not bad I guess...
2 out of 10, I want my money back!
Where are you going after this?
Home to my loving family
Back home, to play videogames alone
I'm not going to answer that question
Pick your ideal boss
Someone who gives me lots of money!
A prankster with a whoopee cushion!
One who doesn't see me come in late
What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
They're just... cold sores
You're special, the only one for me
I got my degree from Harvard
Describe yourself as a child
Enjoyed pulling heads off of insects
Talked to imaginary friends all day
Believed parents were evil aliens
Things you love to hate:
Models your lover thinks are cute
Athletes who are stronger than you
The Emperor Boss in this game
Ways to make your mother cry:
Tell her you don't love her
Say she'll be a grandma soon
Chop onions under her nose
Reasons not to sit down:
There's a wad of gum on the seat
No seat on your bike
You've recently been spanked
Things you do alone in bed:
Make a huge fort with sheets
Pretend you are in the hospital
Cuddle your teddy bear, Aww!
Another way to say 'I love you':
Leave flowers in the boudoir
Call a radio station and dedicate a song
Scream it in your date's ear!
Ways to prove you like her friends?
Write thank you notes after every visit
Fix them an elaborate dinner
Hit on them shamelessly
Things to do when you're bored:
Read that novel that you keep meaning to
Prank call the annoying people from work
Search for that one last missing sock
You know you're a loser when...
You won't give yourself your number
The teeth in your mouth go on strike
Nobody else likes you... Loser!
When you go to the beach, you like to:
Ogle the half nude bipeds around you
Lay in the sun and acquire skin cancer
Make sand castles and act like a giant!
When you look at the clouds, you see...
Big gigantic fuzzy animal shapes
Stratocumulus and cirrus clouds, duh
Nothing, been staring at the sun too
When you aren't in an arcade, you...
Cruise for girls in your sportscar
Dress up your pets and party
Stay home and play more video games
What's your goal in life?
I want to get rich and buy Europe
Take over the world and enslave humanity
Count the number of hairs in my armpit
How can you tell when your wife's upset?
An uneasy silence, and cold glares
She keeps throwing furniture at me
When I woke up today my bed was on fire
What's your ideal night out?
A quiet dinner and romantic movie
Burgers, beer and a monster truck rally
Ski masks, shotguns and a car chase
Why don't you have a girlfriend yet?
What do you mean? I have a girlfriend!
Because I don't particularly want one
Just leave me alone, Mom?
How many children would you want?
One, to save on time and money
Two, so they can keep each other company
Four, for tag team wrestling at home
Which kind of superpower would you want?
Invisibility, to save on clothing costs
Wings, to save on bus fare
Telepathy, to save on phone bills
You're on a date, and you fart. You...
Apologize, and change the subject
Blame it on the person at the next table
Loudly accuse your date of passing gas
What would your autobiography be called?
My Journey to Nowhere in Particular
Adventure and Romance in the Big City
How to Be Evil and Get Away With It
Describe your fighting skills
Strong as a butterfly, fast as a sloth
Quick as an oyster, graceful as a rhino
Fierce as a koala, powerful as a bunny
If you kissed a frog, it'd turn into a
Prince, with a horse and castle
Doctor, with a sports car and mansion
Fashion model, with absolutely nothing
What's pi?
Something about a circle and a ratio
A tasty pastry filled with some fruit
What would you risk for love?
My money, my work, my future, my life
Depends on the person, I guess...
Up to five dollars, no more than that
Would you walk alone in a dark alley?
Yes, I'm a black belt in 3 martial arts
I'm a world class sprinter, so I'd be OK
Of course! I mug people for a living!
Does this dress make me look fat?
Actually, the fat makes you look fat
Well, uh, what do you mean by fat?
I, um... AGH! My leg! Call an ambulance!
If the world was ending, you would...
Loot and pillage. Because, er, why not?
Park in a red zone. No one can stop me!
Keep playing this game. I'm almost done!
Why are you playing this game?
To practice typing so I can get a job
Just because I think zombies are cute
I thought it was House of the Dead 2
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A superhero. Or maybe a huge dragon
I don't know. Something cool, though
Old. With a gut, and a lot less hair
How do you feel right now?
Fine, but my hands are really tired
My fingers are starting to cramp up
I'm nauseous, but I'm almost done!
What do you think of zombies?
Cute, in a warm and cuddly sort of way
Beautiful, in an avant garde sort of way
Attractive, in a nihilistic sort of way
How do you feel about your parents?
I wish they'd given me better genes
This question's too personal, I think
Actually, my middle name is Oedipus
Do you get enough exercise?
I should run a few more laps every day
Every day, I play sports videogames
Absolutely yes... starting tomorrow
Which sport would you participate in?
Rugby, against a team of sumo wrestlers
Soccer, against a team of kickboxers
Water polo, against a team of sharks
What do you do to help the environment?
Try to conserve water by not bathing
Save electricity by living in the dark
I make my own electricity at home
What kind of soldier would you be?
Fighting valiantly on the front lines
Courageously hiding behind a large rock
Bravely running away as fast as possible
Which one would taste better?
Spaghetti with yogurt instead of sauce
Fresh fruit, ice cream and ground beef
Orange juice with cream and garlic
Which car would you rather drive?
Excellent acceleration, but no brakes
Great handling, but no steering wheel
Nice paint, but it's on the windows too
Which game is the most annoying?
3 weeks of gameplay, 3 second ending
Crashes right before the final boss
Beautiful graphics, crappy controls
Do you like to live dangerously?
Yes, I take naps on railroad tracks
All my money is in Internet stocks
I'm always 100% honest with my wife
How do you know she's the one for you?
I feel weak when she puts on a bikini!
We get along well, and have a lot of fun
She looked at me! She just looked at me!
What's the best way to attract women?
Good clothes, good hair and a nice smile
Wear her clothes and look better in them
Drink a lot of beer and belch real loud
If you were an animal, you'd be a...
Vulture, looking for carrion to snack on
Rat, scurrying around kitchens for food
Dog, because fetch is a cool game
Describe your ideal summer vacation
Stranded on a beautiful Pacific island
Lost in the middle of an exotic jungle
Being a judge for a swimsuit competition

All Typing of the Dead Lists: phrases, words, groups, 3+ characters, 2-letter words, full list

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This list was generated from the Dreamcast version of Typing of the Dead. More details here.