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Installing and setting up Jupyter Notebook

Checking your Python install

You might want to start by running which python and python --version to make sure it looks like the "right" Python is being used. It is a pyenv Python, just like it should be? Does the version look good?

If not, you'll want to check the Python installation guide.

Install Jupyter

You can install Jupyter Notebook with the following command:

pip install jupyter
pip install jupyter
pyenv rehash

It might be quick, it might be slow, but hopefully it eventually finishes without any errors! Don't worry if it yells WARN about pip versions or something, it's no big deal unless it actually says ERR or ERROR.

Confirm it worked

Run the following command to try to check Jupyer's version number.

jupyter --version

If it says "command not found," it didn't work. If it says anything else, you're okay.

Setting your Python as the Jupyter Python

When you have multiple versions of Python on your computer, it turns out that sometimes the command line Python and the Jupyter Python don't match up.

pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user

Confirm it worked

Run the following command to check the list of Pythons attached to Jupyter.

jupyter kernelspec list --json

Skim through the awful, awful bushel of text it presents to you. Do you see .pyenv somewhere in it? If so, it worked.